• expired

American Express Cardholders - $30 Fuel Voucher When You Spend $50 at Coles Express


Spend $50 or more at Coles Express in one transaction and get a free $30 Coles Express Fuel Voucher by mail in 6-8 weeks.

Register Your Card @ https://enroll.amexnetwork.com/AUSAN/colesexp/?cid=auNetwork…

1st 5,000 only, Expires 30th September 2010

Merchant Offer Terms:

The following Merchant Offer Terms are specific to the Merchant Offer above:
* To be eligible to receive the $30 Coles Express gift card you must register for this offer using any American Express Card issued by American Express Australia Limited or by a licensed third party bank issuer of American Express branded Cards between 00:01 AEST on 1 September 2010 and 23:59 AEST on 30 September 2010 at amexnetwork.com.au/colesexpress. Cardmembers who hold American Express Business Travel Accounts, Government Card or Corporate Purchasing Card, are not eligible to enter. Participation is limited to the first 5000 Cardmembers who register. Once registered, you must complete one (1) transaction of $50 at Coles Express no later than 23:59 AEST on 30 September 2010. Cardmembers may only register one Card for this offer. Only transactions made on the Card registered for the offer are eligible. Transactions made on another Card account or a supplementary Card with a different Card account number are not eligible. The $30 Coles Express voucher will be mailed approximately 6 to 8 weeks from the date of the qualifying transaction to the address provided on this registration form. The gift card is subject to terms and conditions detailed on the gift card and will expire on 30 June 2011. Limit of one $30 Coles Express gift card per Cardmember.

Referral Links

Business Explorer Card: random (2)

Referrer: 40,000 Reward Points

Centurion Personal Charge Card: random (10)

Referee gets 200,000 MR points. Referrer gets 150,000 MR points.

Related Stores

American Express
American Express

closed Comments

  • -2

    How do i know this isn't a scam to milk my personal details ?????

  • are you sure it is not a spam? how come I cannot see anything mentioned in AMEX website? and the address is amexnetwork.com not americanexpress.com.au

    • What are they going to do with your card number? They would need the Expiry Date and Security Identifier make purchases with your details.

      • A card number is all that is needed.
        Not all systems check for a valid expiry date or ask for a security number

        • +1

          That is hardly the case these days.

          Merchants now check against IP addresses (GeoIP, MaxMind etc.) and Postal Codes registered to the account.

          Its an extra few kilobytes of data and they do this now to screen of card frauds.

          POS (Point of Sale) systems that support type-in credit transactions require at least an expiry date.

          Show me one system that only have checks for validity of credit card numbers, a mod10 algorithm, and then I will believe you.

          • -1


            POS (Point of Sale) systems that support type-in credit transactions require at least an expiry date.

            That is what i was referring to above.
            Even thought they might ask for an expiry date it does not need to be the same as the card.

            I know this as i placed a phone order with a company and mistakenly gave them the wrong expiry date (no security code was asked for).
            When i received the package i looked at the receipt and the incorrect expiry date was printed but the transaction was approved.

          • @bragains: thats not true.
            i paid for optus via my amex and i've given wrong expiry dates twice. and payment went through.

            this is as well as paying for my CTP insurance, that guy didn't ask for my code or date.

            i think all the dates/codes are there just in case you need to dispute… transactions normally will go through.

            • @slowmo: Not for optus, mine have always failed and it takes them 2 bills before they can get the new credit card details working properly… :S

          • @bragains: LOL… you'd be amazed how many places just write the CC number, name, exp date, and CCV # onto the phone order pad as you are talking to them… probably your address too.. and then that just gets processed and filed away in the COMPLETED ORDERS file. Our work does it (despite my objections, which fall on deaf ears up the chain). So many places have no policy, or worse, and thought of CC and personal information security.

            It's one reason, after +10 years of freely using my CC on the web, buying tens of thousands $$$ of goods and services, that I'm moving towards favouring vendors who take payment via PayPal or other such Tier #1 payment providers. You have to trust someone. And I MUCH MUCH more trust PayPal and it's clear and strict policies, to protect my private payment information, than DONNIE'S DISCOUNT DONUTS, who despite the best INTENTIONS and being great guys… may (likely) NOT have any substantial security measure to secure and isolate my CC details when I make a purchase.

            So many small online vendors use off-the-shelf pre-configured Web Stores.. that are easy targets, and rarely updated and maintained. So even IF it's using SSL and all the other stuff to secure your details during transit over the internet… Once it's on the vendors server at the other end… you have NO control what happens to your CC and other private information.

            Sure… if you buy with a brand name CC, and something bad happens, the Visa or MC company will most likely help you and you will get your money back… BUT.. as someone who's had to go through this process… it can take MONTHS and MONTHS and you have to change you CC number and then remember where you have registered it elsewhere for automatic payments… and then when you forget one or more (which you will) those services get cut off because the vendors could not make payment against the old canceled CC.

            Anyway… I guess what I'm saying is don't just assume that companies you are dealing with and giving you payment details to… will have polices, measures and practices in place to effectively secure YOUR information.

            Having said all that… I've spent over $2K in the last week online and I'm about to go and purchase two more things in a few minutes from a vendor here in Aust and another software vendor in the USA. You can't hide because bad things might happen. But we need to be aware of what's out there.


            • -1


              you’d be amazed how many places just write the CC number, name, exp date, and CCV # onto the phone order pad as you are talking to them… probably your address too.. and then that just gets processed and filed away in the COMPLETED ORDERS file.

              Do you know what every one of these stores does, do they all just file away their scrap order paper once they have put the order into their computer system and processed the credit card, does none of the stores have a shredder to shred the order paper once they have finished with it?
              Sure there might be a few bad places but the majority are going to do the right thing.

              Although i dont think my credit card details sitting on some paper in a box in a warehouse/office somewhere pose a great security risk to me in any way.

              So even IF it’s using SSL and all the other stuff to secure your details during transit over the internet… Once it’s on the vendors server at the other end

              That is not how an online credit card purchase happens.
              That would mean that the vendor needs to key all the details into their credit card system manually which would be very time consuming.

              The whole point is to use a payment processor like eway http://www.eway.com.au/ so the merchant does not need to process the credit card transactions themselves on their physical unit. This is a transparent process so you as a consumer have no idea that a payment processor like eway is handling your credit card details, everything appears to be part of the store you are using.

              Because of this the merchant never sees or receives your credit card information, they only receive confirmation that your payment has been successful.

              This is exactly like paying with paypal, the only difference is the need to type in your credit card for each transaction.

              Sure… if you buy with a brand name CC, and something bad happens, the Visa or MC company will most likely help you and you will get your money back

              All credit cards are a "brand name" card and ALL credit cards have the ability to dispute a charge and perform a charge back.

              I MUCH MUCH more trust PayPal

              Wait until you get in a dispute with paypal and see how fast you change your mind

    • +10

      If you don't believe the deal navigate to it via the American Express main site:


      Then click: Membership rewards

      Then click: Latest offers

      Then click: Shopping offers

      AND THERE IT IS …………NO SCAM - This is how I found the deal originally.

      • +12

        Well if some Nigerian starts using my AMEX card soon, then I'll come back here and -ve your post…

        • See my post above, you will be fine

    • your loss someone elses gain your neg has been reported as no valid reason given

    • mitt.tushar

      Thanks for raising this, its better to be safe etc, however, now that jason has answered your concern, and it checks out, then the reason for the negative vote has been addressed.

      Hence for that reason it is now revoked. NOTE if it hadn't been adequately addressed then the vote would have stood, and it was totally appropriate at the time you made it.

    • mitt.tushar - Do you even know what you are doing ???

      Mozilla Firefox does NOT call this site dodgy…
      In fact it helps you verify it is genuine, if you know what you are doing.


  • +1

    Doesn't look like a scam to me. The site has a correct verisign certificate etc.

  • Dumb question, but how do we know that this is a legit offer/website? I mean, typing my credit card info into a website makes me stop and just ask "is it a scam". I see that the little padlock icon in the internet explorer window lights up and says "American Express [US] Identified Verisign". Does that sorta mean that the webpage is legit?

  • +1

    Amexnetwork.com is a legitimate site. http://www1.amexnetwork.com/?issuerName=us_amexnetworkdefaul… . To me, its clear that it is not a scam.

  • +1

    uh-oh. I signed up but when I went to look at "more offers - australia" firefox blocked the page with this message:

    Reported Attack Page!

    This web page at offers.amexnetwork.com has been reported as an attack page and has been blocked based on your security preferences.

    Attack pages try to install programs that steal private information, use your computer to attack others, or damage your system.

    Some attack pages intentionally distribute harmful software, but many are compromised without the knowledge or permission of their owners.

    • I get this too at various subpages…

  • +1

    I was able to link to that directly from the americanexpress.com.au site


    and click on "Shopping Offers".

    I think it's legit.

  • This bargain has also been discussed on the AFF forums:

  • +2

    If you live in Adelaide, Coles Express sell bus tickets. So buy 2x multitrips for $60, and effectively get a third multitrip free :)

  • -2

    I look but can't find it anywhere. Can I use the Amex card to pay for fuel or do I have to buy something else to be eligible?

    • you will almost certainly be able to use it to buy fuel.

    • Buying fuel will count as

      one (1) transaction of $50 at Coles Express no later than 23:59 AEST on 30 September 2010

      • +1

        or just buy $50 worth of mars bars…

      • Let me get this straight.(a bit slow here)
        You could theoretically fill up with more than $50 and pay with amex, and get a $30 voucher?

        • You could theoretically

          Not in theory, in reality.

          fill up with more than $50 and pay with amex, and get a $30 voucher?

          Yes. As long as you meet the eligibility requirements.

  • would this be valid for CommBank issued AMEX cards?

    • +2

      I'd say yes … "using any American Express Card issued by American Express Australia Limited or by a licensed third party bank issuer of American Express branded Cards"

    • +1

      Read the first 2 lines of the terms and conditions in the details at the top of this page

      • +1

        Eligibility. To redeem the offer set forth on this Registration Page (the “Merchant Offer”), you must be 18 years or older, a holder of a valid consumer American Express Charge or Credit Card issued in Australia either by American Express or by a licensed third party bank issuer of American Express-branded Cards (“Licensed Issuers”)

        • Thanks for the info - have registered.

  • This one also from AMEX

    Spend 100 at COLORADO to get 20 dollars gift card

  • Copyright © 2004-2009 American Express Company. All Rights Reserved.

    not impressed :/

  • are we able to tell whether one qualifies the 5000 threshold or not?

  • -4

    I had a look around on that homepage and got that same already mentioned message.. "blocked .. reported attack.."
    Wouldn't enter my details. There isn't even a contact on that homepage. If there was nothing to hide, there'd be contact details. Thought about ringing AMEX, but its too obvious a scam.

    • +3

      but its too obvious a scam.

      No it is not

      There isn’t even a contact on that homepage. If there was nothing to hide, there’d be contact details.

      That is because such a website does not need direct contact information, you speak to whoever issues your card.
      Click on the card services link at the bottom of the page and you will be given contact information for the American express issuing banks.

      Thought about ringing AMEX, but its too obvious a scam.

      Ring them so you can find out that it is legitimate
      You can even get their contact information directly from the Amex Network website!

  • does fuel purchase count towards the $50?

    Or just grocery items?

    • The condition is: one (1) transaction of $50 at Coles Express no later than 23:59 AEST on 30 September 2010

      It does not matter what you purchase
      When your credit card is swiped American express has no way of knowing what you are buying, they just know how much you have spent.

      • Coles Express know what you are buying though…

        • But the offer is from American Express, not coles.

          American express will check the statements for all those who have successfully registered and look for a purchase from coles express for more than $50.
          If they see that purchase they will issue you with a voucher.

          • @anthony: If you read the T&C's you agree to allow AMEX to pass on details to the Merchant, so maybe Coles Express receives the list of eligible cards and sends out the vouchers ??? Who knows ???

  • Alright, I need to apologize. I just rang AMEX and they reckon, that they do have a coles deal at the moment. But I also found out that the American Express I have (which I got for free thru my bank in addition to my mastercard) isn't actually a real Amex, it is only issued by the bank with some features of an American Express.. or however I can explain this.. The lady I spoke to reckons, that the credit card number I have is not eligible for the offer.

    • Alright, I need to apologize.

      There is no need, of course you should be wary when it comes to giving away credit card details.

      That seems strange.
      Being a bank issued card is not a problem according to the terms and conditions. If the card has an American express logo then it is an American express.

      If your bank listed here? http://www1.amexnetwork.com/au/cardsandservices?issuerName=a…

      I think the problem was that you were speaking to American express directly who are not issuing your card so they cannot see your account, all that information is with your bank.

      isn’t actually a real Amex, it is only issued by the bank with some features of an American Express

      Well it is, it just is not issued by American express.

      For example if you have a Gold American express issued by your bank it is not the same card as a Gold card issued by American express. The benefits like travel insurance will be different.
      It is still an American express, just not the same as the equivalent American Express issued card.

      I think this is what the person meant by "with some features of an American Express"

      The worst that can happen if you register and are not eligible for the offer is you purchased $50 of fuel (which you needed anyway)

      • .. sounds right what you wrote. That woman I spoke to wasn't exactly too helpful since I don't have a card issued by Amex. If I had ever wanted to get an Amex issued by Amex themselves, I would be turned off now.. I mean customer service wise.. she just brushed me off. Something along the lines of "If you are interest in getting an Amex issued by us I can put you thru to one of my colleagues.." would have been a good line.

        I need fuel, I drive past an Coles Express later on my way to work, I might register and give it a go.

        I am still amazed however that there are no contact details on that homepage.

        • That woman I spoke to wasn’t exactly too helpful since I don’t have a card issued by Amex. If I had ever wanted to get an Amex issued by Amex themselves, I would be turned off now

          American express would have to be the best credit card company i have dealt with.
          I guess that the American express centres cannot really help you as they do not have access to any if your information so she probably didn't want to help as she couldn't.

          If you want bad service try dealing with citibank!

          I am still amazed however that there are no contact details on that homepage.

          Because of the nature of the site contact details are not really necessary.
          If you have a question about your American express you speak to whoever issues it.
          Someone at "American express network" would really not be able to help you as they cannot see your American express account.

          At the bottom of every page there is a "card services" link which gives you contact details to the right people who can help you.

          • @anthony: Hmm, makes sense again.. I might actually look into getting an Amex thru Amex. I do travel a bit and I like using credit cards.. not to run up debt.. but especially when you travel its good to know that the money is there if you need it. Thanks for your answers Anthony.

            • @Miss Damology: Glad to help :-)

              If you do want a card for travel insurance then look at the Platinum charge card.
              It is expensive ($900 a year) but for a frequent traveller the insurance policy is the best on offer from a credit card and probably better than some paid insurance. (Automatic protection on any holiday you make and anyone with a supplementary card is covered even if they don't travel with you, full hire car insurance and more.)

              Other cards you generally need to book the return flights (or some portion of your entire holiday) on that card for the insurance to cover you.

              The Qantas Ultimate card at $450 per year would probably be the next best from American express but is only good if you want to earn qantas points.

              Both cards have the highest points earning rate available on an American express

        • Amex customer service is much better then of any of the banks. Your issue is that you don't have a card issued by them.

    • if you are talking about the Commbank AMEX , I have that too and registered successfully on the site. I would imagine the system would refuse registration if the numbers are invalid or does not match their database of numbers.

      • Yeah I also registered successful with my CBA Amex card.

    • Have you tried to register your card on the website? Did you get an error or something?

  • I spent over $50 on the weekend but only registered today. Reckon that'll get picked up? No doubt I'll be filling up again before the 30th anyway…

    • No

      Once registered, you must complete one (1) transaction of $50 at Coles Express no later than 23:59 AEST on 30 September 2010

      • Depends how they run the qualification report I guess. Maybe they are lazy and will just check (1) were you registered in the promotion period; and (2) did you make a qualifying purchase in the promotion period, without checking purchase date > registration date.

  • -1

    I am the primary cardholder for AMEX but I have 4 other additional cardholders.

    Not sure if the secondary cardholders work but i registered anyways!

    • "Limit of one $30 Coles Express gift card per Cardmember"

      It says per member, not card holder…

    • The terms and conditions at the top of this page are about 200 words.
      Read them.

  • I wish it sent you an email confirming the offer rather than just flash up on the website. Then you know you are definitely getting the voucher :(

  • That's one way for them to justify charging a ridiculous 17% interest on their card :p

    • +1

      And that's why you pay off your account during the interest free period (and still get delayed spending while you earn interest on your own money). I also pay NO FEES for my QFF AMEX card.

      Ahh yes seasoned Ozbargainer :)

      • Yeah that works :o)

        At the moment though, I have my money working hard for me in a high interest account. $140 for free every month, at call. That for me works better than any credit cards, but hey, that's me :o)

        • which high interest account are you with?

        • You could earn more interest if you had a credit card. Pay it off every month so you pay no interest and that money that you aren't using during the month for purchases gains interest in your saving account for the entire month.

          I've had a credit card for about 4 years now and have paid $0 in interest over that time plus I have a uBank Saver that earns me wikid interest on my savings. I just pay everything on my credit card, pay it off every month and earn the reward points too. Even if you go with a credit card with an annual fee you can recoup it pretty easily through award points.

  • Fantastic deal :)

  • +1

    I was suspicious as well. Thanks those for providing direct links.
    Meanwhile, I did a whois to see who owns the domains of amexnetworks.com and compared that to americanexpress.com - they match. So very sure its legit.

  • i'm just wondering, how am i supposed to spend $50 at a coles express if petrol is not included? I rarely even need $50 worth of petrol to begin with… hmm maybe a tank full of vpower… haha

    • +1

      What car do you drive and where do I get one? :P

        • :)
          the petrol tank is the white van behind it - it goes a very long way!!

        • This was on TOP GEAR, love that car!!

        • funny you pointed that out, i was eyeing the smart carfortwo for a while.. before i realised it was way more expensive than a entry level Volks.

          Petrol will last ages with that one.. haha

      • cheap ass toyota collora ascent. i clock about 400km per month? it was at the last 1/8th mark when i topped it up yesterday, i paid $47 at woolies, and thats with overfilling (continue pump until I can see fuel near the brim).
        I never wait till it's near empty to top up the car… hate to be caught out (past experience).

        maybe it's a lemon if it's not consuming as much fuel as you think it should :D

        then again, i have trained myself not to be heavy right footed. :)

    • Car wash/detail.

    • if petrol is not included?

      It is

  • where to fill in details for claim ?

    • you don't claim, just register your card…

  • 3 Amex cards and 3 weeks left in September. Works out nicely =)

  • DON'T CLICK ON THE DIRECT LINK if you are ever concerned, even if it looks like a legitimate site its better to type in the url yourself.

    Its not unusual for a legit looking link to take you to a legit looking site but to find out later that you have gone to a fake site.

    typing in the url is much safer.

    • +1

      typing are URL or clicking the same URL has the same risk…

  • Fantastic Find!

  • My motorbike only has a 14 litre tank, but I have never been brave enough to run it dry! Too small still anyway :)

    • +3

      you can try purchasing fuel on the most expensive day ;)

  • I didn't trust the given link so I went through the Amex official site and found it. However, the T&C requires that "you must have received an invitation to register for the Merchant Offer". The full clause is quoted below…

    B. Eligibility and Registration

    a. Eligibility. To redeem the offer set forth on this Registration Page (the “Merchant Offer”), you must be 18 years or older, a holder of a valid consumer American Express Charge or Credit Card issued in Australia either by American Express or by a licensed third party bank issuer of American Express-branded Cards (“Licensed Issuers”) and you must have received an invitation to register for the Merchant Offer (an “Eligible Cardmember”). Eligible Cardmembers must comply with this Agreement and with the Merchant Offer Terms to receive the Merchant Offer.

    • Why bury this in the terms and conditions when it is an offer publically available through there website? It's not like it is a direct link from an email invitation that has been published here, so I can't see why it isn't for the general population of Amex card owners.

      I guess time will tell whether this deal pans out.

      • I went throught the amex website too and then to american express selects and then to the shopping offers.
        Anyway, why would they limit it to the first 5000 people if they sent out invites? Wouldn't private offers be offered in private?

  • Is it just me or it seems my last comments are in bold.

    • It's in bold… no need to shout ;)

      • Sorry, I didn't mean to shout. I just put in 4 underscores under my comments to separate it and the T&C quote. Somehow it didn't show the underscores but instead my comments is shown in bold.

  • Registered. This is a great deal.

  • I hope the this deal is legit. I just went and registered. will watch my bal closely over the next few weeks just in case.

  • in the terms it says" and you must have received an invitation to register for the Merchant Offer (an “Eligible Cardmember”). " so is this a invite only targeted campaign? i wonder if i call up and asked for it if they will register me as i never got the invite? i wonder if u register an amex card then a co brand cba amex card if they will pick it up of honour both claims?

    • I've just read that myself after registering earlier today. Seems like maybe it's not open to everyone.

      Seems a bit silly putting it on the website and not stating this on the promo, only in the small print which nobody really reads that thoroughly - except for coolsteps ;).

  • it does state it in the terms that its by invitation only. i wonder if a $1 fuel purchase and $49 on a gift card on the same transaction would count?

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