Canada is where we got our start. Celebrate Canada 150 with our gift to you — 150 hours of free access to our catalogue. Celebrate 150+ years of Canadian diversity with 6,000 global titles.
I'm sure many will be aware of PressReader from previous offers posted here as well as their free download hotspots at hotels, airports, libraries etc.
The offer is available worldwide, just enter an email address at the link to register. 6,000+ titles to choose from including plenty from Australia, as well as lots of other newspapers and magazines from across the world.
Best part of this deal compared to other free e-newspaper/magazine offers is that content can be downloaded to your phone/tablet for offline viewing and whatever you download, you get to keep FOREVER! Go ahead and download as much as you want over the next 150 hours!
Title says unlimited but the description says 150 hours. Which one should we believe?