Great game, for the price definitely worth a play if you haven't yet. Need to be logged in to get that price.
EDIT: Just added The Silent Age, also at a good price and definitely worth a try.
Great game, for the price definitely worth a play if you haven't yet. Need to be logged in to get that price.
EDIT: Just added The Silent Age, also at a good price and definitely worth a try.
So you've already played it?
Not really, watched some videos on youtube, looks good to me.
The video included in the link didn't take my breath away… But I guess for $1.50 you can't expect too much.
Great Game! Takes a bit to get used to the controls but has a fantastic story (try to not get any spoilers before playing) Short but good took me about 3 hours to finish did it in one sitting, if you can do it like that its brilliant.
Played this when it was on PS Plus. The story made me tear up.
Same here. This is actually a pretty good puzzle platform type game. The ending packs a genuine emotional punch. Worth a dollar for sure.
I only recently finished it and thought it would be a perfect co-op game to play with somebody young or whose just started gaming. Progression is made by solving puzzles with the help of the other player. Yes, you have to control both players even if you go single player. Gameplay can feel a little basic though if your a veteran gamer but the story was certainly the main reason I wanted to keep playing it too. Recommended.
correct me if I am wrong. This game is singleplayer only.
It appears you are correct. I remember reading somewhere that co-op was possible but clearly I was mistaken.
Please please please play this with a controller. Apart from the obvious reasons, it's important for story reasons. Amazing game.
Great game once you get used to the controls. Played it back when it was released on the Xbox 360. Graphics and story more than make up for the relatively short game.
Although you can play with the keyboard. I'd recommend you use a game controller.
Good Game Review - Brothers: A Tale of the Sons - TX: 20/08/13
I really enjoyed this game, made me cry
I hope the Brothers devs work on another similar project. Such a unique experience
ok game. controls are a bit clunky but worth the price
and 4% cashrewards.
Tale of 2 sons is the best video game i have ever played. It really is amazing. Actually… It would be the best video game i have ever played if it was alot longer. Its a very very short game, so i guess… To scale, its the best game. but the length is a huge downside.
that's a big call
And I called it!
Go play it
Darnit, bought but I forgot to put in the code! I'm an idiot :)
Whatever you paid for it, its still great value.
Yeah, me too, damn paid $1.42, what was I thinking.
So many freebies :-)
The only reason why I've ever heard of this game is because of dunkey's review:
Another one added to my many unplayed games on Steam. Someday… :-)
It takes like 10min to start and finish It. Just do it man!!
Nice to see Win XP supported.
Got too excited I think… I already have it :D
Free key below!
Enjoy :)
Thanks, I nabbed that one! Just bought another 360 battery pack so I can get the second controller back in action :)
Thanks! Bought both!!
Now if only it was this easy to play (and finish) my pile of shame.
Silent Age is showing up as $0.95 on my end.. am I doing something wrong?
The coupon code perhaps?
OMG, I just saw it when clicked back to read your comment.
Apologies and thanks.
Great Game! Thanks OP!