This was posted 7 years 8 months 25 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

PS4 500GB $289 One Day Sale / PS Plus 12 Months $49 / PSVR + PS4 Camera + VR Worlds $529 @ Big W


Sony Days Of Play Event @ Big W

PS4 500Gb Slim console for $289 (ONE DAY SALE 9th June)

PSVR + PS4 Camera + VR Worlds for $529 (9th June - 17th June)

PS Plus 12 Months for $49 (9th June - 17th June)

PS4 500GB Slim Console + Additional Dualshock 4 controller for $399 (10th June - 17th June)

PS4 1TB Slim Console + Additional Dualshock 4 controller + Horizon Zero Dawn for $499 (10th June - 17th June)

PS4 1TB Pro Console + Horzon Zero Dawn for $549 (9th June - 17th June)

Software offers - 9th June - 21st June

Horizon Zero Dawn $45
Uncharted 4 $32
Last Guardian $29
No Mans Sky $29
Ratchet & Clank $32
Uncharted Collection $32

Related Stores


closed Comments

  • Games are great prices.

  • +2

    Is PS plus like Xbox gold where you get free games each month ?

    We have PS4 and Xbox at home and Xbox gold but not PS plus ?

    • Yeah mate, see this link as an example:

    • Yep, have got a few good free games, plus there is significant savings now and then. Got Uncharted 2 and 3 for $24 off the playstation store. It was cheapest at JB for 2 for $40….

      • -1

        I sold the Uncharted collection for $30 on Gumtree.

        • -1

          Congratulations! Brand new it currently $25 each iteration, or $11 on playstation store.

        • @OnlinePred:

          Thanks, I think I do quite well in getting the best possible price.

        • @cdestratis: But how much did you buy it for before you sold it? Because we are talking about buying games here. Specifically I am talking about the cheapest price available for a set of games individually through the playstation plus subscription compared to stores/online/physical etc.

        • -1



          Specifically I am talking about the cheapest price available for a set of games individually through the playstation plus

          Stop limiting your potential savings. ;)

        • @cdestratis: You bought the complete remastered collection for $19 new?

          Also I don't want to play the first one. Just 2&3.

        • @OnlinePred:

          You bought the complete remastered collection for $19 new?

          Second-hand, but at that price it's no different to me.

          Also I don't want to play the first one. Just 2&3.

          Fair enough, I enjoyed the whole series.

    • You generally only get indie games with PS plus each month now, no bigger titles like you can with xbox

  • Anyone have experience with PSVR?

    • +7

      The most streamlined VR experience at the moment, but ultimately experimental, for enthusiasts only. But if you are a horror fan, get it for Resident Evil.

      • But if you are a horror fan, get it for Resident Evil.

        It looks amazing but it's not for everyone… As great as it looks, the control felt really clunky and I got motion sickness from it. Might be easier to play normally.

      • +1

        I would say HTC Vive is the best VR experience out at the moment. Although pretty expensive compared to PSVR.

    • +1

      Not worth the money.

      Its a nice experience but visually its not clear. Drive club was extremely bad looking on the PSVR ….shame the normal version looks so good on the console.

      After playing for some time my verdict is if you were to play too long/much it feels like you will go blind if you do it too often. Headset is comfortable, setup is ugly, not compatible with 4K so manual switch HDMI, resolution looks bad if you are used to 1080p or 4K.

      In fact the samsung s8 3d head clear looks much cleaner than the psvr without the aaa titles.

      If you have lotsa money to spare get one then if not wait for the next one for PS5……(they should have some announcement/news on E3 2017 or 2018)

      Going to sell my headset after I experience ace combat vr on PS4.

      • +2

        Drive Club is a sub-par experience, not the headset. It's inherently low resolution, and does not max out the headsets screen because it is a quick port. But if you play quality titles like Resident Evil or Dirt Rally it is night and day.

        What you said about 4K isn't right, PSVR can do 4K content or passthrough 4K, you just can't passthrough HDR.

      • -2

        Not worth the money?

        Coming from a broke person I understand champ!

    • Had a quick session on a mate's one playing I Expect You To Die
      The game itself is basic, with simple graphics, but holy crap the immersion is crazy. Transports you to another world.

      Haven't tried any other VR systems so can't compare with anything else.

    • +1

      Have one - love it - far point is awesome with the new gun attachment (wouldnt play it without it!), VR worlds is a good demoish disc and Resident Evil was fantastic also. The remainder titles are good but would only ever pick them up when 50% in the sony store. Given I purchased a $450 zelda game system … yes Im looking at you switch … I think this is a better investment.

      • wait until you see Sony announcement on E3 :)

        I am sure its going to be a new PS portable, they are out to kill nintendo's portable console since they already have the lead on Microsoft for the console wars.

        The power of PS4 in your palms with PS VR head gear compatible/portable PS VR head gear (new portable version)….thats my prediction.

  • +3…
    PS4 1TB Pro + Horizon Zero Dawn + Prey + Fallout 4 + Remote - $539

    • +4

      Yep! Sold Prey for $65 on Gumtree, and Fallout 4 for $15, so ended up costing me $460 for PS4 pro + Horizon Zero Dawn.

      • I did similar at JB, traded back Prey & FO4 and paid $480. Satisfied enough.

    • That's a pretty good deal. Two of those games are still new, and the console alone retails for $559.

    • Fantastic deal, have no use for the last two games as I game on my PC too but easy fix just swap out I'm sure, or sell for something else.

      I got the BigW bundle with HZD and very happy with the Pro purchase, loving the system (jumped from PS3).

    • Picked up this bundle on wicked Wednesday with 5% off. Got an email alert this morning for mention of PS4 pro on this post and my heart sank. Thankfully the bundle still beats it, happy ozbargain days!

    • Just got this bundle also, traded in prey and f4 for Wipeout and Last Guardian and see it'll be $30odd tomorrow, damn! Oh well, getting Ratchet and Clank for the nostalgia!!!

  • +2

    Thanks OP. Going to top up my PS+ subscription in time for Tekken 7.

  • +1

    combine with 5.55% from wish gift cards

    • you da real MVP

  • I just renewed my psn 2 months ago, am I able to buy the card and put it in for next year (or just keep it into next year)?

    • +1

      You can stack, I'm not sure of the limit of years but once I tried to resubscribe and got errors twice, restarted ps4 and tried and got confirmation. Checked my emails, went through everytime… 3 years of PS+ on my account so didn't bother calling up.

      • so what if i plan to buy like 4 of those psn cards? do they stack up and add 48 months? yeah i am …. a bit bargain hunter

      • This is EXACTLY what happened to me.. got some error and paid twice and have a 2 years sub that is about to run out. Will jump on this deal though!

  • +2

    Ah bloody hell I'm just gonna have to deal with being broke this month

    • …… again :|

  • Is this online only or in-store? I couldn't see it anywhere. Cheers

    • oh man, I just re-read the poster… haha derp derp
  • With the older PS3/Vita games on Ps Plus.. Can you play them on PS4?

    • some PS Vita games are compatible on PS4 but not PS3 games.

  • +2

    I wouldn't buy PSVR this close to E3. It's unlikely Sony will announce a new model (though stranger things have happened), but it will give a better indication of how well the platform will be supported over the next 12 months or so, and whether it's worth your investment (or if it'll go the way of the Vita and Move).

  • Perhaps you can combine it with the Cashrewards 5.55% on egiftcards?

  • Does the PS4 still install games on the HDD like the PS3? Just wondering how long 500GB would last me.

    • +2

      It does. It didn't get me too far at all, I was constantly uninstalling and reinstalling games. But you can now expand the HDD with a portable HDD (you always could by opening up the PS4 and dropping in a new HDD, but this is much easier). I got a 3TB one, and now I have plenty of space.

      • That's a shame but at least you can use an external drive.

        Roughly how many games were you able to fit on 500GB?

        • +2

          It's hard to say. Some games, like GTA5, took 60GB. Some, like Broforce, took half a GB. Id say you could safely assume 8 AAA titles - remember, the OS takes up space on the HDD too.

    • +2

      If you play one game at a time or a few, and finish them before moving onto the next, you're fine.

      It's the people who play 10 games at a time evenly that will have problems.

      • Yeah, I think I might be able to manage on 500GB. There's not too many games that I'm really interested in anyway so I might just manage to fill it up with them all.

        I'm mainly interested in Gravity Rush Remastered and 2, Persona 5, Horizon Zero Dawn and considering a few others. That should last me a while I'm guessing.

        • +1

          I'm playing GR2 right now and I love it. The others you mention are great choices also. It's been a good start to the year for PS4.

          GR has a very charming protagonist, one of my favorites. And its setting is unique and amazing. Don't expect your usual jungle, desert, snow. This world is not earth-like but a gas giant. You don't see that every day do you? The cities are built on floating islands in space, and people travel around in air ships. The cities are huge and very vertical (in GR2 at least). Flying around is also feels really satisfying. You'll be exploring these cities above, and even below. Yes, you'll be exploring the underside of the floating islands and the buildings themselves. There are islands and archipelagos above and below others. It's a fully 3D world.

          Also GR2 looks gorgeous. One of the prettiest games I've seen on the PS4, largely due to art style.

        • @lostn:

          I've already got GR on Vita and I definitely agree. The game really does feel unique, it even felt fun just floating around the world. Shame there wasn't much enemy variety but they seem to have at least added some more enemies in GR2. I loved the soundtrack too. So I'd definitely want to replay it on the remastered version.

          Tearaway is another game that I have on Vita which I'm considering buying for PS4.

          This PS4 deal is definitely tempting.

    • Imagine I got 6tb for my ps4 Pro and its at 75% capacity…..

    • I bought a PS4 pro 2 days ago. So far Ive played 3 games, all are just the patch downloads, no idea of base install size

      Horizon zero dawn - 14GB download
      NFS Rivals - 3GB
      Titanfall 2 - 17GB

      I think they're pretty accurate, so yeah a 500GB wont last long especially if you pay for a PSN account and download the "free" games.

      You can however put in regular HDDs into a PS4, so maybe save now and buy a much larger HDD later. Or an external USB3 drive now, even easier

  • Uncharted Collection was $10 clearance at Harvey Normans the other day with a few other PS4 games.

    Horizon Zero Dawn is $39 at Target.

    • -1

      6 bucks extra for digital = worth.

      • +6

        Physical is worth more because it has resale value. Paying more for digital is something I would never do. If they were the same price, I would get physical. The only tough decision is when physical costs more than digital.

        • -1

          Yeah nah, I can never be bothered to put an item on ebay, reply to 30 messages from scrubs trying to get 2 dollars of the price, go to post office, have the potential of some scum lord on Ebay doing a charge back.

          To make 12 dollars back on a 30 dollar game I got 50 hours out of.

        • +2

          @Duram: Well I can. So nah yeah. You don't even have to go to ebay. Just trade it into EB Games.

        • +1

          @lostn: I keep majority of my old games. Why sell them when you might replay them one day, or they become rarer after 20+ years.

        • @87andcry: You can still keep your physical copy then.

          The only thing digital has over physical is if you want to remove clutter, which is valid. But if you're keeping your old games, you're probably not worried about clutter anyway. Digital pricing is usually more expensive than physical.

        • +1

          same here, resale is one thing but also two other things that keep me attached to physical:
          - trading / lending between my friends
          - only need to download a patch to start playing, not game + patch (although these days patches are half the game size in themselves)

          like the only downside i can think of is getting off my ass to switch discs but considering i'll only switch between AAA games like maybe once or twice a week on average it's hardly an issue.

        • @dltra: If you downloaded it digitally, you'd still need to patch it because they don't come pre-patched. And the games these days are 50GB and sometimes even more.

          I don't switch games often enough either since I play one game at a time.

          As a collector, I get physical whenever possible because I like having art on my shelf.

          There's also the remote chance that the server that has all your games could go tits up one day. Let's say Sony folds (it's not like they haven't come close before). How long do they keep the PSN store up? At least with physical, if that goes down you can still play your games.

        • @lostn: Do you think physical copies of games (for consoles) will be phased out in the next gen of consoles?
          I'm guessing 50% of games sales on current gen is digital (and growing every year!).
          There are pros and cons to both.
          I'm old skool though, love my physical media.

        • @87andcry:

          We might be heading in that direction, but I don't know if it will happen in the next one or if it will be the one after.

          There are some barriers to entry still. The internet in some countries is still not great, so downloading 50GB games takes a while at the moment, especially on PSN. Future games might be 200GB, which will be harder. The US still has data caps on some plans.

          The second is what happens when you piss off bricks and mortar? If you make it all digital, you cut out their share of the profits. Good for the manufacturer, but what's in it for the retailers? If there's no money to be made on software, they won't bother selling your console since not much is made on hardware anyway. Right now they are happy to sell hardware, because it opens the door to selling more software, which is where the real money is made. But if you cut out that avenues to them, and they decide it's a waste of time stocking your hardware, how do you get your consoles out? MS, Sony, and Nintendo would either sell their wares online only, or they would need to open their own stores, which sell only consoles. Myer, Target, EB, etc aren't going to sell your consoles.

          The other option is for TVs to have built in streaming boxes, and all games are streamed like PS Now. I am not a fan of this solution for many reasons.

          It will probably happen eventually, but they are treading very carefully and right now don't want to piss off retail.

        • @lostn: Good point. I was only thinking from a tech perspective but the politics of big business is a strong driving factor.

        • +1


          Yeah nah, I can never be bothered to put an item on ebay

          So basically it comes down to you being too lazy.

          That's where you differ from others that are willing to literally go the extra mile to save a buck.

        • @lostn:

          It might get pushed on us, but i will always hate the digital push/revolution. Especially this DLC crap.

          I mean in the old days you got and sold what you had physically. Now if you buy destiny, you get the base game and all the DLC is one time use only. So you have games which are relegated back to base level.

          Same for other games where you want to buy a 2nd hand game, it has a minor DLC but you'd still prefer it, but becuase it's preowned it's likely gone. And as others said, you can't onsell your digital content.

          If they bring back selling digital games to other players that would revolutionise things. But you know companies: profit and dollar are all that matter.

          It's amazing how in the days your game was your disc, now i get a prompt to update the game before i can play every week or so (as i seemed to be with some new games). So there went my quick login to play when a download pops up.

      • Can I lend the digital one to a friend? Not piss taking, is there a shared feature?

        • Sort of. PS4 home console feature.

  • ps4 pro deal seams very bad. I was expecting around $499 mark

    • It's $499 at Target. Includes Horizon Zero Dawn.

  • Does PS plus stack? ie. if I am currently paying yearly automatically through psn store, I can just add this and it extends my membership by 12 months?
    Edit: I just saw in this thread that it does, will have to check which is cheaper, 30% off or $49

    • +4

      Normal psn subsription is $69.95 x 30% discount = $48.96
      Big W = 49 - wish gift card = $46.30


      • +2

        at $69 I haven't resubscribed,
        $46.30 has me thinking.

      • I didn't think you could buy gift cards with gift cards

      • Does anyone know what the Big W deal is? I can't find it… thanks

        • What are u talking about. You're on the big w deal!

        • @Slo20: LOL Oops, I'm very tired…

    • It does stack.

    • so what if i plan to buy like 4 of those cards on an existing membership? do they stack up and add 48 months? yeah i am …. a bit bargain hunter

  • Almost brought a VR for $549, so with a camera for $529 I'm in. But I'm sure the 2 in stock are already gone!!! :/

  • I would just wait a week.

    E3 is just around the corner and who knows what Sony will do with the PS4/PRO once MS officially unveils the Scorpio.

    Could be a new bundle/price drop just waiting to be announced.

    • I don't think you will see any price cutting until we get close to the Scorpio's release date.

  • What if I already a ps plus member and use a 12month code…. does it add on to the end?

    • +1

      Yes. It stacks up to 3 years

      • Ooh.. I did not know there was a limit of 3 years.

        • same? so if i have a current membership expire in nov? that means i can only buy 3 cards only?

        • @shakah: It might only allow 2 years, because adding the third would put it over the 3 years?
          As they have an expiry of 12 months, I would buy 3, stack 2 and then after November stack the 3rd…?

        • @techboy: I had 11 months left on my PS+ when I added 2 more years, totalling 2 years, 11 months. Not sure if that helps.

        • @lostn: in other words because they have a 1 year expiry, i should use the 3rd card after my 1st year membership expires. am i right?

        • @shakah: I have no idea. I can't confirm that there's a 3 year cap. That's just what that person said. I've never tried it and I don't know if anyone has. If he heard it from an official source, it would help if he linked to it.

        • @lostn: same fuuuuuuuu

        • @techboy:

          when i bought the digital voucher print offs from eb games they told me they don't expire? So if you don't redeem the codes you can just store them away, subject to fading of the receipts?

          Is the 12 month expirey something else or are the eb games guys just clueless? I figured that way i could load 3 annual memberships on, then leave another 1 or 2 purchased codes/receipt printouts from EBG unloaded indefinitely?

  • Anyone think these deals will be available with Big W's afterpay option?

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