By Tom Leech, 354 pages, published Feb 18, 2014
Amazon's Description:
From Tom Leech, author, speech coach, and conference speaker, comes a new book: SAY IT LIKE SHAKESPEARE: THE BARD'S TIMELESS TIPS FOR COMMUNICATION SUCCESS, 2nd Edition. This new edition of McGraw-Hill’s original widely-praised book provides a tuneup for enhancing communications success in business and personal worlds. As the Bard of Avon put it 4+ centuries ago “No man is lord of anything ‘til he communicate his parts to others.” To succeed in business, communicating with colleagues, upper management, customers (real or potential), the general public and others along the way is a key factor in landing that job, doing it well., and getting that promotion…..
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This is utter nonsense. If you want to rise up in the world, you just need to communicate like Trump. Use simple language, be boastful, never admit fault, appeal to people's greed and fear. I recall there was a comparison of speeches from US presidents showing the decline in complexity. I think it was Lincoln versus Obama. There's also the amusing comparison of letters from US civil war soldiers versus modern soldiers here that makes fun of how badly we communicate these days.