Home Exchange Server

Wondering if anyone runs a home exchange server, if so what kind of spec is the machine? To start will only be 2 users, down the line may need to expand out to 6-7.

Currently use gmail and not happy with the ability to sync with outlook (PC for me, Mac for wife) and our iPhones (talking sync of mail, calendar to do as well as ability to share calendars and tasks list etc). Alot of my sync issues are solved with a home exchange machine.

(Will also will likely be starting my own business in the very near future so it will cover that scenario at the same time).


  • +6

    Just get Exchange Online?

    Running an Exchange at home is insane. You think it will solve a lot of problem, but it wont.

    • +1

      This. Save your time and effort.

    • Im just wondering if/when things scale up it would be cheaper to have one set up rather than rent 'online'. I suppose they would be responsible for backups and stuff then as well.

      • +3

        No, it would not be cheaper.

        I literally lol'd when you said "when things scale up".
        You really need to re-evaluate what you're trying to solve, and your solution (I'd start with the app store on your phone)… Or, just admit that all you really want to do is look at your wifes emails.

  • +3

    I wouldn't run a home exchange server.

    What is your Sync issues with Gmail? I use Outlook w/ gmail IMAP and have no issues, except on the first sync where i hit the service limits to sync my 10000+ emails
    What internet speeds up and down do you get?

    if you are looking for business email, licencing, running costs, backups, data retention all play a part in the costs.

    try looking into a hosted mail server, though keep in mind there is data sovereignty laws, prohibiting specific data from being stored offshore, which could affect where you need to keep your data.

    There are a few hosted exchange providers out there,
    iiNet has one for 6.99 per user a month w/ sync support (25gb mailbox): https://www.iinet.net.au/business/small/website-solutions/ex…
    Office 365 also has hosted exchange (50gb mailbox, 1TB onedrive storage) for 7.00 per user a month https://products.office.com/en-au/business/office-365-busine…

    • Looks like Telstra could possible be a cheaper option as well…

      Email syncs with gmail without problem its all the other features of Outlook i use. I have Office 2016 (PC), Gmail (imap), iPhone. Wife has Office 2016 (Mac), Gmail (imap), iPhone.

      • Calendars - Both syncing across devices and online and sharing with wife
      • Tasks/To do - As above
      • Contacts - Sharing/Syncing. iPhone is crippled in this area without exchange (unless things have changed since i last looked)
      • Sharing mail folders
      • so all working:

        • Calendars - Both syncing across devices and online and sharing with wife
        • Tasks/To do - As above
        • Sharing mail folders

        your only issue really is:

        • Contacts - Sharing/Syncing. iPhone is crippled in this area without exchange (unless things have changed since i last looked)

        try taking a look at: how do I sync Gmail contacts on my iPhone?
        or: See Google Contacts on your mobile device

        let me know how you go

        • Actually Calendars, Tasks/To Do, Sharing Mail Folders are all issues I have problems with as well… eg cant get it to work

  • I run it at work. I wouldn't run it at home.

  • Are you Hillary Clinton?

  • why don't all your family use one product either outlook or gmail?
    You may still experience some sync issues with Home Exchange Server, if you using two different products
    Think as Holden vs Ford and pick one brand :)

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