On top of this, you can also use the Paypal $50 cashback in conjunction with this offer.
Seems like a bargain in regards to Macbooks, cheaper then EDU discount anyway!
On top of this, you can also use the Paypal $50 cashback in conjunction with this offer.
Seems like a bargain in regards to Macbooks, cheaper then EDU discount anyway!
Wow, that freaked me out when I read this! Haha, thank you for the heads up. I had no idea I was even logged in?
Changed it now.
It's still logged in?
Is this deal for Online purchases only?
Great deal - makes the 27" iMac i5 down to $2209… from $2599, very nice price
I went to check if the offer is applicable with iPad but they are all out of stock.
Excludes iPads, sorry!
Do they sell mac minis at DSE? Can't seem to find them on the site.
There is an asterix on the ad. Not applicable to iPads.
Some of those apple prices are really more than you can ever expect to get for a new mac! 15% off + another $50 paypal… unbeatable.
Macs are 5-10% off, Windows computers are the ones that are up to 15%.
EDIT: Nevermind, there are macs up to 15% off.
This almost makes their prices competitive… eg ASUS n61 priced at $1359 instore (with 15% discount) this can be bought at several sydney computer stores for $1299 (marked price with no neg) Dick Smith Stores I find are terrible for price matching and i was told definately no way they can go lower…
Quite expensive shipping - $39.95 (for iMac 27')
i'm stoked, 15% off new macs! never heard of before
Apple Campus Stores get a pretty hefty discount.
where and how much?
Apple on campus discounts are sizeable… but still not as good as 15% off + $50 paypal offer for some models
Refurbed macs are still cheaper + free shipping
Does Apple store do price matching?
Yup they do
Hey applebyte, is it true that apple store does price matching? How do you do that? I presume it has to be in-store? Do I just point one of the fluro guys to the dse website?
Can you get the 15% off on EDU pricing?
Or only off RRP?
If you can get 15% off EDU, then this is a great deal.
I don't believe so, only RRP. Regardless, it still comes down cheaper + $50 paypal cashback.
What are the chances of new models popping up after this? lol
no chance for imacs - recently updated (http://buyersguide.macrumors.com/#iMac)
few more months for macbook pros - http://buyersguide.macrumors.com/#MacBook_Pro
But I guess at 15% RRP, you could still sell it 2nd hand at the same price you got it!
Thinking of going high-end: 15inch i7.
Server's Died.
*and is back
wow exciting!!
Will they customise it? I want a Macbook Pro: 500GB 7200rpm HDD, antiglare display and apple care.
I do notice that their applecare is quite expensive. Can you get applecare later? Or do you have to purchase with the Macbook Pro?
EDIT: No Macs can be customised
DSE Melbourne was out of stock of the model I wanted.
Price Matched at JB Hifi Bourke St.
Now my wallet hurts.
Mistaken statement.
Robbie, you might want to change that link.. And SIGN OUT of DSE website before you post again..
DSE security is poor! People can see your details!