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Philips Viva Collection Airfryer - $168 @ The Good Guys


Philips Viva Collection Airfryer for $168, RRP $299 - pretty good price if you are in the market for one.

Any real world opinions on these airfryers?

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  • Any real world opinions on these airfryers?

    Yes, I can offer one free opinion. If they use non-stick surfaces, I want no part of them.

    • May I know why?

      • Yes, because none of them are safe for humans. Because they cause heaps of enviro damage to manufacture and because they change the taste of food negatively. And they more easily get damaged. Philips don't specify which coating they use (that I could see in the short time I looked) but all of them are crap. You can search the internet for the various dangers of the common non-stick surfaces and the lawsuits. Same reason I would never buy one of those bread-makers with non-stick coatings. The bread they produce tastes crap and they are crap for you.

        Clean the appliance after every use.
        The pan, baking tray (HD9225 only), basket and the inside of the appliance
        have a non-stick coating. Do not use metal kitchen utensils or abrasive
        cleaning materials to clean them, as this may damage the non-stick coating.

        • +1

          Unsubstantiated rants are not reasons. Here are a couple of recent opinions that seem researched.



          The Guardian article shows that different types of material can be associated with different outcomes, so nothing we use is without issue.

          If you have some facts from CREDIBLE sources I would love to hear them, as I would rather not poison my family. Please don't link to anything that also claims that vaccines contains poisons.

          As for damaged more easily: yes they are, and they clean more easily. I will take the latter if it is dishwasher safe. I do not expect such a device to last much more than 5 years so if it lasts that long whilst I use apprpriate utensils, I am happy.

          As for changing the taste of food? All cookwear can do that, but an inert surface is likely to do it less.

        • -2

          No citations for these tinfoil theories?

        • @skyva: But some manufacture are still leaving Teflon for other non-stick coating material. I can see in Woolworths many Non-PFOA skillets. So there are still some concerns

        • @Orpheus:

          Here are a couple of recent opinions that seem researched.

          Sure 'seems' that way. It's easy to ignore the stack of papers about the health hazards, the lawsuits, etc. Fact: manufacturing the stuff is an environmental nightmare. Fact: negative health effects. Fact: industry covered-up the health issues decades ago, knowing full well what they were selling. Fact: DuPont lawsuits.

          Feel free to to eat from the latest chemical concoction. Feel free to have your loved ones eat from it too. I wouldn't touch any non-stick surface with barge pole for several reasons. Personal choices…we make them daily.

        • @cheepwun: Feel free to post actual researched evidence to back up your claims. Still waiting.

        • @Orpheus:
          Feel free to use Google. Don't have time for you. Don't feel the need to convince you. We make our choices and live with them. Suffice to say it's all out there. If you are willing.

        • @cheepwun: lol. You dont need to convince me. Facts convince me. And its pretty clear you have none.

        • @Orpheus:
          Help yourself. 2 powerful words. If you come up with nothing, come back. Meanwhile, enjoy your air fryer. I'm not responsible for you or your loved ones. Trust the industry, who are still making millions poisoning the masses. Like cigarette 'proof' decades ago.

        • @cheepwun: The burden of proof is on you. If some guy on the street started telling me that owning a car will give my family cancer, its not up to me to prove it or disprove it. Its pretty obvious you dont have any actual evidence or proof that Philips is posioning people with this model of airfryers. Its also amusing how you try to switch the topic to caring about loved ones because you have no proof. As if not believing you means I somehow must not care about love ones lol.

        • @Orpheus:

          If some guy on the street started telling me that owning a car will give my family cancer, its not up to me to prove it or disprove it.

          Guy on the street offers you a jumping-off point to start your own research. Which you are too lazy to do. He gives you the headline, not the 3,000 word explanation and tour of the lab.

          Its pretty obvious you dont have any actual evidence or proof that Philips is posioning people with this model of airfryers.

          It's pretty obvious you don't know the difference between those who manufacture non-stick surfaces and those who implement them in selling products.

          Its also amusing how you try to switch the topic to caring about loved ones because you have no proof.

          It's pretty obvious you have made up your mind and are dead-set on not changing it, hence the total lack of research. And my total lack of desire to change your mind.

          I don't change any topic. I stick to it. Poison your loved ones. They deserve the best.

        • @cheepwun: lol not my problem mate. Anyone can claim anything they want. Its not up to anyone but the person who makes the claim to prove it. If you can prove to me that this airfryer does indeed poison people, then i wont buy it. But you cant. Yeah and Keep on changing the subject to poisoning loved ones/kids/puppies/homeless children to try to make me feel guilty because you have nothing else to help your argument lol.

        • @Orpheus:

          Its not up to anyone but the person who makes the claim to prove it.

          According to who? I wasn't talking to you. You were talking to me. You asked for citations for these tinfoil theories. Anyone who answers like that is obviously filed under "wasted time".

          If you can prove to me that this airfryer does indeed poison people, then i wont buy it.

          What makes you think for one moment that I care what you buy?

          But you cant. Yeah and Keep on changing the subject to poisoning loved ones/kids/puppies/homeless children to try to make me feel guilty because you have nothing else to help your argument lol.

          I offered my thoughts on nonstick surfaces. I said there is plenty of evidence of harm. You responded in the typical ignorant tinfoil hat style. Would you like mummy to chew your food for you too?

          Don't believe it? Not my problem or my concern, let alone my task to convince you. I'm just an internet crackpot & I wear my aluminium hat. Why waste your time being argumentative? Start your own research (if you even care, that is). It's pretty obvious to me you don't. And that's fine. It's far easier to stay ignorant and rude. I approve. You get what you deserve. Enjoy your air fryer.

        • @cheepwun: Relax.

        • @Orpheus:


          I have nothing left to say. I just wanted to be argumentative with a tinfoil-hatter.

        • @cheepwun: I have nothing left to say because you have nothing to show lol

  • +3

    I have this at home.

    Awesome for making kale chips, crispy chicken wings, eggplant chips, normal chips and chicken drumsticks.

    If you put the above ingredients in raw, they will come out really dry, it's up to you to season them with a bit of oil, herbs and spices (toss in a bowl) and it will turn out great.

    You can take out the pan throughout to check on the progress, add sauces in the last 5 minutes or so so you don't burn the flavours, especially with chicken wings.

    Also great for reheating instead of using the oven.

    • kale chips? what has the world came too…

  • love it great for cooking left overs,currently eating last nights left over KFC also great for left over fish and chips which we previously threw out,I've also used it for heating pies,cooking chops,wife has used it to make croutons
    Highly recommend,note if/when my current one breaks i will look at buying the larger one,probably don't need it but then it is larger :)

  • i have one of the black airfryers. have had it for about 18 months now. absolutely love it and use it daily. the base is non-stick and needs to be thoroughly cleaned, as oil and residue from the food drips onto it and tends to get stuck. our non-stick base started to peel after 6-9 months of use and was mainly due to being lazy and not cleaning it thoroughly after each use.

    will definitely be buying another one when this ones motor goes.

  • +3

    Also available in black or Red @ Myer for an extra dollar after $20 discount code.



  • I have a different air fryer but we use it for everything. No more fatty deep frying. As someone above mentioned, some things can come out super dry, so rub a bit of seasoning/oil on when necessary.

  • Wish the XL model wasn't so expensive - need the bigger size but can't justify even $300 for it!

    • +1

      I have the big and small model. This model (small) is by far better.
      Smaller model has no electrical panel and does not seem to smoke as much. Size wise you don't notice a massive difference

    • +1

      I have the XL model and similar to other suggestion, the small version is better. The XL has an electrical panel which easily gets burnt when you cook for too long. It is not very responsive as well compared to the mechanical panel.

  • It looks like this airfryer uses a dial instead of a digital control. Is it accurate?, if I set 2 mins, will it stop in 2 mins?.

    I have another airfryer that uses a dial, but it's difficult to set the timer precisely. It either stops earlier than expected or longer.

  • +1

    In my opinion, it is just a small fan-forced oven with a fancy name.

    • -2

      …with no choice regarding non-toxic cooking surfaces.

    • +1

      Don't know the quality of your oven/air fryer, but in my house the air fryer is pretty great. Takes approx 2 minutes to get to 190C, which the oven would take forever to do, and cooks chips in 13 minutes - oven would take around 30-45 minutes.

  • Love mine only bought it a few weeks ago. So far have used it for chips, roast potatoes, chicken tenders,drumsticks and chiko rolls. Reheated pizza in it and it was excellent. Size wise I'd say it suits 1 or 2 people.

  • The HD9240(philips.com.au) is better and have been using it daily. Cooked frozen chips in 8 minutes @ 170c.

  • Why not just an oven? Do these things use significantly less electricity?

    • +1

      They do the same thing really.

      I found it's better because:

      • Heats the food much faster
      • Heats the food consistently, with the oven sometimes it cooks different parts better than others
      • Doesn't release as much moisture as the oven does, so for chips, or chicken, they come out crispy (if that's what you want), so things can come out dry in the airfryer, but that's a good thing for certain foods
  • +2

    Best kitchen appliance we own. Use it every day. Great price OP. Paid a fair bit more than this a while ago :)

  • is there much diff between the HD9220/50 or the HD9220/50 ?

    • +4

      is there much diff between the HD9220/50 or the HD9220/50 ?

      No difference.

      • Lol

        • whats the different between the HD9220/20 or the HD9220/50 etc apart from colour? it appears many retailers change the last 2 digits of the model number so you cant price match?

  • I had never had frozen chips that were any good until I got an airfryer.

    We will order burgers from Uber Eats and make our own chips at home. Chips don't travel that well and end up soggy and for $2 a serve you will make your money back pretty quick.

    • $2 a serve for fries, unless it is maccas, is pretty cheap. I've paid $4 for a small pocket of chips from so called gourmet burger joints.

      • Tell me about it! Airfryer will give you 750 grams of chips for $2.00 just as good.

        Also if you want really treat yourself Bird's Eye do a deli style frozen. Same style as Schnitz chips (Schnitz is still better though, those chips are delicious)

  • +1

    Anyone else have trouble cleaning theirs? Or better yet any tips?

    That wire mesh is a pain!

  • I bought an unbranded one on eBay a couple years ago for $89. It is my favourite appliance and I almost never turn my actual oven on anymore when this thing can reach 200C in just a few minutes. I can only imagine this Philips one is even better. :)

    Cleaning it is indeed really difficult. I bought one of those non-stick surface-safe sponges from Coles and it does seem to do the job okay though.

  • Some of my family are coeliac so we can't have store bought fish and chips. How does battered fish go in this? Also, can it do battered fish and chips, say for two people, at once?

    I am really interested in this, especially the "dishwasher safe" aspect.

  • Anyone with the newer TurboStar (HD9621), does the Baking Dish (HD9925) fit it? I've read that the baking dish is for models HD922x & HD923x however I've heard people say that they use it in their HD9621.

  • I bought a cheapie Kogan one. eBay had the many 15% off vouchers going.
    Got it today and gave it a whirl.

    Chiko roll, nuggets, battered fish all turned out pretty good, better than the oven in a quicker time.

    I will need to have a play around with the cooking times though.

    Cleaning it wasn't really a problem. This one is not a wire basket but has grates in the bowl so it's easy to clean with a sponge.

  • This look like it's a rebranded Philips one!
    Anyone got this model?

  • I grabbed one yesterday and I am loving this thing. Literally the good taste just as good as deep frying

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