Yo, asking for a friend:
So she works at this place and she noticed that when she checked her facebook "where you're logged in" that one of the locations was a PC at work. She has not logged into Facebook using a browser at work in years. She brought it up with her team and another colleague noticed her Gmail account had been logged in at work while she was on annual leave.
The boss has a history of snooping on other employees computers for their activity and the operations manager had also mentioned that action had been taken against other employees in the company following content that was seen in "group chats".
She suspects that they are collecting data from their wifi usage and using it to spy on personal information through several accounts. Is this illegal?
Fairwork is closed atm so we just want an opinion on workplace privacy.
Does the company have an IT policy around personal use on their network? What you have posted sounds illegal, but most companies cover themselves by having an IT policy that covers them and their ability to track your usage whilst on their network.