This was posted 7 years 9 months 22 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

Horizon Zero Dawn $39, Wipeout Omega Collection $39, Uncharted 4 $27 and Ghost Recon: Wildlands $39 at Target


Hey Guys!

Thought I'd post about these awesome prices beginning next week and running until the 14th!

Horizon Zero Dawn – $39 PS4 (Starts 9/6)
Uncharted 4 – $27 PS4 (Starts 9/6)
Ghost Recon: Wildlands – $39 PS4 XB1
Watch Dogs 2 – $39 PS4 XB1
PREY – $55 PS4 XB1
Wipeout Omega Collection – $39 PS4

AFL Evolution – $79
Injustice 2 - $79
Call of Duty Infinite Warfare – $39
ARMS – $64
Mario Kart 8 – $64 Switch
Battlefield 1 - $55
Mass Effect: Andromeda - $49

More in store, stay tuned for this week's catalogue!

Still not 100% confident on the post structure, but hope this helps! Happy gaming!

Via Press Start (

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closed Comments

  • +41

    39 for horizon zero dawn seem to be a good deal.

    • GoTY material, feel bad for people that haven't played it already. Never jonesed for DLC before.

      • +4

        Some people are wary of open world games. I know I am…

        Definitely grab Wipeout at this price, maybe Horizon too :)

        • +3

          HZD is the first open world game I've finished (Platinumed) for as long as I can remember. As a parent I appreciated the quest structure of being able to jump in and out

        • +3

          Just chiming in that it's also my first plat in an open world. Sank 103 hours in it, and loved every bit of it.

      • +1

        Agreed 100%, need DLC ASAP.

      • Agreed. I'd go as far as saying it's my fave PS4 game so far. I never really buy any post game DLC but this is the first time I have craved more of a game after I have finished it.

      • +13

        Post history explains everything. Cheers lads.

        • -8

          Just giving an honest take, there are better games on ps4, thats all. "Post history", bit strange to even check somebodys to judge, but ok, i guess.

        • +9

          Not really strange. Your post read pretty much like a generic list of fanboy complaints picked up from a gaming forum, so it made me curious.
          And seeing your overwhelming positivity to everything Nintendo and Microsoft things fell into place.
          If I'm wrong I apologise but well, if the shoe fits…

        • +7

          Glad other people are smart enough to read this Nintendo fanboys post history.
          Potentially more annoying than jv, in my opinion.

        • +5

          @theguyrules: This guy previously described Horizon Zero Dawn as being 'by the numbers' while in the same post pushing Puyo Puyo Tetris on the Switch. His bias is ridiculously obvious.

        • -1
        • +2

          A bit of a shitty thing to do, attacking his character by pointing out their past comments instead of debating the points raised in his recent comment.

        • +2

          @ChillBro: Plenty of other people have already done that. I've also not played Horizon Zero Dawn so it's not something I can really comment on, from his posts I doubt BNN has either.

        • -5

          @theguyrules: Im a "fanboy" of what? Calling names over video games i see. Even though i stated i thought Zelda was a bit overrated, and Bayonetta 2 while decent was quite overrated ? Even if i did like those games, to assume im just posting without stating valid things based on your scooby doo investigating of what you believe i might enjoy is just silly.

          Riling up Sony "fans" and turning it into a console war thing to discredit a valid take is quite petty. No need for the salt. I didn't say anyone needed to agree, i only comment because i was merely initially interested and ended up a little less enthused about it overall. Not one of the main console warriors who post on here.

          I like games, im just not a gamer, the rules of what you have to like based on gamer culture online doesnt apply to me, nor does it apply to the majority of game fans.

        • -3

          @Cheaplikethebird: Im only biased towards honest takes, not PR takes or what Gamers are supposed to like according to hype. What does enjoying PP Tetris have to do with Console Wars? A game on the PS4 too i might add. Im not pushing any game, people can buy what they like or not, and people can comment. Gamer types and the gamer nerd culture have no affect on the average joe game fans opinion, i just give a more down to earth take. Maybe worry more about what you like instead of who comments on what. Video games are not that important.

        • -2

          @ChillBro: @ChillBro But then gamers would have to admit im right.

        • +1

          @BNN: So was that a yes or no to having played Horizon Zero Dawn…?

        • @BNN:
          Just 'being honest' by offering your opinions as fact. Sure.

        • @ChillBro:
          Not really, just warning people that talking with them is like arguing with an obnoxious brick wall.

        • -1

          @theguyrules: Rehashing the written pr "reviews", social influencer "reviews" or message board anger and who to support based on what the core gamers think gaming should be is totally the way to go. Or not. A bunch of game blogs get sent games to inflate the number of "goty" scores. This game, gimmie a break. How borderline interactive movie nongames like the LOU were overhyped over actual enjoyable game titles like God of War 3.

        • @BNN: if it was cross platform it probably wouldn't play as well cause it's not optimised and they'd lock content behind a paywall.

          Pretty much all the best games I've played the past year or so have been exclusives.

          Alan Wake, Quantum Break, Gears of War, HZD, Last of Us… Only exception I can think of is Witcher 3

        • @BNN:

          I enjoyed GoW3 but TLOU was the first game I ever played through again after FFVII. I'll avoid spoilers for anyone who hasn't played it but a certain Ellie rescue part of the game turned me into a cold blooded killer. I've never sat there completely stone faced after playing a game questioning how I made that transformation (especially taking into account I played through GTA V without killing anyone except where it was required for story progression). When a game makes you question yourself, you know it's good.

          Each to their own but TLOU is the best game I have ever played. If I get half the experience out of HZD I'll be more than happy, even more so at that price.

        • @Trickey: To each his own. God of War 3 has fun gameplay for the most part. LOU is borderline on-rails scripted in a bad way at times, with too much emphasis on adapting aspects of Cormac McCarthy's The Road and other fiction into a video game story and "cinematic" stuff, gameplay wise it is lacklustre.

          Far too scripted, the story is okay but outside of that the game borders on interactive movie level.
          Alot of people didn't like it when it released, but due to console wars, it seems its been overdefended again. Not saying thats your reason though. The game is very much a tech demo for the companies visuals. Basically why it was ported again to p4. That is the problem with modern ND games. Its overrated and the AI had some issues too.

          They might as well have given it to tell Telltale games, not that their games are particularly good either, given how overly scripted they are.

          But to each his own, i guess there is a market for this, majority of games are casual which is fine. I just wouldnt really consider games like that much of a video game at all, more a movie, not a particularly great one either.

          Quantum Break, a very good game at its core, was hurt a bit by the emphasis on literal story episodes within it. Distracted from the cool ideas they implemented in the gameplay. It could have been better, had they not shoehorned in a tv show, which thankfully is skippable. Alan Wake did a better job at adding a complimentary story, while the gameplay was unique and creative.

        • @BNN:

          I never played TLOU on the PS3 and managed to avoid the hype wave. I went into it with no expectations and it blew me away. Sure it has some scripted sequences, what game doesn't? I certainly wouldn't say it was on rails any more than a Tomb Raider game is, or even GoW for that matter. One could certainly argue that GoW is 100% scripted and stuck on rails for the games entirety. After all, you'll encounter the same events at the exact same time with zero differentiation where with TLOU no scene played out the same way twice even on my second play through.

          There has to be a balance between making something feel like an open world restricted within the confines of a story to keep you on track. I think both games managed it fairly well considering the concept is to engage you with a story while combining gameplay elements to keep you caught up in it.

          Going back to TLOU, there was no reinventing the wheel. It was simply an excellent game that took all the best parts of everything that came before it and executed it flawlessly. If there were issues, then you need to start giving some good examples because I either got very lucky in avoiding them or perhaps they only really showed up if you played the game in a manner not intended by the developer.

          At the end of the day, I try and avoid making comparisons between games especially if it's going to affect my enjoyment of one. I'm not a critic, I really don't have the time or energy for that rubbish any more. I take the time to look at review scores (I find Jim Sterling really gets it right) and a basic synopsis. If it appeals to me I go for it. I've found that since adopting this attitude towards games that I'm enjoying them more.

          FWIW I'm nearing my late 30's and have a kid. That should certainly give context to some of the above.

        • @Trickey: To each his own. Tomb Raider has become a bit more bogged down in the story, it felt a bit arcadier back with Legends and some older entires. You could argue that the modern nature of gaming and visual spectacle has hurt it a bit, in part an attempt to mimic the lesser cinematic aspects of modern games and contemporaries it inspired. A bit more on the brooding side and serious then it used to be also.

          God of War series for its time has some setpieces yes and some quicktimes, but at its core its a very arcade combat hack n slash, which has been mimicked. Up there with DMC, Bayonetta 1, Wonderful 101. The genre became stale but GOW did it right for the most part. Other still do bare minimum in some respects. Unfortunate they are also looking at turning it into more of a LOU thing, but ill wait before i judge.

          LOU as a game is bogged down in the story as the appeal and its heavily scripted parts. Outside of that as the appeal, its a generic 3rd person cover shooter with stealth elements and inconsistent, and contradictory poor enemy a.i. (etc bad guys, clickers not reacting to humans moving making noise and touching as they walk, humans blocking them as they bump into them stationery) for something that was initially touted as having advanced realistic a.i. in previews that were left out of the game, the end resulting gameplay is just bland and meh. Eliie directly undetected in view, sneaking behind/around enemies casually for long periods without clear detection, enemies catching on doors and other bits of environments, stuff like that for a serious game it was too much to not ruin it in areas for me, etc.

          Plenty of other games do 3rd person cover shooter better, the more action based, less serious ones. If the game was less serious/ realistic with more creative mechanics thrown in, it would possibly have been forgivable.

          I couldnt care for it, it felt like a movie too much, even with the dlc i felt it would have just been better as a Netflix thing or a cinema movie. I will say some of the soundtrack score choices were ok but that doesnt make a game good for me.

          I dont really care if something is open world or "within a path", i just think it needs to be broken up far better. Gears of War 2 had setpieces but they had some interesting things gameplay wise inside beasts.

          Jim Sterling probably one of the worst clickbait edramaists online. Wouldnt consider him a critic, a clickbaitor looking to get views and a politics panderer.

          Anyways video games not that serious. Just try to enjoy what you can, this hobby shouldnt be taken too serious so i can dig people enjoying things from a flippant perspective. Take care.

      • +7

        Horizon had fantastic gameplay, combat was smooth and some of the best I've seen in years. Visuals are fantastic and probably on par with witcher 3, if not better in some aspects. AI was fine and The only thing it had in common with Far cry was a similar crafting system. You are full of crap.

        • -5

          If you like fine, but nah the gameplay is by the numbers open world far cry, and dull. AI is bad, some animals barely notice at times, but humans especially. Amazing that their was so much hate for Andromeda's facial animations when that game at least tried to expand its gameplay to an extent.
          Similarly this game got a pass for that sort of thing (not that visuals should ever matter but makes you think). Another PR campaign for what is a bellow average experience to pump up the platform. Gamer types would be better off pick up exclusives like the new Yakuza, Gravity Rush 2, Assault Android Cactus instead of this PR "exclusive" game. Witcher was overrated massively, in a similar by the numbers open world category.

        • +1

          @BNN: Haven't gotten around to Andromeda yet though I hear ontop of the bugs the story is uninspiring and too many fetch quests. I loved Yakuza 0, so much so that I played 3 and will start 4 shortly and have also purchased 5. Gravity Rush 2 was ok, I enjoyed the first one more but number 2 just seemed too large in the sense that I would spend a few hours collecting crystals just to level up. I disagree about witcher - the combat wasnt great but its storytelling, quests, scenery and DLC are among the best so far - the universe was immense and immersive. If they had perfected the combat I would say its the greatest game of its time for myself personally. I do hear you though - some AAA games that have come out can be generic garbage - I am slogging through watch dogs 2 at the moment and its awful - I also thought Rise of the Tomb raider was very average. Also finished Deus ex Mankind divided a week ago and that was average at best which is a shame after enjoying human revolution.

        • @BNN: The reason Andromeda got so much hate for the facial animations is because the Mass Effect games have a heavy focus on dialog with up close face shots and decision trees so you spend a hell of lot of time viewing faces up close. This game is not focused on the conversation and is more about world exploration and combat so it's not a big deal if there's a few glitches with facial animation at times.

        • @Agret: Mass Effect has been about both, the exploring factor/dialogue wheel stuff though i would argue they finally figured out what they wanted to do with the direction of the gameplay (though i would rather ME focused less on the story stuff, and turn stuff, but they at least tried with the gameplay this time.

          Reality is HZD got a pass for that sort of thing the other got trashed for. Not that visual animations/faces should be the focus of a game.

        • +1

          @BNN: I'm in the 'don't like it' camp aswell(with regards to Horizon).

          As a longtime psn fanboy I wanted to love it, but the gameplay seemed slow and lacked the ability for players to be creative. On top of that, the story was uninspiring.

          I can name several other psn exlusives that I would recommend before Horizon. But I acknowledge I am in the minority with my opinion.

          On a side note, just finished Prey. Fantastic game.

        • @malich: I dont think your in the minority, perhaps on Ozb. Nice to see more enjoying Prey.

        • @malich: This comment I can respect because he offers it as his opinion instead of as fact. Sure I highly enjoyed HZD but i'm not going to try to force my views/points on others because my experience was different and honestly it just shows desperation to try and do so. Why should we address points no matter how valid they are when the source/person that they came from clearly has no inclination to be open/reasonable in a thoughtful debate/discussion.

        • Never said i was forcing anything. Im quite reasonable actually, i give genuine reasons why something is good or bad, or meh, or why there is an attitude towards certain games.
          Angry "gamer types" and "fans" of certain things got mad with me first. No offense taken though. My reasons are reasonable, people dont need to respond nor comment back. They choose too and i choose when I have a sec to comment. I only comment on games/topics i was initially interested or invested in. Its a bargain website, not some "real gamer" type forum.

          My perspective is more of an average video game fan take, not the angry gamer, console warrior, "believe what we need to for the white knights of the core gamer" crowd online. There are plenty of console warriors that comment on games or platforms they had no interest in on Ozbargain, i am not one of them. I genuinely wanted to like certain games but it doesnt always go that way.

          None of this is really that important, and its not an important enough hobby to get mad over. These games are toys. People can disagree of course. Its a form of entertainment made for kids at the end of the day.

        • @malich: Will be giving prey a look at too, just after Assassins creed 0, Resident evil 0, yakuza 4 and persona 5 (they have been on my radar far too long)

      • Press right and jump has been Super Mario Bros. succesful formula for 30+ years. That seems to be too complicated and Nintendo have removed pressing right from the game on Android.

      • I found the gameplay / ai really refreshing. Since the AI has lots of different robotic creatures that all behave differently and react differently depending on attacks/abilities used it made combat quite refreshing to me, although you do have a fair share of combat against human enemies which I found kinda boring in comparison. I think the weapon selection is really quite fun with the traps and slow motion shot ability to pick off some weak points. The visuals are gorgeous which definitely doesn't hurt the game to me. I would say it's similar to Uncharted/Tomb Raider titles but with stronger combat.

  • +6

    wow great prices. knew it was good to be patient with HZD, ppl are still selling second hand copies for $50-60!

    Injustice 2 has been $75 at big W since release and comes with a free superman book.

  • Great price for Horizon. When does this start?

    • +2

      Thursday apparently!

      • I think Horizon Zero Dawn is on Friday. The OP says 9th. Also if you check the catalogue it says the PlayStation 4 deals start 9th of June, they are in red border.

        • The catalogue period is from today, but yeah I can see what you're referring to. Friday it is.

          I'll take the catalogue into JB tomorrow and get them to price match.

        • +1

          @j4ck: I went and got it from ebgames today, they pride matched it. Didn't wanna wait for 8am tomorrow.

        • @Slim Peynir:


  • Omg! I regret buying from Eb now…
    Can't use my 28 degrees price protection claim…

    • +1

      I bought HZD from Target for $79 rather than getting EB to price match Big W at $69, gambling that Target would have a better deal than EB within the six month window.

      • Think I'm just gonna attempt it and see how it goes, the worst that could happen is them saying no. Would just write eb would price match every major outlet.

        Your gamble paid off… 40-50% off for a new release without having to wait :(

        • +1

          I think they explicitly state that price reductions can't be due to price matching in the terms, so you probably won't have much luck.

          There's always a chance that EB will have a "50% off" sale that brings HZD down to $50 between now and September.

        • @asubtleviolence:

          wtf, just got a letter today saying cant do it cause i priced match big w $69!???
          But eb the same store is selling it for under $57.

          I thought price matching as in i cant use eb to price match other stores to make a claim, not the original purchase.

        • @Zeral: That's pretty strange. If you submitted the claim online, you might've answered one of the questions incorrectly. I know it asks whether the reduced price is the result of a price match, but I don't recall it asking the circumstances of the original price (aside from how much was paid on the card). If you misinterpreted the question and accidentally said the reduced price was only available due to price matching, they'd reject the claim.

          Maybe give them a call and see if you can speak to someone about it.

        • @asubtleviolence:
          Ya will do, just read it about 30mins ago but they're closed at 5pm.

          I did tick the price matching because I did price matched big w $69 on the initial purchase, might've misinterpreted that as price matching a claim like the $39 target for example.

          I think they all do it by hand too and not a computer, also had a call this afternoon about another claim asking if 'i bought it from ozbargain' when i copy pasted the ozbargain link to 'where did you see the reduction from'.

        • @Zeral: I'm curious to know if this was an error or if there is actually a rule about payouts on something that has been price matched in the first instance. There wasn't anything in the PDS about it, and no logical reason to refuse the claim (it actually costs them less money than if you had've bought it at full price).

    • Just a follow-up on this, EB have Horizon Zero Dawn on sale for $57. Not as good as $39, but you should be able to make a price protection claim with that.

      • Thanks will do! $12!

  • +23

    Prices have been copy pasted from here at PressStart, which includes images of the catalog provided by @xaaronh

    • +4

      Yes, would be nice to give credit where it's due

    • sorry guys, headed into my local Target store and picked up a catalogue! I don't mean to offend :(

      • +1

        You could just add the link to the PressStart article into the original post since that's where you got the information from.

        The prices and game list is directly copy pasted from the article.

  • +5

    damn $58 ps4 dual shock controllers is a bargain

  • +2

    Lol copy past of press start you suck

  • +1

    Ass, just bought Horizon for $50.

    • was worth every cent.

      • +2

        I borrowed HZD from a mate, glad I didn't waste my own money on that game - first 20hours was fine, the later 20hours was a slog

        • 20 hours if entertainment for $30 is a bargain!

        • @OnlinePred: not in comparison to 20 hours of free entertainment (Dota 2). And the cost of 20 hours of grind. There is an opportunity cost

        • +1

          @x853: Dota 2 is far from FREE. It's toxic as. I am so much happier now after quitting dota and getting a ps4. The cost on your health man, that game is trash.

        • @OnlinePred: like enjoying a fine bowl of salt - some have a higher tolence than others.

          Forget Dota, I have a vast steam library so ever minute wasted not enjoying one thing is a minutes robbed from enjoying another

  • +1

    Anyone know if the Wipeout Omega collection inculdes the classic sleeve?

    • +1

      That's UK only.

    • +2

      Yeah I got mine preordered from Ozgameshop. I think it was $41.99 with a couple of bucks worth of player points. Can't wait.

  • +2

    Mario Kart 8 – $64

    Funny how this is more expensive than on release ($62) and from the same store too!

    • +1

      It was only $62 for 3 days.

    • +2

      Commented the same thing (though I thought I picked up for $59). Either way, 3 years on and more expensive then launch - thanks Nintendo ;)

  • +4

    afl at $80 is a bargain?

    gosh, i wrote a comment in another thread about how overpriced those niche games are, staying true to form here

  • $27.00 for Uncharted 4 is very tepmting

    Wonder what the trade in value would be in EB or JB's afterwards

    • From memory, Uncharted 4 is worth around $15 or less at EB. No idea what JB will offer.

    • Grab it! Amazing game.

  • Will EB price match that Horizon price? They're currently selling it for $89 I think.

    • +3

      Yes they will. Bring the catalogue so it's easier and quicker for staff to verify (but it's not needed).

      • Do you know if they do trade ins against price matches? E.g. I ask for $39 Horizon zero dawn and then bring some games with me to bring the cost lower

        • +2

          Should have no problems as trade-ins are separate to price matches. Don't forget your Level 2/3/4 EB membership card for extra 10%/15%/20% trade-in credit respectively.

  • HZD great game at great price!

  • +4

    Does horizon have a lot of grinding? Kinda get bored by open world games now. I stopped half way through final fantasy xv. Not sure if i should get it.

    • No grinding required. It's open but not to the extent of Fallout/FF15/TW3/etc.

    • Nope, some grind will make fights a fair amount easier but definitely not required

    • +3

      You can grind if you want to get Platinum… but otherwise just follow the main story and skip the side quests and should be an easy 25hr game.

      It's definitely more fun doing all the side quests though.. add all the side quests for 15 hours or so. If you get all the collectibles then most people tend to finish it around 50-65 hours.

      I spent 75hrs because I finished every trophy, side quest and collectible. Got platinum. And because I did lots of grinding just cos… I paid $79 on release and I don't regret it one bit. Best game I've played in ages. I haven't ever wanted to ever play a game twice but this I might just.

    • +1

      ffxv wasn't a grind compared to the previous FFs. it's been watered down for the general gaming public, you can breeze through the storyline without having to gain levels. Getting level 99 characters were also easy to attain, the game has way too many shortcuts.

      • old style final fantasy/jrpgs were great with turn based equipment, magic and grinding. I haven't popped open my ffxv as life has been busy despite getting a launch copy - but hoping it isn't as boring/grindy as everyone is saying. I remember ff8 and grinding the first instance you get onto the world map, as i couldn't get out of the port town or whatever it was (so i just kept grinding and grinding haha and ended up too overpowered when i finally noticed why i was missing the departure prompt lol)

    • -1

      It feels grindy, but not like a jrpg, gameplay is just boring, dull, by the numbers like repetitive Ubisoft/Far cry open world games. Some poor AI with humans and some action combat is lacklustre, bland like recent TRs. If your bored of open world this is definately one to skip. Been there done that and its been better elsewhere.

  • HZD yes plaese

  • +1

    How can this run until the 14th? Arms release date is the 16th.

    • im thinking that will be a launch price.

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