This was posted 7 years 7 months 24 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

Oculus Rift + Oculus Touch $449USD (~$590.95 AUD) Delivered @ Oculus


This seems like a crazy price on the Oculus Rift, cheapest I have found is about $850AUD so this is a significant reduction in price and it is a great VR.

I have used Mastercard exchange rates to get that price.

Includes: headset, 2x sensors, Touch controllers, Xbox One controller, remote, necessary cables, and seven free titles available when you set up Rift+Touch, including Lucky's Tale, Medium, Toybox, Quill, Dead and Buried, Dragon Front, and Robo Recall.

Edit @ 12/7: X1 Controller and Remote doesn't seem to be included anymore.

Edit @ 13/7: These accessories actually do seem to be included and you should contact Oculus if you don't receive them.

Enjoy :)

Thanks to keengeorge for commenting the US price.

Wow, Oculus offers a much better deal. Thanks to twocsies & Trobed

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Referral: random (459)

Buy a new Meta Quest headset from any retailer and both referee and referrer will get A$47 in Meta Quest Store credit once the headset is activated.

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closed Comments

  • +7

    The price just dropped, Please refer to:
    Oculus cuts Rift price for second time this year, now $399 with Touch | Ars Technica…

    • +2

      Yeah $399USD in US stores, however I can't find any way to get that price delivered here.. Nevermind, found the Amazon US link for cheaper thanks.

      • Amazon wants me to pay hefty shipping fee though, making it more expensive than oculus

    • +2

      wow i wish i had the money.

      EDIT: Check if your Pc will run it

    • This is a limited time deal for this drop, then it will be back to $599USD

  • Wow great price and with the wireless headset accessories coming soon , it may be the right time to buy " if you can afford it :-) ".

  • +3

    Amazing price for the technology, if you don't mind how Facebook/Oculus does business.

    • Amazing price for the technology

      Maybe, think it should come down a little still. VR gets old very quickly…

      • +1

        Depends on what you are in to. I bought mine in December and still use it for sim racing multiple times a week. Love it.

        • Depends on what you are in to

          True to a point, car games and flight sims are ok and if your really into those it might be worth the cost but a lot of the dedicated VR games are nothing but overpriced tech demos. Then there are those games that are nothing more than 'on rail shooters' which I hate. Even watching movies? Is terrible quality and looks nothing like reality.

          Imo, standing up with a virtual blindfold on and having ppl move around without something to guide/secure was never going to work. Treadmills could help but I think they should have put more effort into having this as a sit down only platform where it makes more sense.

          Now if the price came down to $300 it might pick up enough to where decent games would be made…

        • yeah VR is great for racing sims and flight sims, because the environment is in a cockpit and you can get racing wheels etc - but other games, games made specifically for VR tend to be gimmicky. They lack depth and get boring quickly once you get past the wow factor. Similar to eyetoy, kinect, wiisports etc

      • +2

        Bought my Vive last year, still loving it.

        • The Vive is far better technology but it costs way more with this Occulus promotion

  • +33

    How many octopus recipes does it come with?

    • +20

      I'd prefer if it told you whether an item is a hotdog or not hotdog haha!

      • Or you can just touch it. If it's hot it's hot dog if it's not then it's not. Simples!

      • +6

        What would you say if I told you there is an app on the ma…

        • +4

          Is it a seefood app?

        • +2

          @Lizard Spock:
          I (profanity) hate SeeFood. I have to look at different hot dogs. There's Chinese hot dogs, Polish hot dogs, Jewish hot dogs. It (profanity) stupid.

  • +9

    Cut out the middleman. It's US$449 delivered if you buy directly from the website. Though it seems that PayPal is the only payment option.

    • Wow, great find.

      • +2

        The "free" shipping is included in the $449 price. When I switch from an Australian to a US delivery address the price goes down to the $399.

        • +1

          That being said, it still is pretty cheap shipping if you account for GST.

        • +1


          It's under $1,000, no GST being collected on it.

        • +1


          Pretty sure they (or a distributor) do operate in Australia so they charge GST


          Please note that Oculus VR, Inc. is required to charge 10% Australian on all sales to our Australian customers. The reason is that we ship our products from a warehouse in Australia, and therefore we have already imported the goods to Australia before we sell on. Note that Oculus VR, Inc. is registered for GST in Australia, as required. Our ABN number and GST number is 89 760 407 953. We will send you a correct Australian GST tax invoice.

          This means that you as the customer do not have to import the products to Australia, so you do not have to pay the duty and import GST to the Australian customs when you receive the product from us.

          The shipping price also include handling and all related costs (getting the package from the factory to Australia, etc.) and not just the local shipping.

          Hope that makes sense.


          ABN lookup

  • Cheaper on Oculus website? Says estimated delivery $0.00 even when you add an address for me so that would be better than the amazon price if so.

    • Yes, I checked. It's free delivery.

    • Thanks, have updated for that link.

  • +1

    You bloody ripper! Was just days out from forking out for a Razer OSVR.

    • +2

      You just got really lucky because the Razer/Sensics HDK2 is probably the most ergonomically horrible tethered headset on the market. Nobody tells you that. Instead they warn you about all the potential software configuration/troubleshooting hassles which aren't the real issue because any tenacious computer savvy person will be able to deal with them. What you can't do anything about though is how front-heavy the thing is, how claustrophobically close the optics are to your eyes, how horrible the peripheral distortion is (in spite of the "huge eyebox" claims) and how distracting the ICE diffusion layer is (which is literally glued to the display so can't be easily removed).

      • Thanks for the heads up!

        Ended up cheaping out by forking out $200 for a DK2 unit and calling it a day. :P

  • +16

    i dont need this, i dont need this, i dont need this

    • +1

      Of course you do ;)

    • +8

      I don't need this, I don' need this, I don need this, I do need this

  • +3

    For those maybe new to the PC VR scene, Oculus recommended specs are:

    Recommended Processor: intel i5-4590 equivalent or greater
    Recommended GPU: NVIDIA GTX 970 or above, AMD R9 290 or above
    Recommended Memory: 8gb

    I have one of these and cannot recommend it enough if you have a capable PC.

    • -8

      i5 4670k

      gtx 1080ti

      16gb ram :D

      • +7

        I've heard people with old PC's actually running it with 8GB's RAM, Core2Quad Q9500's and GTX 670's.
        Or low-spec gamers with 8GB's RAM, G4560, and GTX 1050Ti's.
        …but both scenarios would cause a sub-par experience.

        To get the job done… RAM, VRAM, and CPU wise; a 16GB, and 4GB VRAM, and Core i5-2500k or Ryzen R5-1400.
        But to really push it you'd want 32GB RAM, 6GB VRAM and Core i7-6700k or Ryzen R5-1600 (or better).
        And when you start to push it, you can apply High Quality Textures (aka "4K Assets"), Native High Resolution (>1800p), and a really fast Refresh Rate (>90fps)….that's when you get the captivating feel to VR, unlike PS4 Pro/PS VR or GearVR.

        In terms of hierarchy:
        ($85) GTX 580, GTX 750 Ti,
        RX 460, RX 560
        GTX 670, GTX 760
        GTX 680, GTX 770
        GTX 1050Ti, GTX 960
        GTX 780, GTX 780Ti
        HD7970, R9 280X
        GTX 970, RX 470
        R9 290, R9 390
        RX 570, GTX 1060 (3GB)
        RX 480, RX 580-4GB ($240)

        ——-cut off, high V-RAM list——-
        ($300) RX 480, RX 580-8GB
        R9 390X-8GB
        GTX 1060-6GB
        GTX 1070
        GTX 1080
        RX Vega
        GTX 1080Ti ($850)

        (*not including Graphical Enthusiast cards like Titan, Fury, or Vega Frontier)
        (**prices reflecting regular market, not the mining recession)

        • Anyone know if my hp omen 15 laptop can run it? It has an i7, 16gig ram and a 4 gig gtx 960m. I'd love to use it for Assetto corsa

        • +2

          ya missed the 980(Ti)

        • +1

          Damn, also forgot the GTX 980 lol

        • @Kangal: Oh well got most of them hahah

        • But to really push it you'd want 32GB RAM

          Which would do nothing at all.

        • @Diji1:
          For 97% of titles, yes true, but a niche few do benefit from them.
          And stronger hardware can be used to brute force performance from unoptimised titles.
          Not to mention that 32GB will become commonplace in the near future, and it will become mainstream for high-end use cases: think of additional objects/physics inputted by the CPU to the GPU for rendering, and extra bandwidth to power-through native 4K which will settle down as the dominant platform for VR.

          Hence "to really push it".

    • I have GTX 940 mx, i cant run on my laptop,
      can i upgrade my card on laptop ?

      • +2

        Not possible. If you have a Thunderbolt 3 port, you could buy an external GPU but this would be a very expensive exercise.

        • Thank you, i wont be doing that, but i dont have 3 port too,
          what else alternative VR i can use any idea.

        • @sajju:

          Perhaps something that works with your mobile phone. If you have a new-ish Samsung, it would be worth looking into the Samsung Galaxy Gear VR.

        • @Millikano: I dont use samsung, but i am looking for laptop or desktop.

  • Is it still pixelated? I can't see any resolution or tech specs on the Oculus website
    Are there any true big first party titles or is it just overpriced indy crap?

    • With Super Sampling you can get a very clear picture, problem is though you need a fairly beefy card to push it far enough to get to that point. It's still incredibly fun though and you don'y notice it when you're in the moment.

    • +5

      Have you tried VR before? If you have, and it hasn't been the Rift or Vive, then you'll likely be impressed with the quality. Some people can't get past the 'screendoor effect' (google it) and say it bothers them too much but from my experience I've never had a problem with it. If you're playing a fun and immersive game its the last thing you notice.

      Big games are definitely starting to roll in, my main problem is that a lot of them are Oculus store exclusive and they are priced quite high. The summer sale has just come and gone and there were some awesome deals there, so if you're patient enough to wait until the winter sale you'll get some good games at good prices. Should also note that Oculus is compatible with Steam VR so as long as a developer has developed for it you can play steam VR games with the rift.

      • Screendoor effect would be annoying. Why not jam more pixels in there? Or is that the next big thing?

        • +1

          Why not jam more pixels in there?

          Shortage of GPU processing power, basically. To get that 60/90FPS on two 1080×1200 (current Rift res) screens you are already pushing modern video cards very hard.

    • Read "Are there any true big first person titties or is it just overpriced indy crap?

      • +5

        I love true big first person titties!

    • +1

      Is it still pixelated?

      Yes. If you look closely at the display you can see the individual subpixels, although the hybrid fresnel optics diffuse things a little bit so it often looks like you're viewing "threads" of pixels, kinda like a linen canvas. So yeah the resolution is still low, but I wouldn't call it horrible.

      That said positional tracking and tracked motion controllers create such an engaging experience that you'll be having plenty of wow moments regardless.

    • big first party tities

      • Lets party !!!!
        I hope your autocorrect didn't just swap the l for an i.

    • +1

      I find the glare more annoying than the pixelation. It looks like your are wearing dirty Sun glasses when you see bright colours on a dark background. Very obvious when oculus show their logo. Most games I don't notice it when playing as there is alot of movement. Loading screens with text are where it really stands out.

      The headset is alot of fun and yes alot of releases would be considered tech demos. I find i wouldnt play more than an hour or two at a time. I think the unit is great with a education software such as apollo 11.

      Personally i would wait until next gen as this gen has alot of hardware faults and bugs. Also expect poor service from oculus when it comes for a warranty claim. Others will be angry and downvoted me for saying this as it isn't an opinion blowing smoke up VRs arse but do some googling and make up your own mind.

    • -1

      Just overpriced indie crap.

      Valve is working on 3 VR games:

      "So one of the questions you might ask us is 'Why in the world are we making hardware?' So right now, we're building 3 VR games. And what we can do now is to be designing hardware at the same time that we're designing software. This is something that Miyamoto has always had, right?"

      Newell continued: "[Miyamoto] has had the ability to think about what the input devices & the design of systems should be like while he's trying to design games. Our sense is that that's going to allow us to actually build much better entertainment experiences for people."

      "So the idea isn't like oh - we suddenly thought we could make more money by building hardware - because hardware's actually traditionally been a lousy low-margin business."

      Newell and team did later confirm that these were not smaller experiments, but intended to be new "full games", as opposed to the vignette-style demonstrations shown in Valve's The Lab. Valve expects to sell these new games, and is using both Unity and its own Source 2 engine to develop them.

      Might release at the same time as the new Knuckles controllers.

  • +4

    Must resist :(

  • +3

    Got on the VR bandwagon when the first Rift was in development. Tried the latest Vive as well. Not worth it. Playing games is like being a fly looking at the world, plus it gets tiring pretty fast. The WOW factor goes and I guarantee you won't touch the glasses after a month. Only time my gets used is when new friends/relatives come over, show it too them for wow factor, but yeh it gets boring too quickly :/

    • +3

      What about using them for something other than games? You know… wink wink

      • +2

        Would like to tag along 2-B in Nier: Automata ;p

    • so why not get past the wow then boring factor, and pass it on for sale before any more price crash?

    • +3

      Huh? Sounds like you only played 3rd person games.

      The first person games 100% feel like you are there. Seeing an enemy in game in real size is actually quite intense and real.

    • +4

      Still playing my vive after a year of owning it. Kids still fight for it. So for me it's worth it

    • +2

      Really depends what you do on it, Sim Racing is a big one, basically completes the experience and I doubt anyone who has switched to VR would switch back. Same goes with most Sims once you get used to not being able to see your controls

      • All the people I know who use it in race sims disagree. They swear by it.

    • I hate this site just ordered $614 all together :(

    • Funny, that's what people are saying about PSVR as well. It's almost as though it's not going to work again :D

  • -1

    I'm guessing they either expect the fad to come to an end or they're planning in releasing a new headset, soon?

    • htc & lenovo with their standalone vr?

      Acer & hp in development for their mixreality crap.

      not that its gonna be released anytime soon.

      • Microsoft Acer Hp etc have some HMD sets with dev's already, they are available now for pre-order in August (developer release)and wide spread sales toward end of the year.
        $299 usd for the Acer and another $100 if you want the touch controllers.

        Higher resolution than the Rift at 1440 x 1440 vs 1080 x 1200, 100gm lighter and software built into Windows.

        • aware of that. my bro inlaw is in the dev scene and is awaiting for that acer and also the meta 2 dev (for quite a while now and still havent got it). but off course different purpose to vive and rift being augmented reality for the meta2 rather than vr.

          i understand the oculus rift sale is part of the summer of rift 6 weeks limited sale. Then goes back up.

    • Probably. HTC have released a wireless addon for the original vive, so I'm assuming the next versions of the Rift and Vive will be wireless and releasing soon in the future.

      • +2

        Vive have stated there is no v2 coming any time soon, I think Oculus also made a similar comment re the rift.

        • So much this! There is a huge amount of wishful thinking going on. But to those anyone paying attention to whats going on in the VR space there isnt going to be new version of the headsets until the end of 2018 at the earliest. Don't hold your breath!

          More likely they're getting out ahead of the few new hmd's coming out from the likes of Acer and LG. But people shouldn't expect something dramatically different to what the Vive or Rift headsets can do. More importantly will be answers to the questions on how compatible those will be with SteamVR or Oculus titles.

    • What about manufacturing costs dropping?

  • +1

    Worth getting if already have the ps vr? Is it a lot better?

    • +1

      Depends what you're after. Haven't tried PSVR myself but in terms of visual quality its comparible to the rift from what I've read. I'd say the main advantage of the rift then is that you can stand up and have fully tracked movement.

    • Ive used both, oculus is leaps and bounds ahead of psvr in terms of hardware but lacking in terms of games. PSVR has more actual games

    • From my mates who have both, psvr is a toy in comparison

  • What games can u play? I have a 1080.

  • Good timing with Fallout 4 VR coming out in 2 months.

    • Is it also coming to the rift or HTC Vive only?

      • Its coming to Steam VR and the Oculus can play any Steam VR game with full compatibility.
        I'm pretty sure any game that can be played on Vive can be played on the Oculus.

        • Could be controls don't work as good. Same for vive with say The Climb.

  • +2

    Had mine for 6 months or so and still use it fairly often, it's well worth it at this price.

  • +1

    I've had mine for a couple of weeks now and absolutely love it! Those who have been sitting on the fence have got no real excuse now…get it!

    Robo Recall, Raw Data, Superhot are AMAZING! Worth buying for these 3 games alone, and wait until Lone Echo comes out in a week or so…wow that looks crazy!!!

    P.S. Shipping times if you purchase direct from Oculus are approx. 2-3 business days, that's crazy fast!

    • I have one too .. but I feel like I really need the 3rd ( and probably 4th camera) to be tracked in a stable way. I play in my lounge and its very easy to be too far away from the front facing cameras such that tracking is less accurate, and I'm always turning around and losing it. I think the Vive tracking was a better idea. If prices were the same (though I love the hand controllers) I would say get a Vive .. but at this price definitely worth it.

      • I have a 3rd sensor and it's a no brainier for the price to be honest, It's made a massive difference!

        • just kicks me that by the time I pay for that I would have spent more on the hardware then if I had bought a vive (I was a day 0 preorder so its not so bad) and with less set up hassle (routing USB cables will be a pain). I know the Oculus headset is lighter and controllers and better - I have tried Vive.

          I'm also wondering how far off gen 2 for either system will be and what the chances are if I stick with Oculus that any of the current components will be carried further ie I would expect better cameras and a better screen at least from Oculus making any extra money I spend on this system maybe useful for .. another year?

    • I ordered last night, so hoping it will come next week based on that :-)

  • +1

    I've had mine for almost a year now and paid almost twice this; still worth it.
    I recommend going for over Amazon as you won't get warranty beyond the first 30 days with Amazon.

    P.S. dowey, it might be a good idea to tag this under the PC gaming category as well!

    • I've had problems with a graphics card on Amazon 6 months after purchasing and after asking the manufacturer they told me to contact amazon and they honored it and setup a return (had to pay for shipping.)

  • still not convinced I will be able to spend more than 5 hours on this before I run out of things to do. Would rather wait with my ultra wide screen.

    • FWIW I thought the same thing until I used my friends for a day. No comparison

  • +8

    Rather wait for price drop with the vive

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