This deal just got incredibly cheaper! Qantas has dropped fares further and added additional dates, so grab these quick as according to IWTF's website, the offer expires some time today. Valid for travel in Aug to Nov. Sample dates & prices listed below. Safe travels :)
Melbourne to Hong Kong Return
06/Sep 13/Sep $450
09/Sep 16/Sep $450
17/Oct 24/Oct $450
30/Oct 07/Nov $450
24/Aug 28/Aug $450Brisbane to Hong Kong Return
Depart Return
05/Sep 12/Sep $469
11/Sep 18/Sep $469
17/Oct 24/Oct $469
31/Oct 07/Nov $469
04/Sep 12/Sep $469Sydney to Hong Kong Return
Depart Return
21/Aug 29/Aug $470
10/Nov 20/Nov $470
21/Aug 25/Aug $470
22/Aug 29/Aug $498
05/Sep 12/Sep $498Adelaide to Hong Kong Return
Depart Return
05/Sep 12/Sep $512
22/Aug 30/Aug $512
04/Sep 12/Sep $512
05/Sep 13/Sep $512
17/Aug 30/Aug $512
Dear god that's cheap.