Where would be the cheapest place to buy the iPod Touch 4G?
Or is it the same price at every store because the product is still new?
Where would be the cheapest place to buy the iPod Touch 4G?
Or is it the same price at every store because the product is still new?
Just spoke to some people - not expected to ship until mid-next week at the earliest. Also on top of that, allocation apparently have not been finalised (at least for some retailers) so they are still unsure of how many units they are receiving in total from Apple.
Wait till next week for pricing, becuase the retailers need to have a decent amount of stock on hand before they can advertise it (TPA requirements).
As for it being new - not necessarily. I've seen some decent sales on newly released Apple stuff (iPod, MacBook, etc.). But it all comes down to stock - for example, iPads have not been discounted at all because there's no stock to sell.
Prices are already on the website:
8GB A$289
32GB A$378
64GB A$499
Sorry I was talking about promotional pricing, not full RRP. Retailers cannot advertise promotions unless they have sufficient stock on hand, as required by the TPA, so whilst full RRP is out, you probably won't start seeing deals until early next week (or possibly this weekend if some of the retailers receive their allocations early and are quick to put together a deal).
EDIT: and even if they start to put together a deal this weekend, it will be on a pre-order basis anyway
2nd EDIT: What you may want to keep an eye out on heading into the weekend are the discounts that retailers are offering on the existing line of iPods. The new nanos are quite different to the old ones, but the old ones play video and have a camera. The new touches have a better processor, higher-res screen and have a camera - is htis worth it to you? The new 8gb touch comes in at a higher price than the old 8gb touch, but bear in mind the extra features AND that the 3rd gen 8gb touch is essentially a rebadged 2nd gen 8gb touch.
Biggest let down of the 4g…. they kept the old styling :(
Why, did you want an external wifi antennae? Just so you could deathgrip it then get a free bumper?
"Deathgrip" had no effect on WiFi, only 3G. The iPod Touch doesn't have 3G.
It also only has two antennæ though (wifi and bluetooth) so it doesn't need that big external array.
There's no need for an external antenna; just change it to the glass look, and have a small section on the back for the wifi like the 1st gen touch for all i care, just that the look is a huge let down.
Markup on these products is quite limited - generally stores make their money from the accessories they can sell with the product. Generally the cheapest you can get them is at BIGw or officeworks.
Got the 8GB for $275 at JB HiFi today.
Dont know if I need to start a new thread, but just want to know where the cheapest place is to get 3rd gen ipod touch 8gb.
And how much should I expect to pay for one?
Target have em for $240, I think this is quite expensive. I've seen someone post up $198 somewhere?
All Big W stores have sold out on the ipod touch 8gb.
Do you know of any stores that would price match and have these in stock?
Those are clearance items so most likely not iPod Touch 4 but previous generation ones.
Same price everywhere.
Some places will offer to bundle in a few other items that you may or may not want/need.