• expired

50% Back on Purchases on eBay (Max Refund $50) - **Registration:** Closed **Purchase Hour:** 24/9/2010 - 12PM


During Happy Hour, use your mobile to buy an item on eBay.com.au and also pay for it with PayPal, and you'll receive 50% off the purchase price, including shipping cost, up to a maximum refund of $50.

Be among the first 5,000 to register between 12 noon Wednesday 22nd and 12 noon Thursday 23rd September AEST. Also, make sure you have both a PayPal email address and an eBay User ID. And if you miss out on Mobile Happy Hour you'll still go in the draw to win one of five $1,000 prizes* to be paid to your PayPal account.

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eBay Australia

closed Comments

            • @curiousman: Look up the page for a post by issh.

              10:42:35 AM Guest
              So, will the ipod touch work
              10:42:40 AM Guest
              10:42:53 AM Michelle T.
              Unfortunately, the ipod touch doesn’t qualify.
              10:43:04 AM Guest
              10:43:14 AM Guest
              but what about the ipad
              10:43:37 AM Guest
              because my friend has an ipad
              10:43:48 AM Guest
              that i might use, does that still qualify
              10:43:58 AM Michelle T.
              It won’t as well, since the promotion is only intended to mobile phones.

              Whether they'd be able to tell or not, no idea.

  • hey guys we might be able to pull this off by buying from http://m.ebay.com.au/ then paying from http://m.paypal.com.au/ all using the safari browser/iphone mode method…..worth a shot, but still a gamble though

    i checked that i could login using both my normal email+password & mbl ph no+pin from my chinese android tablet using mobile chrome & it works!

    i'm gonna try paying after logging in using the mbl ph no+pin method & hope fingers crossed it is recognised & appears on their systems as mobile on their end.

  • I'm not sure if this helps but, when I visit Paypal mobile's website, on my phone's browser, there is the option of Shopping.

    When I click on that I am given a choice of places I can buy things, including eBay.

    which just brings me back to eBay Mobile :S

    It'd probably be helpful if they put a short, step by step guide on what they want us to do, in order to be elligible.

    May I suggest they consider a Nokia 5800 for that example :)

    Partly because I think that would mean they talk about using a browser successfully, rather than an app.

    • foundit, my detailed post below should answer your question > buy using m.ebay.com.au and pay using m.paypal.com.au

      Using the mobile version of the site is fine. Almost all 2G mobiles, and many older 3G mobiles are simply not able to display the full ebay site and will redirect.

      Besides, the whole idea about this promotion is to promote using paypal on mobiles :)

  • +14

    Ok under my interpretation of the T&Cs of this promotion, along with eBayAU tweets, here's what you gotta do to make sure all your bases are 100% covered:

    1. visit https://www.paypal.com/au/cgi-bin/webscr?cmd=_mobile-activat… and activate PIN payment function on your mobile phone. You will instantly receive a confirmation code via sms which you then need to input into the site to verify that phone number. All this means is that you can now log on to http://m.paypal.com.au using your mobile number and pin instead of your paypal email address and password.
    2. wait for the clock to strike 12pm on Friday 24 September 2010.
    3. fire up the eBay app for iPhone users or open http://www.ebay.com.au on your mobile phone browser (your mobile device may redirect you to http://m.ebay.com.au - this is fine, almost all mobiles will do this, particularly older 2g phones which are not capable of displaying the full site. newer 3g phones will usually have an option on the bottom to switch to "classic view" in order to view the full site if they prefer. either way it does not matter).
    4. find and buy your item asap - worldwide is ok, does not have to be local. Multiple items only ok if buying more than one of an item which is listed as being available in multiple quantities but within a single listing. Different items even from the same seller is NOT ok.
    5. fire up the Paypal app for the iPhone users out there or open http://m.paypal.com.au on your mobile phone browser. Both will give you to the option to login using mobile no and pin (from step 1) rather than email address and password. Use the mobile number and pin method and pay for your item.
    6. do all of this within an hour, ie before 1pm on Friday 24 September 2010. If you cant complete the payment portion ONLY within the time frame, clause 35 (copied below) may assist, but please note it is at ebay's discretion so please avoid having to do that if possible.

    Now for all you people out there with access only to an ipod touch and ipads, you should be able to pull this off using the eBay and PayPal apps via wifi, provided you log into paypal using your mobile number and PIN as above. The eBay reps clearly have no idea with one saying ipad/touch is ok and another saying no, and the suggestion by one above that IP addresses can be used by them to ascertain if it's a mobile phone is a load of crap - IP addresses are not assigned according to device type. Yes it's true that the mobile carriers have their own specific IP ranges assigned for Data traffic (2G/3G etc), but given that phones these days can connect to wifi means that gets thrown out the door, as the phone will be assigned the IP provided to it by the wifi network, not that of the telco carrier. Since wifi is not excluded, this is a valid way of doing it.

    So you got a mobile that only does what mobiles were invented for - calls and sms. Good for you! If you want to take part in this offer then please proceed with care. Register your mobile number as per step 1 above. Then as per my previous post on this topic, you will need to find a way to spoof your "user agent id" based on your choice of browser and operating system. Several users here have suggested using safari in mobile mode. Whatever your choice, please make sure you check it out by visiting http://www.thismachine.info which will tell you your user agent id string. For example, when I go there on my macbook pro, the UAI string reads "Opera/9.80 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X; U; en) Presto/2.6.30 Version/10.61" but on my iphone it reads "Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 3_1_2 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/528.18 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/4.0 Mobile/7D11 Safari/528.16". You want it to look more like the latter. If the spoofing tool you are using allows you to define the string, feel free to use my iphone one. However as I said, proceed with care. If you still get found out I cant help.

    I have reproduced the relevant sections of the T&Cs used in my assumptions above for ozbargainer convenience. To reiterate, the above is only my interpretation of the following, so if it doesn't work for you, don't come crying to me, I have nothing to do with this promotion.

    "19. The Happy Hour 50% Off Prize Major Prize Winners will receive 50% off the total price of one purchase (including shipping up to a maximum of $50) made on the website www.ebay.com.au through a mobile phone or through the eBay Inc. mobile phone application if the purchase is:
    a. made between the period 12:00pm and 1:00pm on Friday 24 September 2010 AEST ("Happy Hour");
    b. made through the eBay.com.au ID number submitted on the Registration Form;
    c. paid with the Happy Hour 50% Off Prize Major Prize Winner's PayPal account (that was submitted on the Registration Form) through a mobile phone."

    "35. If you are a Happy Hour 50% off Prize Winner and are unable to, for reasons outside of your control, pay with PayPal through your mobile during Happy Hour, we may at our discretion give you the Happy Hour 50% Off Prize if you:
    i) pay for the relevant purchase with PayPal through your mobile; and
    ii) pay for the relevant purchase within 3 days after Happy Hour ending."

    • so we are allowed to pay for the relevent purchase within 3 days after Happy Hour ending meaning we don't need funds in our paypal account straight away?


      Once you click "buy it now" in your eBay app, won't it automatically redirect you to the paypal site? or is there another method to doing this?

  • Just received my SMS confirmation 8.04am AEST.

    • 8:09 got mine too

  • Just received mine too

  • haha awesome i got into it…..
    when i registered, the confirmation page timed out, so i didnt know if i got in or not….
    When i tried to submit again, it said "user already registered" LOL

    Woot, now to make sure i buy in time and get the rebate!

    BTW The SMS says:
    Hey <Name>, get ready! eBay Mobile Happy hour is TODAY, from 12 noon to 1pm AEST. Cheers, The PayPal Team. Reply STOP to unsubscribe.

  • OK, got mine too… To confirm:
    - Linked PayPal mobile to Ebay account. Done.
    - Ensure I can connected to m.ebay.com.au. Done.

    And that's it? When I buy on m.ebay.com.au, there is a way to PayNow or osomething within ebay, whihc takes you to m.paypal.com.au?

  • Anyone decided on what they're going to purchase?

  • Just got off the phone with Paypal. Apparently if you received the Congratulations page it means you have successfully registered for the promo, even if you did not put in your mobile phone number.

    eBay helpdesk says it's no good, but Paypal says yes you're all set! shakes head
    But ebay did say that this is a paypal promo, same owner but different companies. So I'll take paypal's word for it. If you didn't provide your mobile number, call Paypal up now and get them to take note of it. You can then take your case up with them if you don't get your cashback on Oct 15.

    When you call paypal, just keep pressing # a few times, you will be redirected to a rep instead of going through voice automated junk,

    Buy at own risk!

    • what's the phone number?

      I'm gettin gthe runaround
      ebay says talk to paypal, paypal says talk to ebay

  • I never got an email confirmation but got the sms this morning, I guess im good to purchase and get the 50% off?

    • +3

      Yep. Don't think anyone got e-mail confirmation, but I did get the SMS.

  • might get a second android tablet: http://cgi.ebay.com.au/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=110584… $65 after cashback!

    • is it any good ? I am tempting to buy now.

      • Me too - can't see any reviews on it though….

      • that looks interesting, what else out there ?

        I was only going to be using a bit on bluray movie but now thinking i should splurge!

      • Slow interface, nonupgradeable firmware etc etc

        For those 2 reasons alone it makes me "not" want to get it - however it does look nice :D.

    • Is this capacitive touchscreen or resistive? Is this multi-touch?

  • +2

    guys how do we pay for this? do we log onto 'paypal mobile' and pay via item number etc? or? im lost

    • Yeah, this is the biggest let down of all.

      • what willll youu be doing? and do we have to pay within that 1 hour time frame? or are we given 3 days to pay for it?

  • Hi guys

    Is happy hour for Action or Buy it now ??


    • i have the same question - from when and till when can we make purchases?

    • +1

      It's for both. It's going to be much easier to use on buy it now items.

  • oh man what to buy

    starcraft 2 at rip off price plus 50% off
    2tb hdd for ripoff $149 price + 50$ off
    or mouse at ripoff rrp price + 50% off
    or ssd which i wont need for another 6 months which by then will drop in price by $50

  • purchase is from 12 noon - 1pm

    buy not sure if buy it now can be used?

    • Got a reply from ebay.

      By the way, I would like to inform you that this promotion is only for one item. The cashback applies to the item's price plus shipping costs.

      So if you're buying an item for $80 and pay $20 shipping, you get a $50 refund. We recommend you choose a 'Buy It Now' item. And before Happy Hour kicksoff, contact the seller to check you can pay instantly.

      You can check this link for further information: http://pages2.ebay.com.au/happyhour Thank you for your time.

      Sincerely,Eve D.

      • what about

        "“35. If you are a Happy Hour 50% off Prize Winner and are unable to, for reasons outside of your control, pay with PayPal through your mobile during Happy Hour, we may at our discretion give you the Happy Hour 50% Off Prize if you:
        i) pay for the relevant purchase with PayPal through your mobile; and
        ii) pay for the relevant purchase within 3 days after Happy Hour ending.”

  • okay will this work…

    I am looking at buying an item but its only via bidding and bidding not ending till tomorrow.

    I asked seller as I am the only bidder would he end lisiting early 5 minutes past midday thus making me win the auction during "happy hour" so I can use my 50% off.

    that would work right?

    • Yeah it should, you have a 1 hour window to pay though.

  • i got the confirmation page but didnt get a txt this morning! bummer =.=

    • some guy above said you are still eligible if you got the confirmation page but no text.

      I'm not 100% sure if thats correct though

      • I got the text this morning but my brother didn't. Weird.

    • did you sign up for mobile paypal?

      i didnt put my mob number in when I registered so I'm assuming they text me using the phone I signed up for mobile paypal on.

      • i just did this morning…

      • yes I did.

        I've also heard of people who got the confirmation screen, and did put in their mob number, but did not get sms.

  • +1

    I talked to this guy to give this deal (2 in 1 listing), I think its a pretty good deal. http://cgi.ebay.com.au/2xApplecare-Iphone-4-and-3GS-apple-ca…

    • Other seller listed it $25 USD only… Not gonna pay $40 for each

      • Can't find any $25 applecare on ebay.com.au

        • It was here before…http://offer.ebay.com.au/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewBidsLogin&item=250701213876
          checking the history

  • Buy me a fifa 11 game on ps3 if you are not using your deal.. !!

    Dammit 10 min too late :-(

  • so anything worth buying on ebay?

  • i download paypal apps for my iphone but i don't think it is counted as registered yesterday, If I buy something between 12-1 today, will I get $50 refund? OR I need to be registered first yesterday ? bugger :(

    • Do you even need a separate paypal app?
      I'm just going to use the eBay mobile app to buy and pay for it.

      • Same here.

  • Follow Duff5000's instructions because that's how paypal and ebay check if you're using a mobile phone*
    *Must have text and call capabilities, so ipod touch and ipad will not work

    From Duff5000

    Make sure you sign up for paypal “mobile payment”. Logging into the site using your phone IS NOT a mobile payment!


    You need to enable the mobile payment service on your paypal account.

    From paypal:
    ….when you are using eBay and PayPal via mobile internet explorer this is not classed as a mobile payment and would be the same as making the payment from your PC.

    When you activate your phone for use with PayPal Mobile payment, you’ll use your mobile PIN to approve your mobile transactions.

    This process is very much different with using the phone to access internet and to log in to PayPal

    • How do I use the pin?

  • @issh

    I guess I forgot to put the confirmation sms from paypal yesterday, so that's why I didn't get myself registered .. :(
    Will I still be eligible for a refund if I purchase item & pay between 12-1 today?? anyone can confirm?

    • you have to register/link your phone with your paypal account,
      i'm not sure about your refund

  • You may want to check that Paypal thinks it's between 12pm and 1pm when you buy.

    Though I'm not sure if you can do that. I think eBay the current time is, somewhere.

    Someone was asking about ideas: luggage?

  • this whole thing has been poorly managed.

  • -1

    Seems like a good thing to buy if you don't have anything particular in mind


  • great. i find an item i want to buy now and on m.ebay.com.au it says "Immediate pay items not supported". wonderful. just effing wonderful.

    • +1

      lol, what more is there to say

    • Same here… Tried to buy a Prepaid Visa card…

      • same :o, was like where the fsk is the buy now button (:o)
        can but it now on my pc :(

  • no-one has answered yet..


    • Using Paypal :D

      • obviously..

        but how do we pay for it exactly? step-by-step process please? with the "Buy it Now" link etc.. I don't know how that connects to the mobile paypal server and do we have to pay it within the 1 hour period?

        • K buying now.
          On iPod Touch
          Open eBay app
          Tap: Buy Now
          Tap: Commit to buy
          Tap Pay with Paypal
          Paypal opens within eBay app, like how internal windows open in facebook app

          Page comes up with "Secure login"
          Paypal TM
          Theres your email login as default.

          Tap "Pin login" underneath
          There we go =]

          GL ALL

          • +1

            @cwongtech: but when you pay via paypal there it asks for your password unless you selectr pin login? is that necessary ? and must we pay within that 1 hr time frame?

            • @curiousman: "INVALID Mobile pin. Login with your PayPal password.."

              • @curiousman: Yeah, u gota register for mobile, read the other dude's instructions how toget one.
                An yeah u Have to pay within 1 hour window.

  • Ugh!!!

    I have no idea what to buy…

    Any suggestions?

    • may be you should consider giving your account for others

      • no way :D

        I'll probably just buy a $20 CD :D

        • or sell your account out for $25 :P

  • When someone finishes post instructions

    • ditto!

  • This looks like a great deal, a HD5870 for $335.00 + delivery! After the $50.00 discount


  • Paypal need area code?

  • Hey Hirokuro, you can give it to me and I can buy some cloth nappies for my newborn :)

  • dang it…somebody bought the last item &%^&^%&

  • Just bought something using the mobile number/PIN code method via iPhone's eBay app.
    Let's hope it's eligible….

  • Just bought myself an Apple Magic Mouse.

    Used the eBay for Android app and after pressing 'Buy It Now', I was prompted to pay by Paypal. It redirected me to Paypal site via the app where I logged in and made the payment.

    Now to wait a couple of weeks and see if I was successful.

    • All done. Was easy!!!

  • Done!
    I am now the proud owner of a ParkZone Sukhoi R/C Plane! :)


  • I paid a buy it now item on my mobile ebay.
    Clicked buy it now.
    Pay using payal which direct you to the mobile paypal site.
    I put in my mobile number and pin.
    'Pay now'
    And it said 'Thanks for paying with Mobile Paypal'

    • did it ask for area code?
      I've entered my number with 6140….
      and it doesn't work!!!

      • no area code..
        just 04xx..

        • i first up did 04xx
          then it asked for area code
          then i tried 614xx
          asked for area code again
          then i tried 6104xx
          still wanted area code, but now will only allow username/password log in cos i had 3 tries…

      • +2

        try putting a + in front of the 61..?

        • Thanks, this worked for me :) I was trying for 15 minutes!

        • Yep, that's what I had to do also.

        • u r a lifesaver!!
          thank you so much, didn't even think of that! :)

  • "Error we cant complete your payment. Please pay on eBay.com on your computer"


    • i got same thing,

      i just opened the link through safari and went through to paypal..

      • Do you mean open it on your phone?

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