This was posted 7 years 7 months 25 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

EVGA GTX 1080 Ti FOUNDERS EDITION £502.87 (~AU $852), EVGA GTX 1080 Ti SC Black Edition £524.32 (~AU $889) Delivered @ Amazon UK


EVGA GEFORCE GTX 1080 Ti FOUNDERS EDITION Dispatched 2 to 3 weeks

Item Weight 1.5 Kg
Product Dimensions 26 x 5 x 11 cm
Item model number 11G-P4-6390-KR
Series Geforce GTX 1080 TI Founders Edition
Color Black
Processor Speed 1582 GHz
Graphics Coprocessor NVIDIA
Graphics Card
Description EVGA NVIDIA Geforce GTX 1080TI Founders Edition
Graphics RAM Type GDDR5
Graphics Card Ram Size 11 GB
Wattage 600 watts

EVGA GeForce GTX 1080 Ti SC Black Edition In stock 16th of JULY

Real Base Clock: 1556 MHz / Real Boost Clock: 1670 MHz; Memory Detail: 11264MB GDDR5X
EVGA iCX Cooling - Delivering industry-leading cooling performance to your Graphics Card
Redesigned cooling with L-shaped contact fins to improve contact surface area for better heat dissipation
New vented heatsink fin design and pin fins for optimized airflow
DX12 OSD Support with EVGA Precision XOC

Conversion Rates taken from WWW.XE.COM

Price History at C CamelCamelCamel K Keepa.

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Amazon UK

closed Comments

  • +1

    Awesome prices.

    • +2

      The EVGA SC is a great card, and this price is good.

  • +11

    I really didn't need this level of temptation on a Sunday afternoon.

  • Have the FT3 edition on order, do people think its worth $100 premium over the Black?

    • +1

      Found this posted on another forum "ipkha: Ftw 3 is larger and has more fans. Ftw 3 has 2 bios- default is 120% max power limit 2nd is 130% max power limit the FTW series runs much quieter and cooler than the standard size cards due to the larger fans and heatsink. The extra phases in the ftw help spread the heat load as well."

    • +2

      In short, no. Basically all 1080ti clock much the same. Main advantage of the SC/FTW cards over the FE, are cooler performance and noise. Unless you're pushing the overclock to the absolute limit, SC vs FTW difference is minimal.

  • +2

    Yay 11mb Vram!!! Good ole 90s style gaming

    • +1

      Lol. Changed it. Thanks.

    • +5

      Yet on the other hand it has "Processor Speed 1582 GHz", so that's an absolute bargain…

  • +2

    scroll down for all the version. quick compare

  • So tempted, missed out on the 1080 asus turbo but that $$$ is so good.

    Might pull the trigger.

  • The price is coming up to £608.33 for me for the EVGA card - am I missing something here?

    • +4

      Go to the checkout, they remove VAT. Also remember to pay in GBP, better conversion. You will probably pay conversion fee from your bank if you don't have a fee free option

      • yah, true. Last time I bought from Newegg, Commbank charge me 3% transaction fee as well. Wish that I could have used 28degrees. Is 28degrees free of international fee and conversion fee?

        • I think they are, saw a wiki somewhere that compares a few.

          I applied for Citibank today, 0 monthly fees, 0 deposit, no international fees. Will come in handy when I travel as well.

      • I am paying with my Citibank card. In Amazon would I say that the currency on the card is GDP (even though its loaded with AUD)?

        I am assuming yes, because it will convert on Citibank's end rather than Amazon's Currency Converter. Can anyone please confirm?

        • +1

          Yes I have the same citibank platinum card. Choose the currency as GBP and you won't be charged any conversion fees. Happy days!

    • +1

      Probably VAT has not been removed?

  • Anybody think we're likely to see a decent price drop after the next bunch of AMD cards release?

    • +6

      I doubt it. As things stand, AMD will have a card similar to the GTX 1080, maybe a bit quicker, which produces more heat, and uses more power. With HBM2, I don't know how aggressively they can afford to price the VEGA cards.

      Add to the fact, that we have no info on what actually launches at the end of month, you probably won't see the cards on the shelves for a while, and when you do they will be way over the MSRP until RX580's return to normal. Seeing as VEGA can mine certain Altcoins very well, I would not hold my breath.

      I have been a AMD fan all my life, but if you need a card right now in this bracket, NVIDIA is going to be a better option for a few months IMO. As soon as my new citibank card arrives, I will probably buy a GTX 1080 or TI from amazon

      • Valid point about the inflated prices due to mining. Didn't factor that in. Seeing as I don't desperately "need" a new one I may hold of regardless and see how it pans out… We ended up with some pretty great 980 Ti prices last time around. Be nice to get a little more power for that 4k tv we just bought haha.

    • I reckon we will see a price drop at least < 1080, may be not 1080ti though. If VEGA is comparable with a 1070 or 1080 surely they will come in at a lower price…? And in theory nvidia will have to be competitive and also drop their price.

      These are my thoughts/hopes, but i could be wrong

      • +3

        In theory, yes it does makes sense, however, with both mining and AMD having used HBM2 I see a problem here.

        Lets take the state of current pricing

        CARD > MSRP > AUD > AUS Price > Percentage
        RX570 > 190 > 250.8 > 500 > 199.3620415
        RX580 > 230 > 303.6 > 650 > 214.0974967
        GTX 1070 > 349 > 460.68 > 750 > 162.8028132
        GTX 1080 > 499 > 658.68 > 950 > 144.2278496
        GTX 1080TI > 699 > 922.68 > 1100 > 119.2179304

        Now lets say by some miracle, AMD can launch for $400, that is about $600 here. Given current markups on AMD cards, you are looking at almost $1200 AUD. Retailers would hike prices if they can make the same margins if miners are willing to buy it. I'm pretty sure demand is going to be high and supply is going to be very low, part of the reason VEGA is still not here.

        I know this is all speculation here. I think, you may get lucky if you are willing to bite the bullet and pre-order VEGA at MSRP if some retailers play nice, which I doubt.

        My guesstimate, Black Friday would be the earliest time cards will be affordable again.

        I hope I'm very wrong of course :(

        • Wow. Makes me glad I got the ASUS 1080TI turbo during the 20% eBay sale for AU$894 then. I haven't opened it up yet as I'm taking it overseas to claim as well as part of my yearly Tax claims. The good thing is that I can claim it at the AU$1,114 price.

        • I managed to buy 4 x RX 580's here, for AU$385 each, at the start of May.
          I think the price inflation will die down in the next few months, when GPU mining dies.

    • Depends if the cryptocurrency bubble keeps going.

  • Is it just me or are prices getting better and better?
    Time to give the ole wallet a work out I think

    • Well thats exactly how a products life cycle works

  • +1

    This is the bad thing about oz bargain, you sometimes spend money that you wouldn't usually have!

  • -1

    A shame that the Destiny 2 free game promo ended last month otherwise I think I would've pulled the trigger

  • I have a gtx 970 that is starting to disappoint me.. someone convince me not to pull the trigger on this.

    • Same here, I did add the FTW3 to my order but it probably won't ship for a while so plenty of time to change my mind.

      I'm thinking of holding off for a while now, I only have a 1440P monitor and the 970 drives that fine and no plans to upgrade to 144hz or 4K so do I really need the 1080Ti. Bloody bargains.

  • I have the 1080ti FTW & the 1070 SC ($572) on order, which ever gets shipped first I'll go with & cancel the other

  • So here's a question. There is high demand for 1070's at the moment due to mining. I have an EVGA 1070. If I buy the 1080 TI SC, and wait for it to arrive (what 2-3 weeks?) before listing my 1070, will the majority of the 1070 demand still exist? I'm hoping to recover like 6-700 for the 1070.

    • -1

      Why are 1070's prices even going up? They suck for mining.

      • I was thinking it was only because 970's and other more efficient cards were being depleted.

        • -2

          ? Maybe.

          The AMD cards are king for mining then the 1080Ti being the most efficient nVidia card.

          Hell, if you can get 700 for your 1070 SELL IT! Just go without for a couple of weeks and use on board :)

        • +1

          @KLoNe: Exactly what I've done; A 1070 I bought For $550 retail 2 months ago, went for nearly $650 on ebay the other day. :D

          Getting stuck into an Xbox One S I picked up a few weeks ago, so I'm not phased in the slightest over it going.

          For the odd game or two I'm playing on PC, the place-holder GT1030 is actually doing a better-than-expected job. :D

      • +2

        And yet they're more expensive that GTX 1080's right now, it's almost like they don't suck for mining.

    • ETH price has fallen and the difficulty has gone up x2 and will likely continue to do so. I'd say 1070 demand will be up for another few weeks, and will then probably taper off. The diehards will still want them, because there are always other coins to mine, but the popular blowout/current ETH bubble will be over. So I'd expect prices to drop back down.

    • I had a Strix 1070 SLi set up and just sold my two cards via Gumtree (cash) at $635 a pop. If you are in a more dense population like Sydney or Melbourne, I think you could easily get $650+

  • +1

    Thanks OP, that's a great price so I put in an order.

  • 600 watts! Small typo.

  • I wonder how big the price drop will be when vega and volta are out.

  • +1

    FEd suck compared to a non founders card, way less permormance as it will throttle speeds to stay within temp specs

    • +1

      I've always considered founders edition as a beta version and never considered them lol

  • how many MH/s?

  • Price has gone up now

    • +1

      Negative, when you add either card to your cart, VAT is removed. The SC Black edition is still £524.32 and the Founders Edition is £502.87.

      • Ah i see, kinda thought i saw it at the lower price last night, trying to decide whether to sell the 1070gtx and buy this, probably 4 weeks till it arrives at least is a bit of a turnoff.

  • Damn good price, paid $985 for my SC2

    Black edition is ok, just minus the temp monitors

  • +1

    Oh, so I can cancel at anytime before they ship it if I change my mind?

    • Yes, but will take 3 day to get a refund

      • +1

        Nah cancelled my Amazon order a few days ago

        "We're writing to let you know that your order has been successfully canceled. In most cases, you pay for items when we ship them to you, so you won't be charged for items that are canceled.*"

        • -1

          U got lucky ;)

  • Why does mine show up as, "Price: £582.50" ?
    - Edit: nevermind, final price (once VAT is removed and shipping added) comes up as £502.87

  • Excellent deal. When I go to purchase it, it says 'Please ensure someone will be available to sign for this delivery'. Does anyone know what happens if nobody is home when it's delivered? Would it simply be redirected to the closest post office?

    • +1

      Yes generally, this has happened with my amazon orders before.

      Wasn't all that impressed when the postie left the GTX 780 on the front step when I ordered a few years ago from Amazon and signature was required.

      Your Postie may vary.

  • FTW3 is about $100 more.. which one to get..

    • Not worth it in my opinion

  • Damn.

  • Anyone squeezing these in an ITX case?

    I currently have a 1070 itx which I think I'll be able to resell to the miners.

    I reckon the Founders Edition will do better with its blower cooling in my little case - but it's right on the button for max card length. Using an SG13 for reference.

    • I've ordered the BE for my SG13. It's currently housing a GTX 670 which is 27.5cm so I imagine the FE (26cm) will fit in easy.

      • Ah nice one! I opened up my case last night and realised there is a load of room where it counts - not easy to build in those cases but worthwhile!

        Looks like I missed out on this deal anyway. Enjoy your new card :)

    • Use a tape measure and check clearance. But the black edition and the reference use the same pcb so essentially the same size. If your case has at least 1 intake and 1 exhaust fan ( power supply counts as they don't get very hot anyway and it's just for air movement) then the black edition will be a much better choice as the cooler solution is emmensly better. The founders will throttle and be loud, the black edition shouldn't even if there is terrible airflow and will be near silent.

      • Yeah I think it will fit. The advice I've seen online, for my case, is to use a blower cooler.

        It's a silverstone SG13 mini itx case so barely any room - the cpu is watercooled so I think it's better to vent straight outside of the case.

        Currently using a GTX 1070 mini with a blower that keeps fairly cool :)

        • Just a FYI the 1070 uses essentially the same core as this card just a few slight variations, this card is about 2x the energy output in terms of heat. So if your 1070 is sitting around 50 now expect this card to hit the mid 70's to 80's which is deep into the throttling territory( pascal's limit is 82-84 depending on the make). But throttling really starts in the mid 60's and heavy throttling starts to kick in around 77-78 degrees.

  • friend has Crossfire RX480s 8GB x2, and wonders if he should upgrade to this, any sighestions please?

    • +1

      Selling them right now he could get 550+ on each card. Buying a black edition will run cooler and probably give about a extra 10-20% performance. Plus they will walk away with a couple hundred in the pocket.

      • wow, really, is it because of cryptocurrency craze :)). thanks

  • +1

    Seems price has gone up; Even with VAT removed, the SC shows up as GBP 609.04 (AUD 1,024.35) delivered.

  • Just checked my order, my black edition has a estimate dispatch date on 13/07/17, estimate to arrive between 19-25 Jul, can't wait to get it next week. Sold my rx480 and 1070 gtx on ebay week ago, now basically have no card to use. Also bought 1060 at Harvey norman 10 days ago, but still processing, they are just hopeless.

    • It's worth the wait. It's an awesome card enjoy ;) It will be probably arrive before Harvey Norman's.

    • When did you order yours? Mine was on 9/7 and delivery estimate is 29/7-10/8 :(

      • 9/07 according the order information, mine was with DHL driver for delivery today, but nobody home, probably get it tomorrow.

  • Thanks OP, I picked up the Founder's Edition.

    Order currently has no estimate dispatch date, any idea how long this usually takes to send?

    Also I just received my MSI GTX1060 6GB ($370) and was wondering if it was worth using this until FE arrives? The plan is to resell the 1060 in a month's time when I get my hands on the 1080 ti FE. Will I lose much money being impatient? (I'm currently using a 660ti which is limiting).

    • I'm using a 660 atm. It's limiting but it's passable atm. if anything, find a 960/970 for the mean time. People are still going crazy over 1060 for the mining. My 1080ti order is still "You'll get an email as soon as we can provide you with a delivery estimate." :(

      • I'm not too confident on a delivery date, I originally had the same issue with another graphics card I purchased last week from Amazon US. Waited over a week and no estimate, so I cancelled the order to get this card.
        So tempted to use my 1060 whilst I wait if I won't lose much on the resell due to only paying $370.

        • someone said the crytocoin market is going to crash, so maybe in one month, the price will back to normal or even lower as more miners cash out. I am not a expert, but if you dont want lose money, better sell it when there is still buyers.

        • So I sent a chat with Amazon and they were great! They told me stocks were coming in 23/07/2017. I was going to cancel my order and just find a second hand one but I can be patient now haha. I think you should just contact them via chat, it helped out alot for me if it through Amazon supplies.

        • @ikcud: Thanks for the update!
          I couldn't resist and I installed the gtx1060. No regrets.

  • I ordered the SC Black, "in stock on 16th" anyone received a shipping notification?

    • May I suggest sending them an e-mail. Normally they are very quick to respond.

      • +1

        I just used online chat and they said Monday, 24 July 2017 - Monday, 31 July 2017

        • +1

          Mine has shipped today! So stoked!

  • +3

    Is anyone else still pinching themselves that they got a GTX 1080 TI for only $875 ?
    I mean considering the prices that 1060 and 1070 are going for, it's only a couple hundred more for the best consumer graphics card available. I don't care if I have to wait another 3 weeks to get it, I'm just super excited.

    Now I need to spend $1k on a new 1440p monitor because my 1080p60 isn't good enough anymore.

    • -3

      I would have rather paid for a 1070 at a discount.

    • Just hanging out for it to arrive, sold my 1070 and all i have is a 560ti i pulled out of the cupboard.

    • +1

      Yep I'm super stoked. I went with the founders edition as I have mini-ITX case and need the blower style for better heat flow. Delivery date is between 29th of July - 11th August don't mind the wait as it just gives the British pound to dive even further before I actually get charged from Amazon. Currently the conversion works out to be AUD$825 delivered so I've already saved $25 from the day this deal was posted. I sold my GTX 1070 for $680 on Gumtree so I'm super happy that I'm able to snag a 1080ti for just $150 more. Now I just need to get a 4k television for my media room

      • +2

        They just took my money today, $850 hoping for shipping details shortly but saved like 30 from original price sc black edition

  • +2

    Yeah amazon charged my card today for the EVGA SC Black Edition $860.02. Pretty chuffed with that! Now to hide CC statement from the mrs 😳

  • Packaging for international travel is a bit crazy!. No padded bag or anything. They just slapped the invoice sleeve on and a DHL sticker on top of the plastic wrapping! (which was half off the box by the time I got it!!

  • So mine was held up in london since 28th with no further tracking advice, spoke to amazon and they are shipping another one, do you think that the original one will arrive?

    • Maybe you will get them both.

    • I'm having a similar issue. Says the card is in Lyon France. Original delivery date was the 2nd August but has now been pushed back to the 11th August.

      • Seems like they don't pack them well, good item to lift for yourself, have two items listed in the account, the replacement hasn't shipped yet but it supposed to today (U.K. Time)

      • Have you received this yet? The second one shipped yesterday and looks like it is going via London again, hope it doesn't fall off the back of the truck this time.

  • Still waiting for mine to be sent. Bought the founders though, expected by August 11.

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