I bought a TV for $450 last Friday from Myer using AfterPay, which enables me to pay off the TV over the next 6 weeks. This morning I started setting up the TV and it tipped over and smashed the screen. I'm really devastated because I've been suffering badly from depression and saved up to buy this TV as a way of trying to cheer myself up. It's the first TV I've ever owned, and the most expensive thing I've purchased in a long time. Is there anything I can do in this situation? Now I feel worse than before I bought the TV :(
Thank you
Mod: A reminder to everyone that personal attacks are not permitted. Discussion is fine but please keep the conversation respectful. Commenting Guidelines
Update: I took some time away from reading the comments on this post over the weekend because a few of the comments started making me feel very anxious and upset. I was not expecting much of a response to my post, if any, so I hope you can all appreciate that the response I did get was extremely overwhelming. I really appreciate all of you who took the time to empathize and support me. It really did make a huge difference. I received enough donations to replace the TV I broke and a bit extra which I will donate to beyondblue in order to spread the kindness shown by members of this community. Thank you all very much.
@MissG: That's an excellent way to put it. Thanks