First deal I've posted. Apparently part of the amazon prime sale so price will only be up for around 30 hours I believe.
Note takes 2-4 weeks to ship so take note before you buy
Conversion rate based on 0% transaction fee for VISA, if using a CBA card it turns out to be around $730 AUD (lol). This is the cheapest I've seen other than a previous deal here @ $449 USD. Next nearest price for an Aussie retailer using static ice is $820 AUD from some obscure retailer. MSY selling for $879 AUD.
Using Camel Camel Camel the next nearest price drop in mid June was $479 USD (before the massive increase in demand spiking prices) which makes this a pretty good deal in my opinion.
I Agree.
It might be a good idea to add shipping cost to the price. To Sydney, it is 16.51 USD.