So, a bit of background. I'm 17, attend high school, and work as a software developer (in a casual position).
I have ~$3k in the bank. I invested $1.3k in Bitcoin a couple of months ago, and pulled out a month ago, with around $500 in profit. Decided I wanted something a little bit more stable, and was happy with the money I got for doing nothing.
I was wondering what would be a good investment opportunity at my age? Just something small and low risk that I could watch grow over the months.
I know nothing about all this, so some friendly advice would be much appreciated :)
Well done for thinking about investment at such a young age.
For the low risk I would put half of your investment money into Wesfarmers shares, make sure you opt-in for the dividend reinvestment plan, then set & forget. Check back on it in 5+yrs.
But since you are so young I would also take a bit of risk and roll the dice with the other half of your money. Since you are a software developer maybe you could invest in an IT startup? Or something else that interests you. But be prepared to lose this money. With reward comes risk.