This was posted 7 years 7 months 8 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

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Neil Degrasse Tyson up to 50% Off (VIC/WA/QLD) @ SmartTix


Neil Degrasse Tyson

The world's favourite Astrophysicist is back in Australia!

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closed Comments

  • +18

    Who's paying $180 to watch this bloke?

    • +8

      His mum

      • +16

        sounds like someone woke up on the wrong side of the earth this morning…

        • +3

          Flat discs have 2 sides ;)

      • You sound terribly jealous!

    • +1

      Who's rating him too highly and why?

      • -3

        Ask the OP.

        Have you read any of Degrasse's papers?

        • +6

          OP never claimed that he is overrated, so why would I ask OP? It's your claim.

        • +4


          OP never claimed that he is overrated

          "The world's favourite Astrophysicist"

        • +5

          @jv: "The world's favourite Astophysicist" is not the OP claiming that he is overrated. You made that claim, not the OP.

      • +3

        I think it might be his own ego.

    • +12

      I disagree; his KO of Michael Spinks is still one of the greatest ever although obviously his footwork and ring generalship has been overshadowed in recent years by boxers like Floydweather.

      • He must have put on a few kgs since that fight…

    • +3

      I think we got a badass over here

    • +22

      People pay more to see Justin Bieber, there's much more dumb shit in the world to be whining about.

  • +9

    he is not my favourite astrophysicist

    • +4

      Yeah I'm a Lawrence Krauss fan myself. Doesn't dumb things down and not smug like Tyson.

      Tyson tries too hard to be appealing and charismatic, thinks too highly of himself, but alienates the scientific crowd who don't like things being made to attract the lowest common denominator.

      I enjoyed that moment when our own Adam Spencer called him out for being just plain wrong on an episode of Q&A a few years back. Tyson thought he was being all popular and charming, but to people who actually care about science, we don't buy that bs.

    • +4

      Yeah, I find him annoying and flippant. Do yourself a favour and watch the original Cosmos series on Youtube.

      Carl Sagan was 10x better.

  • +10

    Hopefully he's on Q & A again - I love when conservatives get triggered by facts, evidence & logic

    • +1

      Not just regular evidence, it needs to be called empirical evidence or it's not valid.

      • +5

        Yep, like the temperature readout on thousands of thermometers worldwide over one hundred years.
        Conservatives don't like them thermometers….

  • +1
    • +1

      When I was a little kid I discovered these things called 'borders', I always thought it was strange why is there a border there but there is no border here between me and my friends house, aren't we all people?

      • +1

        Great book shop, Borders were. Shame they closed down

  • I did think the original prices for tickets was too high but I'm thinking it's an effect of the organisers and not Neil himself.
    I missed out on the cheapie tickets and I'm glad that these new discounted ones have become available!

    • +2

      The promoters are just trying to recoup his appearance fee (and obviously make a profit themselves). Part of the blame goes on the performer himself.

      • How can the performer be blamed if he hasn't even performed yet?

        Surely it's the promoter's fault for over-estimating the demand!

      • +1

        I'm not sure you understand how things work. Neil Tyson says he wants to tour Australia but he wants $100,000 per show. The promoter says "Fine, we'll take you on." We reckon about 1,000 people will come to the Melbourne show, so we'll charge $100 per ticket.

        $100 * 1,000 = $100,000

        Obviously this is a very simplified way of looking at it, but you get my drift.

        If Neil Tyson, only wants $50,000, then tickets will be half that price.

  • +3

    Even at $65 bucks that is still expensive considering how much shit he releases every week.

  • +6

    Id pay full price for brian cox.. but wouldnt pay for NDT, especially after hearing stories about what he is like behind the camera (ref reddit)

    • Link? Did someone manage to film him being a prick or something?

    • +2

      I agree about paying full price to see Bryan Cox; I would love to hear what new projects he is working on now that Breaking Bad has concluded.

    • +5

      IMO Cox and Tyson are both simple human supremacists and primarily showmen. I would expect Sagan to be bitterly disappointed in their handling of his legacy.

      • +1

        Yeah it's not like they are highly respected astrophysicists who have done huge amounts to promote the sciences and human curiosity of the universe (much like Sagan himself)…

        • It is possible to be a highly respected astrophysicist and yet be primarily a showman and other things. (Brian May being another, totally unrelated, example that comes to mind). While they may bring awareness to science it is tempered with a particular type of demeanor (and possibly philosophy) which IMO is toxic compared to many other popular scientists - current and past.

        • Not quite sure how that would be "toxic"? Because of the rock star vibe that some refer to? Or is it an arrogance of deneanor you see?

          Sagan was a huge proponent of popularising science and increasing science education, which is exactly what these guys have done and continue to do (including TV series working with Sagan's wife).

          Still confused by your comments.

        • +2

          @Tock: I think he means ideologically toxic. There are scientiainers out there who leverage their public exposure in order to push a particualar ideology or philosophy in the name of science rather than science itself. Some people can spot the difference, most can't.

        • Ok makes more sense. So what's the ideological position/philosophy being pushed?

        • -1

          @Tock: Rather not get into it here. :)

        • +4

          Richard Dawkins comes to mind here.. that guys seems like such an ass to me.

        • +1

          @ecatsuj: Dawkins is definitely a dick despite his science, not sure there is any serious comparison to Brian Cox or NDT though.

        • +2

          Only to those who are stubbornly religious.

        • @EightImmortals: Let me guess: you're one of the rare "special types" of people that can see these insights that you just claimed exist.

        • +1

          @kahn: Dawkins shits on people with religious views and treats them second class just because they have some faith. Im not religious and i believe what Dawkins believes, but he has a crappy of winning people over to his views

      • +2

        The reason why I love science today is because of Tyson, school ruined it for me - he showed my what there is to love

    • +1

      To be quite fair, he sounds ok majority of the time if he didn't cost a freaking fortune. Yes, this includes that ool Reddit thread you talked about.

      He's no Carl Sagan, but he's really good at finding answers that are acceptable to the casual watchers. Just don't put him next to another scientist so he doesn't need to one up them.

  • +4

    I paid full price and I don't mind, he's brilliant.

    • +2

      Rubbish. Read some of his papers.

      • +2

        Which ones did you disagree with?

        • +1

          Which ones did you disagree with?

          Where exactly did I say I disagreed with any?

      • Let me think, he's the one people are paying to see and you're on Ozbargain trolling people.. I know who I think is smarter out of you two :)
        Are you one of those people who has an imaginary friend and believe he made everything?

        • -1

          know who I think is smarter

          You can think all you like, but it won't change anything.

        • +2

          I don't have the high opinion of you that you have of yourself, so my opinion doesn't need to change.
          Neil for the win :)

      • +1

        Which? Enlighten us.

      • +1

        Going off your comments on Ozbargain, not just this post, but in general, I'd be surprised if you could read more than a page.

    • Your membership to OzBargain has been cancelled.

      Reason: Paying full price for a item.

  • +2

    Annoying that I paid full price but I did get great seats, I saw him last year and thoroughly enjoyed it. I think the ticket prices for this year were a little too high when compared to last year but this discount makes it much more worth it.

  • +2

    Was going to buy the discount tickets but the itinerary is so short - 30 minutes presentation, 30 minutes interview, 30 minutes Q&A (which is usually pretty rubbish). All done by 8:30.

  • +4

    I can't believe hundreds of redditards are going to buy tickets so they can """geek""" out.


    • +13

      Yep really disgusting that people would spend money on something they like. Makes me sick.

    • Lol reddit has hated him for quite a while now

    • At least they are not spending it on online porn.

  • +3

    Typical, not in Adelaide (not that I'd pay that much to go anyway), I suppose it's because he's downgraded it to only being a dwarf city.

    • +5

      Congrats on your battery.

      • Congrats on not having to pay 41c/kwh, which is what my electricity price just went up to. I doubt the battery will make any difference, they could have just given me a PowerWall.

  • Surely for that price you'd also get Joey, Wheels and Snake.

  • jv and others are totally telling you the Truth.

    Scientists Who Are Actually Really Stupid: #1, Neil deGrasse Tyson

    Because he has given up on the scientific method in favour of progressive politics, Tyson has jettisoned fairness and fact in favour of slipperiness and propaganda: he is caught again and again repeating quotes that he appears to have simply made up, or which at a bare minimum are stripped of essential context or provenance.

    As true ozBargainers will know, $180 (or paying any amount to see him) is a total rip off. Beware!

    Neil Tyson’s Final Words On His Quote Fabrications: “My bad”
    Why Is Wikipedia Deleting All References To Neil Tyson’s Fabrication?
    Did Neil deGrasse Tyson Just Try To Justify Blatant Quote Fabrication?
    Super Scientist Neil deGrasse Tyson Doesn’t Understand Statistics

    • +2

      Breitbart and The Federalist. That actually tells you more about yourself, than anything else.

      • +1


      • +1

        I guess you only read CNN. Haha!

        • -2

          Classical simple thinking trumpet.
          Definitely don't only read CNN.

  • +3

    He's all grown up now, I remember like it was yesterday watching him on Degrasse Junior High.

  • Why would anyone pay this much to see a guy who stil thinks the earths a ball spinning 1000mph through space at like 60,000 mph come on guys

    Ozbargainers know the worlds flat

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