16 hours stop at Singapore while coming back.
Mel to Jai (India) Return US $420 (~AU $545)
Sep 8 to September 21 2017
16 hours stop at Singapore while coming back.
Mel to Jai (India) Return US $420 (~AU $545)
Sep 8 to September 21 2017
So how do you know it smells there unless you went there? Not everyone likes to live under rock
Doesn’t seem like educated to me, especially educating yourself from opinions of others and then trying to state it as a fact.
@geeluv: even a kid can answer that. But how did you made that theory of country governed by borders to be smelly? That will be most of Asia and Europe.
mentioning travel dates would have been better
Added to description.
Will I see Jai Courtney there?
no doubt one of the feral monkey buts will bear a striking resemblance
Jai = Jaipur for anyone wondering
Stop over on the way back is long enough that you could make it to Legoland in Johur Baru for half a day.
Lol on every India deal there's harmless commentary and rampant censorship. Most people I know who've been to India agree that it's not suitable for the majority of Australian travelers due to the huge wealth gap and subsequent hygeine issues. Not sure why both users and mods here don't to hear anything about that.
My experience has been a little different and most people I have met have been in awe of the country / the people/ crowds and how diverse it is and a few commented how they wished they could have spent more time and some are going back for their 2nd / 3rd trip. I'm yet to go but it is on my bucket list. Unsure what wealth gap has to do with travelling and experiencing different cultures first hand and making (good) memories for a life time.
Mass homelessness, public defecation, etc. This is coming most recently from someone who worked there for two years
You and I are lucky that we don't have have that around us here - unsure about you but I didn't choose to be born in Australia I guess I was just lucky. Also it doesn't mean that homelessness / public defecation is not rampant in other parts of the world. It might stop you from going but may not stop me. Each to his own