What to Put on My Weetbix?

Usually (in summer) i like having a nice handful of blueberries or strawberries, but now that they're like $7 a punnet, I'm not gunna do that

Any suggestions?

Brown sugar and other unhealthy stuff is out obvs


  • +50


    • +5

      Is that code for something

      • +8

        Depends who's asking

    • Ba + 2Na = BaNaNa. good for you!

  • +4

    Seedless crimson grapes are cheap now, cheaper than bananas.

  • +63


    • +4

      Powdered milk with water is what I use, it's cheaper and easier when using public transport.

  • +2

    Been eating them plain lately.

    • +3

      I tried it with plain water and could not eat more than a spoon.

      • +10

        dry with vegemite

      • +2

        Well I mean plain with full cream milk.

        This might be worth a read: You Shouldn't Put Water On Your Cereal, Says Science(gizmodo.com.au)

      • +2

        I once tried orange juice in lieu of milk. Never again.

        • +5

          I seriously can't tell if everyone is kidding………………………….

          I have heard of the dry with vegemite and it sounds effing gross haha (also i hate vegemite)

        • +1

          I did that once (orange juice) and nearly vomited…

        • +9


          (also i hate vegemite)

          Get the hell out now.

        • Can confirm - not a taste sensation

        • +2


          Dry weetbix is fine with just about anything, it's pretty much just a biscuit. Vegemite/honey/peanut butter/margarine/jam. Depends on how healthy you want to be. When I have it dry I do usually have a glass of cold milk as well, also if you cut them in half flat ways you get a better spread to biscuit ratio.

          Usually just do warm milk though, I go through lots of weet-bix and milk.. If you want it sweet you can use a little bit of sugar, milo or fruit on top (as you already do).

          Source: I have eaten 4+ weet-bix every day for the past 20 years, ~30,000 weet-bix in my lifetime…. yikes..

          p.s. I like Vegemite but only with butter underneath (or on top) to take the edge off. It's a completely different experience to having the straight up flavor.

        • @Sheez:

          "A better spread to biscuit ratio"!!

          Nothing like a bit of science on Sundays!

  • +11

    Frozen blueberries and strawberries, much cheaper. Put in a Tupperware the night before in the fridge ready to go next morning

    • +1

      yaes! Or or even forgo the weetbix (Is that anti-australian?) and have a (PLAIN) greek yoghurt + berry breakfast!

      • That's actually what I do, much better than weet bix

        • It's definitely not cheaper though. Eat poor like a student.

        • @ATangk: Its cheaper than buying fruit for $7 a punnet

  • +8

    Banana, Honey, Flaxseed, Milk

    • Loving Flaxseed. Obviously not because of the the taste or texture

  • +7

    Coffee… Saves time in the morning

    • +5

      Says Savas.

      And remember Savas spelt backwards is savaS.

  • +4

    Tinned fruit (well the plastic jars) of pear, peaches and apricots. Mixed nuts, bananas, apples, dried fruit.

    • -3

      Just be mindful that tinned fruits use chemicals like caustic soda to peel fruits. Probably not so healthy

      • You can't just say "probably not so healthy", tinned fruit is fine for you (in moderation). The caustic soda you speak of, aka lye is sodium hydroxide used for removal of the skin from the fruit product. You're not exposed to it…

        You speak as though the process involves just randomly adding caustic soda, when in reality it's a highly regulated process to provide the best possible product and prevent consumer exposure to anything unneccessary

        • -2

          Up to you to make that decision.

          Regulated doesn't equate to no impact on long term health

    • This is what i do, tinned pears from aldi, doesnt cost much and better rhan sugar i used to put on them

  • I normally have dry weetbix, cut them in half and chuck butter and vegemite on them. Goes down a treat!

  • -6

    I'm no health expert but I would think putting a handful of berries on your weetbix is probably just as 'bad' as a teaspoon of raw sugar, no?

    • In terms of sugar maybe… But at least you get some vitamins from berries?

    • +3

      Not even close…

      Berries and other fruits have a lower glycemic load than pure sugar so it's like a gentle drip feed of sugar into your blood stream, not a quick spike, which means your body has a more favourable hormonal response(insulin and others). Not to mention the myriad antioxidants and micro-nutrients in fresh fruit counteract many of the negative effects from sugar.

      • Yeah fair enough. I guess I'm just used to health nazis getting on my case for being unhealthy just because I eat a piece of fruit or something …

    • +1

      100 grams of blueberries has 10g of sugar (this depends on type, ripeness)
      100 grams of raspberries has 4.4g of sugar
      100 grams of strawberries has 4.9 of sugar

      based on this nutritional info, if you are using strawberries (which happen to be the cheapest by weight) you're not doing much damage.. 4.9g of sugar in strawberries per 100g is definitely not even half as bad as blueberries

      • +8

        Why does everyone assume sugar is the devil?? Its only particularly bad if you eat a heap of it, and especially processed sugar. Its pretty en vogue right now to hate on fruit sugars, but its hardly the same having a handful of blueberries versus a tablespoon of sugar!

        • +2

          Username checks out

        • Coke zero. Its sugar free and healthier than sugary fruit. Take vitamin supplements to compensate avoiding fruits

        • +4

          So you're saying we should put Coke Zero on Weetbix?

        • +4

          @CandyMan: As a biomedical researcher, I can tell you that Coke zero is worse than the sugary fruit. There's scientific evidence that artificial sweeteners in Coke zero can affect the microbe in your gut in a bad way. Besides, sugar in fruit is not the same as pure sugar in normal coke. It is tangled with fibre which makes it slow to digest and release. There are lots of other nutrients in Fruit. Don't rely on vitamin supplements if you could get them from your food.

        • +3


          Coke zero. Its sugar free and healthier than sugary fruit.

          Time to read up on artificial sweeteners.

  • +2

    Garnish it with rice bubbles, corn flakes or crunchy nut clusters.

    • +1

      Agreed - any other cereal makes a good addition. Jordan's, Light n Tasty, Uncle Toby's Plus, - whatever is on special.

      • Exactly. Weetbix isn't exactly fancy lol so you have to make it fancy yourself.

        I love Light n Tasty!

    • Or a muesli mix that is too much on its own

  • +1

    As others have stated, banana is a great addition - adds natural sweetness. Passionfruit is also good if you can get it cheap enough.

  • +8

    more weetbix

  • +3

    Been putting linseeds. Not sure why but bought a big bag of them

    • +5

      Not sure why


    • +1

      Huh? No saffron?

    • +2

      I am imagining something similar to this happened to you at the shops:

      Milk, bread, eggs.
      Milk, bread, eggs.
      Milk, bread, eggs.

      Would you like to try some linseeds good sir? Wink

      Sure! Why not!?


  • +1


  • +1

    Put in Up & Go?

    • Up n go is basically watery sugary milk. Read the ingredients lable…

      You would do better by adding in milk, teaspoon of sugar, your own flavouring like honey, crushed fruit or cocoa powder and it'll taste better.

      • I'm pretty sure anything you could eat tastes better than Up n Go. Yes, anything.

  • Bee pollen

    • Honey

  • +3

    Bacon, cause bacon goes with everything and it is a healthy choice..

    Alternatively, honey, flax, chia, goji or cranberries also works well.

    • +1

      Chia crusted bacon seeds WOW such great!

  • +3

    peanut butter!!!

  • Greek yoghurt + berries and flaxseed.
    1tsp honey if you prefer it sweeter

  • +4

    Coles Frozen Berries are $4 per 500g, even raspberries.

    • +1

      Yep, best to defrost first though :).

      • +2

        Nah, not if you're tough.

  • Put a lid on the weet-bix and try vita-brits instead.

    2 - 3 Vita Brits with some milk of your choice. Add banana if you so desire. 3 brits has been my breakfast for… dunno how long. I'm 63yo


    • +1

      I prefer Vita brits too as they have no added sugar. Sodium content is a tad lower too.

  • -5

    Switch to fried bacon and eggs (and ditch the bread preferably ) if you want a healthy meal for breakfast. It even tastes better than Weetbix IMO.

    Starting the day on refined carbohydrates (Weetbix) or simple sugars (fruit) is a recipe for overeating through the rest of the day. Which is exactly what the food retailing/processing industry (and their servants the gummints) wants.

    • +1

      Eating 50g (approx 2 slices) of processed/cured meats everyday such as bacon can increase your background risk of developing colorectal cancer by 18%

      • Thanks for the heads up, time to go easy on the ham and cheese sandwiches for me

  • +1

    Lots of sugar

    • Agreed. I eat 6 Weet-Bix with milk & brown sugar for breakfast. I can't be bothered mucking about with fruit in the morning, so I just eat some with lunch.

  • +2

    Loads and loads of nutella

  • +4

    Sultanas, nuts, banana and cinnamon.

  • +1

    Another vote for dry with butter and vegemite

  • +1

    I was brought up putting boiling water on them. Just enough to make them warm and soggy. Then top them with milk (and sugar). Becomes quite a nice warm porridge.

  • +1

    Wow……………there were way more responses that I expected. Probably should have made a poll here…

    • +1

      Make sure one of the options is "bikies"

      • "bikkies" would also suffice here

  • Fresh fruit, usually banana or a type of apple. Depends on what is on special. I buy a week's supply at a time. Currently granny smith apples, which are good keepers. I avoid grapes…while tasty, they are basically sugar bombs. Berries are more expensive, often tasteless and don't keep. The only food that leaves this house is inside me (or exiting via an underground pipe!)

    • p.s. My Weetbix of choice (Weetbix Bites) is on around a 12 week special cycle at Coles and (less frequently) Woolies. I eat a pack a week, so I know exactly how much stock to lay in when the special rolls around again.

  • +3

    Smashed avo and a drizzle of truffle oil works for me.

    • I actually really love a good poached egg and avocado (and i do have truffle oil at home but it'd be too rich for breakfast), but who has time to make that every morning before work. That's a weekend food

  • +3


    • +2

      Make those bodies sing!

  • I have weetbix with some dried cranberries. Found it a good combination.

  • +1

    What about frozen fruit? They'll defrost in the milk!

    • Frozen fruit, all types are only $4/500g if you buy the Woolworths/Coles brand. They taste the same if not better than the branded ones!

  • Milo or honey + banana

  • -1

    Almond milk

  • Digest them like a suppository

  • +1

    Diamond encrusted diamonds is the way to go

  • +4

    Crushed Eneloops.

    • +1


  • +4


    • +1

      Agreed. The extra protein will really help you.

    • Eat lots of pineapple the night before for extra sweetness

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