Buying Ice Tea Mix Adelaide ?

hello got family coming over from the states and they love their ice tea, now buying it per bottle is expensive and they like theirs strong so its probably best to get the mix and make it our self. anyone know where you can get this in adelaide ?

edit should mention looking for lemon, peach or mango flavoured mix


  • yeah i checked local woolies and nothing, the iga they listed is in sydney aswell :(
    gonna go check some local chinese groceries as apparently they sometimes stock it .
    my local costco doesnt have it either

  • +1

    I've recently seen it at Aldi, can't remember the flavors but there was peach.

    • yeah i called them and they out of stock was a special stock sale

  • Given they are from the states, I assume they like the super sugary unhealthy version of ice tea? If not, how about just making fresh tea with tea leaves and chilling it in the fridge. May not be the flavours you mentioned but its something to drink.

    • yep more sugar the better , dont think theyd like it without the same taste

    • thanks just ordered seome mango and lemon lipton will keep the family happy :)

  • bickfords have a peach ice tea cordial
    You can buy it in Coles or woolworths.

  • check great iced tea deals at Coles'

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