Feedback Wanted for a New Grocery Shopping List Website - We Just Launched

Last week we launched our grocery comparison website, after one year in beta testing.

The founder, Ramzi, he came up with the idea when he didn't have enough money to feed his family of five boys. He would spend hours scouring the catalogues each week just to try and put food on the table. And the hours he spent doing this, were fewer hours spent with his kids.

I know there are quite a few price comparison and price alert websites and apps out there, so we have tried to find a way to be different - a grocery shopping list that automatically updates with the lowest prices.

We want to help people save money, but also save people heaps of time in the process. A lot of people we spoke to compare prices manually and can spend upwards of 5 hours a week researching. If you spend time comparing prices, we'd really appreciate your product review - to tell us what we got right and what we got wrong and what else we should do!

A few shopper highlights are:

  • a Shopping List that you can add / remove items from. Each time you check it, it updates with the lowest prices

  • Listory (your list history) that displays any item you have ever added to a shopping list. So each week you can check that, and if prices are on sale, simply add it to your active shopping list, and

  • unit price comparison (within a product category)

We are trying to set up 30%+ price alerts based off shopping lists so hopefully that will come soon.

It's been an epic amount of work and we still have a massive amount of work still to go before we have a final product. But, we have launched the site because we hope that some people can get value now. (…but we'll let you be the judge!)

If you are keen to provide your expert shopping opinion, I would be very grateful. Checkout

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  • Maybe if Ramzi spent the hours scouring catalogues working a job, he wouldn't have to be so frugl.

  • -2

    So far my five minutes of using your website are great. I honestly wish someone would do the same for the standard Aldi products/prices. I was so bummed when Aldi ditched their listed prices online for their ENTIRE stock range (not just the weekly specials), because I'd like to compare Aldi prices alongside the Woolies/Coles ones too.

    • How can you compare Aldi prices when they are all generic private label brands?

      • You're right, I was going to edit my comment just now to say that although it's not a direct comparison of identical product, it would be handy to have the Aldi prices online somewhere to do a quick comparison and/or make a shopping list.

        I am curious whether the Coles prices listed on frugl are the in-store prices or the online shopping prices, because the online listed price has often been higher because Coles builds the extra cost of groceries delivery into their online prices.

        • Coles builds the extra cost of groceries delivery into their online prices.

          Evidence of this? They charge $10 delivery.

        • @John Kimble:
          I stand corrected! I had heard it reported before and my idle searches always seemed to show Coles' products as more expensive than Woolworths, but you made me check and it looks like Coles has better prices on some things, so bravo to frugl for making it all easier to check and save a few $$ on those special items that I can't get at Aldi.

        • It's a mix of both online and instore prices. Baby steps for now.

        • It's not true all their products are generic/Aldi. Just a few I remember are Tim Tams, Mr Chen's prawn hargow, cadbury chocolate, and the same brand of ducks ozbargainers go crazy over when on sale are that price every day at Aldi.
        • Who cares what brand sugar, salt, flour, cream, fish fillets, prawns, frozen peas, beans, corn, etc. are.
        • They also sell beef, pork, chicken, fruit, vegetables… which have no brand.
        • Their generic brand is more often that not, as good or better than brand products. e.g. Their chunky meat pies are the same price as ColesWorths cheap and nasty ones, but equal in quality to the more expensive premium brands.
    • +4

      How were your 51 minutes of using OzBargain before that?

  • I can see some potential problems with both Coles and Woolworths not using the same naming conventions in listing their identical products online, if that's where frugl is getting their info.
    For example:
    Rexona Hypo-Allergenic Deodorant 250ml is listed separately on frugl as only being available at either store at separate prices, no direct comparison there even though they are identical product.

    • Yeah, that is a problem for some products we've yet to resolve.

      • +1

        Good lord, you've never heard of barcodes?

        If you had money you could buy the database.

        Barcode is your primary identifier, you then add whatever Coles\Woolies\Aldi\etc use as their ID online.

        Then you link together identical products, eg 1kg sugar store branded for your comparison, as well as the same product in different sizes ranked by the $/100g price.

        • I'm guessing they don't have money, judging by the fact they are here and haven't monetised it yet. They are trying to make money!

        • @John Kimble: If they (well, Ramzi) don't figure out how to manage their data they're be finding lack of time their biggest problem.

          They'll be needing to scrape Amazon soon as well.

          There are assorted barcode lookup sites around.

  • Are you going to try to monetize this somehow?

    • Yeah for sure. Once we have a basic version working, we'll trial some premium features. But we have a ways to go with getting the basics working smoothly for now.

  • Had a quick go, Can see this being quite helpful. Very quick and responsive to. +1

    • Cool, thanks for checking it out. Sometimes it runs a bit slow, so good to know you had a good experience. Let me know if you encounter any issues if you use it again.

  • +2

    The founder, Ramzi, he came up with the idea when he didn't have enough money to feed his family of five boys. He would spend hours scouring the catalogues each week just to try and put food on the table. And the hours he spent doing this, were fewer hours spent with his kids.

    Please, stop that. Just stop it. This is OzBargain.

  • +2

    A lot of people we spoke to compare prices manually and can spend upwards of 5 hours a week researching.

    Yeah but … we have Savas.

  • +1

    Feedback:- Both stores sell McVitie's Digestives.
    Without searching, OzBargain showed me this on Saturday …
    Your website's search result for Digestives …

  • Now Australia just needs something like this:

    • Yeah, that sites great.

  • Microsoft Edge is not currently supported


    • +1

      Some features like adding items to shopping list didn't work. We're fixing now and will get it working again on all browsers in a couple weeks.
      Do you use Edge?

      • Thank you for the update, will be sure to check it out.

  • What a great website! Kudos frugl! I have one suggestion though, (1) can you make the colee and whoolies prices appear on the front page without clicking the item?

    • Yeah, I was just thinking that - some kind of thumbnail you don't have to click something to see which store it is.

      Also "sort by unit price". e.g. I just searched for 'tomato', sorted by price, and single tomatoes for about 70 cents each (which are some ridiculous price per kg) display before $4.90/kg tomatoes.

  • Nice site! Any chance of including filters and sorting for unit prices? And any other stores like IGA? Thanks

    • Price history might be good too!

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