• expired

50% Back on Purchases on eBay (Max Refund $50) - **Registration:** Closed **Purchase Hour:** 24/9/2010 - 12PM


During Happy Hour, use your mobile to buy an item on eBay.com.au and also pay for it with PayPal, and you'll receive 50% off the purchase price, including shipping cost, up to a maximum refund of $50.

Be among the first 5,000 to register between 12 noon Wednesday 22nd and 12 noon Thursday 23rd September AEST. Also, make sure you have both a PayPal email address and an eBay User ID. And if you miss out on Mobile Happy Hour you'll still go in the draw to win one of five $1,000 prizes* to be paid to your PayPal account.

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closed Comments

  • what pin u put in? u man password?

  • http://pages2.ebay.com.au/happyhour/terms

    PRIZES Happy Hour 50% Off Prize

    1. The Happy Hour 50% Off Prize Major Prize Winners will receive 50% offthe total price of one purchase (including shipping up to a maximum of $50) made on the website www.ebay.com.au through a mobile phone or through the eBay Inc. mobile phone application if the purchase is:
      1. made between the period 12:00pm and 1:00pm on Friday 24 September 2010 AEST ("Happy Hour");
      2. made through the eBay.com.au ID number submitted on the Registration Form;
      3. paid with the Happy Hour 50% Off Prize Major Prize Winner's PayPal account (that was submitted on the Registration Form) through a mobile phone.

    I couldn't find anything about having to use a paypal app or m.paypal.com.au in the terms and conditions.

    Did anyone else find anything in there?

    I see they may have tweeted about going to m.paypal.com.au to make payment, after buying on eBay.com.au and using a pin … but it's not actually in the terms and conditions.

    Nor is it in the terms and conditions that we have to have access to tweets, nor the tweet location.

    So … I'm hoping they won't try to enforce anything that was outside the terms and conditions :)

    Even if they tweeted 'cos they were hoping people would do something a particular way.

    • so would you think that I could pay with my paypal app but not log in using mobile number and pin, but rather use username and password?
      bcos my mobile number is asking for area code, but then doesn't work..

      • I'm afraid my phone does not have a paypal app and I can't tell you for sure what it is they want :(

        I can tell you that, when I registered my mobile, I used +61 before the 4(etc).

        Others said 61 does not work, but maybe they did not use the + sign

    • Well i just completed my purchase and payment via my iphone using the t&c as instructions.
      I checked with ebay live chat and they said i can pay with my paypal account the normal way. So I did, by just using my email and password.

      I agreed nothing on the t&c stated that you have to use the mobile app. Just have to perform the transaction via your mobile phone.

  • +1

    Just ordered 24 pairs of CK jocks for $66 total delivered (after $50 cashback)… Item number is 500517493879. Looks like a good bargain to me!
    Just buy 4 in the one transaction and you are good to go!

    • -2

      Dude, underwear?!?

      • Ah, yeah… underwear.

  • I just bought a three man tent for $82.90.

  • did any one buy international?

    • yes. but mobile ebay stuffed up the combined shipping discount }:

  • Too easy.
    Used iPhone app, bought a 2TB, pay via paypal, entered mob + pin and paid for.

    I have go to say it was surprisingly quick and easy.. even quicker than when I use deskop..

    • How much for your 2TD hard drive? I paid $103 shipped for a 1.5TB

      • $145 a bit ex, Only bought it cause of the $50 though.

  • aaargh crappy ebay/patypal on nokia browser - bought using ebay mobile, but doesn't let you pay without going to main site, and won't let me log on using "classic" site on mobile, so no way to complete the transaction.

    • ?

      I used a Nokia browser, set to mobile, to make my purchase.

      No hassles for me

      • +1

        I clicked buy now, but then couldn't pay with paypal as you've got to go to the normal ebay site to complete the purchase

  • I didn't need to enter any PIN when I paid for my item on PayPal mobile (the site; I have a Nokia). I just logged in using my e-mail and password. I did get a message saying that next time, I can use my PIN to log in rather than my password. I used Opera mobile as my browser and my phone's 3G connection, just in case payments made using Wi-Fi were ineligible.

    Bought these: http://cgi.ebay.com.au/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=260646… I was originally going to buy a laptop battery, but everyone said it was a waste of money, so I switched to a portable hard drive, but I didn't have enough money, so earphones it is! =)

  • -1


    1. Open up internet on ur phone, go to ebay.com.au. If your on a mobile it will show up as mobile.ebay……

    2. Find the item u want, and BUY IT NOW

    3. Confirm, then Pay with paypal

    4. You will be directed to mobile.paypal website where u need to login

    5. Do not log in with ur email address, U must login via PIN by typing in ur mobile number and 4-8 digit PIN which you need to setup beforehand via Paypal/Profile/My Accounts/ Enable PIN where u setup your PIN

    6. Confirm payment @ paypal and your done

    7. You should get an email from paypal when you have paid

    • You can pay with email address on paypal, as long as you're on the paypal mobile site it doesn't matter.

    • We have to pay via PIN? they ask for area code.+61?
      BTW i bought this hdd to replace the one in my ps3.

    • WHAT!!?? So if I paid using my email/pass (but on the iPhone eBay app) i'm not qualified?

      • I'd like to know this as well. It says in my PayPal account that it's a mobile payment, so if I don't get my money back, I'll have this as proof that I paid using a mobile phone.

        • u are fine. as josh81 said, nothing in the T&C states otherwise, i can't edit the steps anymore

    • It says nothing in the terms and conditions of this promotion about requiring you to log in to paypal using a pin. You must be able to get cash back if you use your normal password.

      • My thoughts exactly, I hope you're right :)

      • +1

        Next step, we check if they refund us in 3 weeks :P

    • WRONG! you do have to login via PIN. Email/Password is fine as long as you're on mobile.paypal.com

  • Where is the purchase button on m.ebay.com.au? I cant believe I'm having such a hard time finding it…

    • Look down the bottom of the listing on your mobile you'll probably see "“Immediate pay items not supported”".

      You could try buying it via. ebay.com.au in normal mode. If your phone supports full browser pages but I'm not sure if that'll be included in the 50% off.

  • Error: We can't complete your task right now. Please finish this on your computer, and log in to Paypal online for more info.


  • Mine's came up with fatal failure

  • Just bought the new FFXIX mmo game :D collector's edition $55 (after cashback)

    • final fantasy 19?

      • Yes, 19!

        XIV sorry hehe.

  • Ummm what should I do?

  • I just made the transaction and completed the payment. How do i know if i get the 50% back?

    • +1

      You don't. You will get it back in your paypal by 15 October.

      • looks like u just got to hope for the best

        i got the confirmation page but never received sms but hey :P

  • anyone using windows mobile?
    the continue to paypal checkout button doesnt work!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    • got it to work.

      If you have this issue, go to m.paypal.com.au and accept the security certificate. Log back into ebay and the link now works.

    • as I said before…

      Look down the bottom of the listing on your mobile you’ll probably see ““Immediate pay items not supported””.

      You could try buying it via. ebay.com.au in normal mode. If your phone supports full browser pages but I’m not sure if that’ll be included in the 50% off.

      This means you will not be able to purchase that item, try another one.

      • What?

        There was a continue to paypal button. The button did not work.
        I am not talking about the "this item must be paid for on ebay.com" message.

        There is a bug that the redirector link doesnt work without approving a certificate from "m.paypal.com.a". Once i manually went to m.paypal and approved the certificate the link worked.

  • anyone buying international?

  • HOw do you pay?

  • so must we pay for our item within the next 40 mins?

    • Yes and no.

      From the T's and C's:

      1. If you are a Happy Hour 50% off Prize Winner and are unable to, for reasons outside of your control, pay with PayPal through your mobile during Happy Hour, we may at our discretion give you the Happy Hour 50% Off Prize if you:
        i)pay for the relevant purchase with PayPal through your mobile; and
        ii)pay for the relevant purchase within 3 days after Happy Hour ending.
  • I bought an item via paypal thru linked BANK account and it says peyment uncleared… will i still be eligible?

  • What the hell? I just bought 2 copies of an xbox game (31 +20 P+h) so total is $61AUD + $40AUD = $102.00 AUD (according to ebay) but when i go to pay with paypal on mobile its charging me $60 postage, total $122 dollars. I Had a look at paypal on the PC and its charing me the correct amount of $102. Whats going on? grrr…

    • same thing happened to me. i'm going to ask the seller if he can refund the excess shipping paid…

  • yes. the daleks are mine! EXTERMINATE!

  • Paypal site just keeps going back to its main page once I click buy now, no confirmation or anything. And now the continue button on ebay isn't working.

    Also seems items marked as "immediate payment required" wont work on mobile ebay. Clearly still a lot of bugs and limitations with it, this must be their way of doing a high volume beta test on the site.

    • I had the issue of the continue button not working. (see my post above)

      go to m.paypal.com.au and login. I had to approve a certificate. Once i did that and loged back in to ebay, opened my "won" items, the continue button now takes me to paypal.

  • +1

    what a load of crap this exercise is from a nokia web browser - if there's one thing I've learnt it's that I wouldn't bother buying using ebay mobile again

    • Which phone do you have? I and someone else listed above tried it on Nokias and were fine?

  • I don't even have the option to pay using mobile and pin. They only allow me to enter my paypal email and password. I've already setup mobile paypal on my iphone and login to test it as well.

    Any help would be appreciate all.

    • there should be a link saying PIN Login

    • yeah i had to scroll down, there was a little link at the bottom of the page.

  • gosh they keep saying invalid mobile… i already activate my mobile from paypal yesterday… do u need to add 61 infront as ur mobile? like 6104557-28-42??

    • I didnt use an area code. I just put in 0424944824.

      • lol can I call you for the heck of it? (:

        • +1

          Sure, but you will need my correct number first.

    • +1

      I got the same problem, so i have to use email n password in the end.

    • add the + . seems to work for a lot of people

  • Took me about 30 seconds all up on a blackberry - quite easy!

  • I just bought some knives using my phone. I used m.ebay.com.au and then logged in with my PIN number for Paypal mobile. I hope I get the cashback.

    • You know what to do when you don't get your cash-back.
      Threaten eBay with you shiny new knives.

      • i see you like to play knifey-spoony! ;)

        • Sure do [=

  • http://cgi.ebay.com.au/New-Western-Digital-WD-1000GB-1TB-SAT…

    bought 2 1tb hard drives $73 each posted!

    Not the best price but the cheapest on ebay lol!

    after cashback = $47 each :)

    BTW - on iphone took 2 seconds bid and paid!

  • OK - I bought using the eBay app on my iPad. I also then paid using PayPal within the eBay app (using phone number and PIN that I'd already set up). But now I read in the terms and conditions that it must be, "c. paid with the Happy Hour 50% Off Prize Major Prize Winner's PayPal account (that was submitted on the Registration Form) through a mobile phone." So, does this mean that because I paid through the eBay app instead of using my mobile phone and going to the mobile PayPal app that it won't be covered?

    • As above, I have a Galaxy S phone and bought via the Ebay app. However, I logged into mobile Paypal and got redirected to mobile Ebay which when paying, redirected me BACK to mobile Paypal. Logged in via PIN and mobile and all good, but when I finished the transaction it said something along the lines of 'next time you can log in with your mobile and PIN instead of email and password'…

      I made sure the URL was mobile paypal before paying for it anyway, so we'll see if I'm lucky or not.

      • if you used the ebay and paypal android app you will be fine. the paypal payment will be classified as mobile regardless of whether you logged in via pin or password

    • if you use ur mobile and pin to login you should be fine!

    • They said you must use your Paypal account

      They didn't say you must use your Paypal application

    • My concern is that some people have reported that their transaction history in PayPal says 'mobile' payment somewhere, but mine just seems like an ordinary PayPal payment, doesn't say 'mobile' anywhere on it, even though it was paid from the iPad mobile app.

      • Yeah, I used my mobile/pin to log in. But the receipt I got looks exactly the same as the usual ones I get.

        • Cool. Here's hoping there isn't a bunch of disappointed eBayers in a couple of weeks..

  • done, couldnt figure out what to buy so bought a $100 itunes card for $50

  • -1

    anyone know if you have to purchase with the ebay account you registered or its ok if your are buying it from a different account but paid with the registered paypal account ?

    • u HAVE TO bid and pay with the registered ebay and paypal account!

      so NO u can't use a different account!

  • +1

    Didn't find anything I really wanted, bought some Woolworths Gift cards so I can use them for Fuel!
    Getting $25 for free is better than wasting $50 on something I don't really need.


  • I bought a $100 visa gift card for $54 (after cashback)

  • anyone having trouble making up their mind, get these headphones:


    popularly known to be the best value-performance across the most mediums (ie games, movies and music). great ebay seller, highly reviewed and at just about the right price to get the max rebate plus a few dollars. I already have a pair and just picked up a second…

  • If you have no idea what you want, this looks good:
    VISA $100 card for $54 (after discount)

    • damn!!!!! wish i bought that instead lol!

      btw it's $110+$4= $114-$50 = $64

      kinda ripped by $14 lol!

      • Cheeky bugger just put the price up $10. It was only $100

    • +2

      Member id bh.pop3 ( Feedback Score Of 68)
      93.8% Positive feedback
      this doesn't look good

      • The two negatives he has, are from withdrawn items after he has sold it, a laptop and loud speaker.

        I got it for $104! (as I said above).

    • HAHAHA The guy's changed it to $10 more! What a sneaky bugger!
      Anyways, I got it for the $104 posted-score!

    • DAMNIT. I'm such an idiot. Should have bought this instead.

    • Yeah as people said he put the price up $10 some time after I posted this. bit annoying!

  • HOw did you guys pay, becasue i can't find the pay now option?

    • maybe more info?

      like what the heck u are using? iphone, blackberry etc!

  • everything worked for me (hopefully) on my Samsung Galaxy S.

    Got a new subwoofer and some new Nikes :)

    EDIT: Also took pics of the eBay/PayPal transactions on my phone incase there is any trouble.

  • +1

    Keep getting error saying I cannot pay on mobile.

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