So I moved into a flat of units. My car spot is behind a tree and is undercover.
My first car a few months ago had absolutely no scratches and after a week there started to be line scratches.
My new car now has the same scratches. The I only keep my car at home and at work and I work in an industrial area (no animals). I checked other cars at home and couldn't find any scratches, but they don't have a tree behind them.
I noticed that a black cat lives in the flats and can go outside. I often see it when I get home. I talked to the owner and she offered me a car protector but didn't seem to care. She said she's been living here for 10 years and never heard of this. Also that there is a big notice saying no animals allowed in these flats. Should I report it? Just worried if it isn't the cat after all and I made someone get rid of their cat…
Here is my car:
TLDR; Old and now new car has same scratches, think it's a cat. What should I do?
Get a dash cam catch it in the act send the bill to the owner :)