This was posted 14 years 5 months 20 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

Melbourne Green Zone Low Emission Vehicle Test Drive - Dockland


Find out which Low Emission Vehicle (LEV) would suit you. Take a test drive along the special Green Zone Drive route at the Docklands in one of around 20 LEVs from 10 car companies. Cars range from city cars to SUVs.

The event runs from 2-8 October inclusive.

Cars include:
Audi A4, A5
Mini Cooper

Have fun
Tony Phan - 1st submit, long time reader - time to give back to the community.

Mod: Removed freebie tag.

Related Stores

Green Zone Drive
Green Zone Drive

closed Comments

  • -3

    So where's the bargain ????

    • +1

      It's a freebie and a good one for people who are interested in green technology to try out some new cars.

      I've booked 3 cars, with half an hour in between sessions. I reckon that should be ample time.

      • -2

        Every test drive i've ever had has been free… It's not a freebie… A freebie is something that you get for free that you would normally pay for…

        • +4

          That's a fair point but no reason to neg the post.

          Unlike a test drive you arrange with the dealers (which can be a hassle, not to mention the hard-sell that often follows), this is an event (like a motor show but is free and you get to drive the cars) with many participants and, hence, less pressure from the salesman.

          • -3

            @EarlyBird: Is it an event that your normally pay for and now it's free ???

            • +2

              @jv: Freebie or not, judging from the responses so far, this post has potential appeal to many readers.

              It's easy to be pedantic about things but it sometimes goes against the ethos of the site - something for everyone.

              One is of course entitled to express one's views (I often put in comments that many disagreed with and neg me for them) but I still valued the good intentions of the OPs in posting these deals, unless it's a spam or scam of course.

              • -2

                @EarlyBird: yes, i'm just expressing my view and you've made your point that you don't agree with me…

                • +1

                  @jv: I dont agree with you either.
                  You are just making yourself look silly ;)
                  There was no need to Neg the post at all.

  • +3

    Free Test Drive day, play with many cars at one = Fun day

  • Thanks for the heads up, been interested in these things for a while and should be informative and great price ;)

  • +3

    You are welcome. I am looking for a new car too, it's a big hassle when you book a test drive with Dealer, 1 car at a time (either BMW,Volvo, Toyota dealers) + sell talk + sign insurance…. = big big hussle.

    This event, free day activity (book 3-4 cars for the day)+ meal at Dockland = fun

  • +1

    This is awesome

  • I wonder if this is a great opportunity for dealers to get as many deals as they can out of those wanting a free ride?

    • There is no doubt that they will want you to buy a car :) But you dont have to.

  • I am with JV on this.

    Where is the bargain when a test drive is free anyway?

    This is another form of spam and marketing.

    • The OP is not marketing anything, just posting to let us know its on.
      If you dont like it or dont want to go, just ignore it…

      Plenty of people are interested in this event, and the fact its FREE allround is great.
      Many car companies under the same roof offering a test drive, saving me TIME is a bargain to me.

      All this negativity - sheesh you would think that with all the other garbage non bargains in this place that these people would have something better to do!

      • Shall i post our local street festival on here too? It's free… So it's a freebie right ????

        How about the free barbecues at our local park ????

        Free Carols by Candelight run by our local council too ????

        All freebies, right ???

        • -1

          Yep why not post them?

          Compensation from trains get posted here, and various others, I find it informative.

          Calm down, its just a post, obviously too much time on your hands, why not just ignore it?

          • -1

            @John Dough: Compensation from trains are train tickets that you normally pay for and are given out free under certain conditions…

            Anything that is ALWAYS free IMO does not qualify as a freebie, otherwise i could flood this site with everything under the sun that is free…

            (i am calm, merely responding to all those offended that i do not think this should be classified as a freebie, thus my -ve vote)

            • +1

              @jv: jv, your argument is completely valid and I don't think this should be classified as freebie either. I wouldn't consider testing a product in store as free, as there's nothing that you can really take home (aside from several brochures). It's just like saying, you can test an iPad for free at apples stores, which doesn't really quite fit the freebie category. As such, i'll remove the freebie tag.

              However, while this deal may not apply to you, I think some may see this as a good deal (especially those who are car hunting), simply because you don't need to waste your time and effort to test drive the various make of cars at the different dealers and avoid all the sales push to sign a contract.

              As the deal has been amended with the freebie tag remove, I'll be revoking your negative vote as your negative vote was mainly for this reason. Your opinion is completely valid though.

              • @pauly: pauly,

                Might I suggest that we could consider the notion that

                a freebie is not necessarily a product that you can take home with you; it can also be a service rendered to you, or an experience that you can enjoy, free of charge, of course.

                If that being the case, this post would fit neatly into the third category.

                BTW, this also reflects the current Marketing definition for a Product.
                Thus, a massage parlour can have a product named "full body service", and an adventure park can have a product named "the ultimate pee-in-your-pants experience" ;-)

                • @EarlyBird: Agree about the service and experience part. My example was just a straight forward one, but of course there are genuine freebies which fall in the 'other' categories apart from just products. However they may sometimes, and in this case, be in the grey area.

                  There are many 'experience' freebies out there (e.g. home opens, product demos, test drives, etc), but should they all be posted as freebies on OzBargain? If this was allowed, the spam situation here would be even worse.

                  My view on this is that if it falls in the 'other' (other than a product) category of freebie and it's something that is available all the time, then it shouldn't be posted as a freebie.

                  Though it doesn't mean that the deal posted here is not a good deal. It has bargain aspects to it, just not as a freebie.

    • twilsoncrow, I have revoked your negative vote for the same reason as I have revoked jv's. Please see my comments.

  • As I said before, I think it's better than you have to visit 5-10 different dealers,fill in 10 insurance papers, 10 hard sell talks, 10 follow up sell talk. Also, for your record, I'm not a rep. Just a ozbargain fellow want to return favor to community. Take it or leave it. If you have local free BBQ, maybe you should post it to.

  • Common sense has prevailed! :) Good to see.
    Looking forward to checking some of these cars out and reading up on them all at the same place, saving lots of time, effort and pushy salesmen as suggested by others here.

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