A Warning to Those of You Looking to OzBargain Your Health Insurance

Hay All,

A word of warning for those of you looking to switch policies to save some money… there is a hidden sting in the tail (well with HBF anyway, not sure about other funds)

We had already paid our $500 excess to our last fund for the year meaning we didnt have to pay it again. My wife needs to go back into hospital again next week (unfortunately) and the new fund has advised we need to pay them another $500 excess.

Moral of the story is, dont move until Jan 1st if you have already paid your excess to your last fund !


  • +6

    you should read the terms and conditions better.

    • +2

      Agree. T&C are there for a reason..

  • Yeah, I did & I've also double checked… there is no mention of having to pay it twice when you switch. I've also reviewed the PHIO guide :- http://www.ombudsman.gov.au/__data/assets/pdf_file/0020/2942… which also makes no mention of this.

    Hence my warning to other OzB members, this really is a hidden sting in the tale.

  • +6

    Sorry - I'm not sure I understand.
    You paid your excess with insurer A, then switched funds and now are unhappy you have to pay your excess with insurer B… is that right?
    In other news, the sky is blue and water is wet, beware Ozbargainers.

    • Thanks for the sarcasm, much appreciated :)

      FYI, it seems from a couple of chat's I've just had that this isn't a blanket rule. Some funds carry the excess payment over & others don't, so basically check for yourself if your making the switch.

      • FYI, it seems from a couple of chat's I've just had that this isn't a blanket rule. Some funds carry the excess payment over & others don't, so basically check for yourself if your making the switch.

        This seems appropriate to add to your description.

    • +9

      Wow, lighten up. The OP is trying to help. Even if he was completely wrong or misinformed, his motivation was purely to help others. Don't think he/she deserves the sarcasm.

  • -4

    Yesterday I bought a burger from Macdonalds.

    Today I went to Hungry Jacks and they have a 2-for-1 burger special so I showed them my receipt from yesterday's purchase. They wouldn't give me a free burger.

    Just want to warn my fellow ozbargainers ;)


  • nothing perfect in this world… saving few $$$ from ozb usually means you will need to spend more on time, sweat, efforts, and sometimes money later on..

  • +2

    It's a fair point that OP has raised.

    Hopefully they have maxed out extras cover and can start from zero again.

  • +1

    I didn't know that the transfer of Excess was possible.

    My understanding was that an excess is tied to a claim, a claim is tied to an account. In this case Account A with Insurer A is closed. Furthermore if I make another claim with Insurer A, its likely I have to pay another excess. This would be doubly so with a totally new insurer.

    But if you can actually do this across insurers, then that's a good thing I guess.

  • I'm not sure if it's like this for all health funds, but when I transferred to Medibank I got to use my optical extras again straight away.

    So this sort of thing can work both ways

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