I'm just flying this out there, because it seems really inappropriate & unsafe, to say the least.
The property "managers" (do-nothings) have sent an email accepting our notice to vacate with a note that they'll "notify before an inspection" of people wanting to rent it afterwards— while we're still in it & paying.
WTF? I'm paying my rent until that time— why should I have to allow people through the house I'm paying for until I leave? They, could be casing the place, for all I know?
I understand they'll advertise it— but actually walking people through- while we're still here??
Is this right?
OP - you seem to be coming across a tad self entitled here in my honest opinion. You seem to be thinking that the laws of the land be changed to suit your ideals? There are many things in life we all don't think are fair or makes common sense to our personal rights, but the laws and precedence especially in this case have been observed since many years ago. Thousands and thousands of persons before you have done it. Put up with it, adjust, secure your belongings, and make do with what it is. LIkewise when you were searching for a place you would have had the same entitlement to view property while tenants were in it.
As others have pointed out - the landlord has shelled out hundreds of thousands for an investment which as they said, they reasonably want rented as soon as you step out. As mentioned : again it isn't "ideal" in your personal world, but for them it is. It was in the contract and as like all contracts they aren't always all rosy for the counterisgnee. Still -you seem overly paranoid about being cased out by drug addicts and the like. I'd be similarly worried about stuff but in my case - get on with securing your stuff. Put it somewhere else or take your jewelry and laptop with you to work for the day. Just do something to make do.
You seem to be more caught up that prices are way too inflated to buy, so no thanks. Well in that case be thankful for your investment property being there available for rent. If changes were made to suit renters like yourself all the time no one would want to own an investment 'burden'. The supply would equalise to equal those who live in houses, and again, you'd more than likely still end up with an equilibrium market where renters liek yourself who don't want to buy can't find a rental property.
FYI - the courts from what i have seen/heard take the side of the tenants quite often. Landlords quite often have their share of financial losses and burdens from regulation protecting tenants , as they are more often sided with unless proven otherwise. Have you seen how hard it is to kick out someone etc. I remember once my parents trying to evict someone and a hand delivered notice was the reason why they fronted out to court and got told to come back until they had "mailed" the notice e.g. it would have taken longer to mail, but that's how the law is stipulated.
So before thinking about just yourself think about your 10 years of good standing and assumedly your landlord has been fair enough that you've stuck around that long. So one transgression at the end should be fair game. If not, then genuinely there is no way of appeasing you no matter what one says.