• expired

TPG ADSL2+ Plans Upgraded $49.99 200GB (100+100GB) - Shaped to 1Mbps uploads counted


it's time to upgrade for people still stay in 130G with 1Mbps Shaped.

Consists of peak (8:30am - 2:30am) and off peak (2:30am - 8:30am) monthly usage quota. Speed will be shaped to 1Mbps/1Mbps for the period in which the monthly usage quota has been exceeded (peak and/or off peak). Downloads and uploads counted.

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closed Comments

  • TPG don't have plans that count download only anymore?

    • YES ….

    • +1

      only the naked and VOIP plans

      • +2
        • no thanks ill stick to my downloads only counted…
  • I'm on the old plan 200gb capped to 4mbps - uploads not counted, I don't think I will upgrade to the extra 50GB if it will count uploads.

    Overall the plans are still great though.

  • What happened to the days of 12am to 12pm off-peak….

    • +3

      reminds me of the good "old" Optus. Funny how things actually go backwards as time passes.

  • +3

    that's a shame. i wont be changing to a plan that counts both download and upload any time soon.

  • plans seem to be changing every 2 weeks now..

  • +3

    Uploads counted, i dont think so TPG…

  • This plan is inferior to the old plan.

  • uploads r counted!!!!. i dunno if i should change to these new plans ,seeing as i don't know how much i upload. how much do u guys upload?

    • uploads are usually 1/4 of the download amount max,ie download 4gb upload 1gb, i wouldnt worry unless you have a torrent server

    • ~90-110gb/month But I am pretty much always uploading if my pc is turned on.

      For normal internet stuff like browsing or games it wouldn't be worth worrying about really. Torrents or P2P or some kind of business/hobby where you have to upload a lot you might start to consider care about the limits.

      If you do get capped it won't really effect your upload speed, just download. 1mbps is a little above the average connection upload speed anyway (average upload max speed of .63 mbps for TPG in Vic).

    • There's a windows program called Networx that you install on your computer to work out how much you're downloading / uploading. Use that to analyze your usage and work out whether upload counted plans are worth the trouble.

      I've been running Networx for over 10 months on my main desktop, and here are my usage habits:

      So as you can see I'm mostly a leecher and don't do much uploading. The only real uploads I do are just hosting multiplayer games and the odd file/bookmarks sync between my mobile phones and laptop.

      • It looks like this one does not support Win7

        • Supported platforms

          Windows 2000, XP, 2003, Vista, Seven, 2008

          It's running on my win 7 desktop perfectly.

  • wtf… Uploads are now counted. Too bad if you upload to Youtube, FTP, VPN,etc. Not that impressive after all compared to the old 130GB $49.95 plan. An extra 70GB that maybe chewed up in uploads

  • Wish I could get TPG (no ports available at Telstra owned exchange) to have these deals as an option! Ok Julia you've won over the three wise monkeys with gifts now take a sledgehammer to Telstra and split it so consumers actually get a level playing field with telcos and fair choice. TPG can't even say if they will get ever more ports at my exchange due to Telstra not playing nicely :-(

  • Also notice peak and off peak times have been adjusted…

    Ie, it was 2AM to 8AM. Now it is 3AM to 8:30 AM

    • 2:30-8:30

      • ive also notice this as well
        and once you've signed up and everything is done, they tell you that you have 30mins less (3am)

  • Hi, I need your help.
    I seldom upload, even if I upload, I upload only 100mb pictures/files via email for example. No upload to youtube, ftp, vpn etc.
    BUT I download a lot, check emails regularly, browsing internet.
    Do you think it is worth it to get 70gb extra?

    Can I go back to my original 130gb plan in the future? do I get any charge?

    Please let me know. Thanks.

    • you cant go back to your old/original plans once you change.

      Unless you are uploading for torrents, in which case you are not, in your situation it wouldnt really affect you. you would benefit from the extra 70gb

    • Best to ask on whirpool or email TPG directly. TPG reps answer questions on the whirlpool forum.


      If you don't upload much (less than 35gb) the extra 70gb should be fine.

    • Thanks ALL.

  • Upload is counted but many exchanges that weren't be able to get unlimited plan can get it now.

  • lol!

    no offence but you people worried about uploading and are uploading are all living in the past lol!

    Get a seedbox if you torrent! You can get one for under $5 bux a month! i think 5gb hd space

    I've never had to seed since i got my seedbox 2 yrs ago LOL!

    • Where do you purchase a seed box?

  • +1

    lol what's this BS…. 60GB upload/download count….

    If I am not changing the plan now will my old 60GB download only/$39.99/mth plan be still valid?

    • +1


      and yeah it's pathetic what they did. the 60gb plan is worse off lmao.

  • +1

    Everyone is complaining, here and in the TPG Whirlpool forums yet it still gets 12 positive votes. LOL

    I was going to "upgrade" until I saw the uploads part and decided it was actually a downgrade!

    • Not everyone is complaining !

    • For people on plans from other ISPs it's relatively good! (If they can get it!)

  • +2

    Uploads counted? Kiss my backside TPG. Nice try though……..

  • +2


  • dammit 17 hours 24 min ago ΒΆ

    half agreed with the comments
    I had just changed my plan from $49 a month for 180gig to this new one and got charged $10 for the 5 days that I had used from 6/9/2010 - 11/9/2010, and now i have to pay 60$ for the next month bill.. :(

  • I'm glad I changed just last week to the 180gig plan, no uploads counted. I might not change plans for a while if they count uploads in the future.

  • yeah this new plan is a downgrade.

  • I'd rather my minimal uploads counted than be shaped at 256

  • +1

    While other countries have unlimited downloads and uploads…
    We're here changing our plans to count uploads as well…
    The fuck is wrong with you Australia?

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