Microphone For Laptop To Record Voice


I want to buy a good microphone for voice recording. I currently used the microphone from the headphone I got from phone. I think the recorded voice are not very clear. Although I find the headphone from HTC worked better than other brand.

Is it due to beats audio?

Your recommendation is highly appreciated.


  • +1

    What kind of budget are you working with?

    If you just want a microphone for calling on Hangouts / or Skype, remember data compression will cause a very noticeable drop in quality (therefore it's not worth getting extremely high end microphones)

    If you are doing Vlogs (video logs) on Youtube or singing for e.g then you might want to invest in a good mic, for e.g Blue Yeti

  • +1

    Blue makes some decent USB microphones that I've seen many youtubers use. You can get a Blue Snowball for under $100 with an eBay code and Blue Yeti for around $170. (I use the Yeti)

  • Thanks for your recommendation. Not very high budget, I want to make video containing instruction on how to use some features of word, excel etc. It records the computer screen and my voice. I just want my voice to be clearly recorded. Do you also have advice on the microphone setting on computer? Does it make a difference. The one on my computer is realtech, I turn on cancel echo setting.

  • I bought a takstar sgc698 for use with my camera but recently I used it to pull double duty for a series of online meetings and it worked fairly well for me. Has tripod threads so can be mounted on a gorilla pod or similar and placed on table etc.

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