Hubby and I are currently using the Aldi mobile one with prepaid sim and the other a monthly plan. I've read reviews about the Kogan prepaid plans of which here are a lot of negative reviews. Main concerns seem to be relating to setting up the service re credit cards and personal information needed to apply. Maybe the people who have a gripe with the Kogan plans are more eager to write their comments rather than the ones who are happy with the service? Wondering if we should change from the Aldi to the prepaid 365 day plan? Very tempted but would like some ozbargainers comments to help me decide. Thanks.
Kogan prepaid plans

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I have had the prepaid sim on Kogan for about two months. Has been flawless. Vodafone network is way better than years ago, no problems at all either voice or data. The plan auto renews the data allotment every month and the website to view your account is great. Information to apply..give me a break, it is the standard, address, form of ID etc.
I've been with them since December last year. Has been good coverage, no complaints etc.
I live in Tasmania and the reception has been surprisingly good.
The up in data for current and new customers was pretty good too
I have been using Kogan 1 year prepaid plan (5GB one) for past 3 months. No issues with setting up account or network services so far. In addition to this I used Kogan gift vouchers to buy this plan (that means additional discounts on the plan, which you get by buying Kogan vouchers).
The only cons I observe is that the mobile data drains faster compare to my previous provider. I was on Vaya mobile 1.5 GB plan earlier before switching to Kogan, which was sufficient for my usage and never crossed 80% of usage (I have Wi-fi at my home and office). I don't have much change in my data usage behaviour, I don't stream and I don't download much stuffs and obviously using the same device. Still I exhaust nearly 80% of my data usage by the end of the month. It's like 4GB of Kogan data is playing equally as 1.5 GB data of Vaya mobile for me :)
Just wondering where you got the discounted kogan vouchers? I probably missed the deal :)
Haha thanks ash for mentioning it :)
Oh that's a big concern for me re the data drains. Wondering if others have the same experience?🤔
I bought a couple of the Kogan extra large plane vouchers, when they where on specials for $1.
I've been very happy with the coverage, I just checked my speed on internet speed test last night and got 20mbs down 13mbs up and 30ms ping, I used a Huawei Y550, the customer service is good too.
I buy prepaid SIM's on specials and port my number around, but with the current deals from kogan 14GB $315/ 14GB $254 and 5GB $206 I'm thinking if I should just go for one of those plans, assuming I didn't have 10 SIM cards stocked up (rolls eyes..).
I can definitely recommend kogan they are excellent value.
P.S. during the speed test signal strength was 2 bars.
There is an option to pay for your voucher by paypal. Does anyone know if this will baypass the need to give them my credit card at some next step, e.g. simcard activation etc?
during activation 3rd step asked for my drivers license but last step still ask for cc auth verification even though $0 to pay.
I've recently switched to Kogan from a telco that uses the Optus network and while the actual coverage is similar, I find the signal strength of the Vodafone network to be not as good. For example, there can be short (~10 second) periods of drop-out in places like the city loop tunnels and it's far easier to lose reception in somewhere like the basement floor of a building. This is comparing Vodafone to Optus but I assume the effect would be even greater when comparing to Telstra (which I haven't used).
Switched, it was easy to set up, very happy with the coverage and signal. Ensure coverage is good at your home address before you switch.
I've been extremely happy with the service. We switched over last October and it's been great. I think a lot of the poor feedback on kogan oyu may have found could have been for their old, non-Voda service. I'd recommend it to anyone for the price.
Hi All
Bought a plan at a discount ( ie: already paid for via paypal) and am trying to activate - two questions - 1. Plans on the activation page are shown at a higher price and 2. It asks for cr card details but don't want to give it if they are a chance to charge me again.I have not had a response to my email to them 3 days ago!
Anyone know how to activate?
No issues, just go ahead and choose the plan your voucher was for, ignore the cost. You do have to enter cc details but you don't get charged.
Had Kogan for 1 year using the 12 month deal which stated at $23.01/8GB but paid in a year in advanced. Unlike other competitors over the years when they have incresed the data cap they did it for both existing and new users which I loved. So when my plan finished it was $23.01/16GB. I just renewed the plan again for $21.20/16GB. Unlimited calls and text is good as. The data cap is so good that i usually use most of the data on the train. The only problem I have had with it is in some tall building in Melbourne CBD I have little to no reception and can't access any data. Only when I go outside I can my full reception again. Even in a shopping centre in a few shops I lose reception but my friend who Vodafone still has reception. But for the price i pay I can't really complain. Intstead of paying $40-$60 for the same thing its no point. I can highly recommend Kogan mobile as it has been a great year with so much data. Hope this helps.
I personally have not used them, however, I read that Vodafone has had a significant decline in their complaints which might be of use. Link below.…