This was posted 7 years 10 months 11 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

Coles Tuna 95grams $0.40 Selected Varieties


I spotted Coles tuna 95grams on clearance tonight.
Flavours that cost 40 cents include: Chili, Herb & Garlic and Sundried tomato.
Other flavours might be on sale, but I only saw tags for the flavours mentioned above.

It should be available Australia wide.

JV "Good price for cat food…"

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closed Comments

  • +21

    JV "Good price for cat food…"

    You beat me to it…

    • +1

      But where's the cat?

      Cat sold separately

    • +1

      I think you have just received a special honour. What is Trolling level 2? Are there higher levels one may aspire to?

  • Which store/state?

    • -2

      Does it matter?

      You can get John West for $1 which is significantly better…

      • Have you tried these before?

        • +4

          Yes, once…

          It was like they processed the tuna in a blender before putting it in the can.

        • +2

          @jv: depends how you eat it. I think some of the flavours are not to bad in sandwich

        • +1


          I think some of the flavours are not to bad in sandwich


          I had no issue with the flavour, just the texture. It was a bit of a mush.

        • @jv: that's is true.

        • +1


          If you're complaint is the texture don't you think you're being a little extreme regarding your spruiking of John West? Particularly when you aren't actually being helpful regarding the question?

          It's misleading to say John west is significantly better. You could have said 'I prefer John West for texture reasons'. Especially when the reason had to be teased out of you and some (including myself) prefer a mushier tuna.

        • @jacross:

          If you're complaint is the texture don't you think you're being a little extreme regarding your spruiking of John West?

          No, because John West is way better than the Coles ones. But I prefer Sirena.

      • I've tried Coles brand tuna and honestly it's not too bad. That said I have $100 worth of Sirena tuna sitting on my top shelf in my room

        • You seriously eat Sirena tuna and then claim Coles brand isn't too bad ???

          40 cents a can is probably all it's worth.

        • +1

          @jv: I use Sirena tuna for sandwiches, Coles brand for pastas, stirfry's and other dishes. Coles brand is good for when you don't need to rely on the tuna alone to provide flavor. Sirena is too expensive to use in bulk, but it's by far the best canned tuna on the market.

        • +1


          Sirena is too expensive to use in bulk

          Not when you get it half price.

        • @jv:

          jv not all of us are rich as you.
          we didn't write any best sellers.

        • +1


          jv not all of us are rich as you.

          That's because you haven't been on OzBargain as long… Don't worry, you'll get there eventually…

        • @jv:
          haha thx. can't wait till the day i can eat sirena tuna

        • @Gimli:

          You'll get the OzBargain Sirena badge that day.

    • +1

      Coles South Perth

  • +1

    Saw some before at my local coles in VIC as well, 4 flavours at 40c ea; Sundried Tomato & Rosemary, Lime & Cracked Pepper, Garlic & Herb, Tomato & Chilli.

    So probably nationwide?

    • +1

      I hope so. I like some of the ALDI varieties but at 40c I'm prepared to go downmarket.

      • +5

        40c I'm prepared to go downmarket.

        At 40c I'd even be willing to change my sexual preferences.

        • Now that's what I call a flexible attitude.

        • username checks out

    • Pretty sure I saw them in Adelaide store yesterday too

  • +1

    Disgraceful product, scraping the ocean of dolphins, sharks, manta rays, whale sharks, manatees plus scores and scores of unwanted fish varieties…

    If you have any shred of a conscious, you'd avoid canned tuna…

    • +3

      You forgot to include the tuna themselves.

      Disgraceful indeed.

    • -3

      I get negged because I give a sh1t about our planet, clap, clap, clap.
      Guess I got into your brain, enjoy your canned death.

      • +1

        Have a plus-vote, though I do eat canned tuna.

      • +9

        I see you have posted deals for. Maccas and HJ. Did you know that the largest consumers of "seafood" worldwide are….. Drumroll…. Livestock?

        Google it! You may be surprised.

        • +5

          Yes, a long time ago. I then thought about my food choices, and the impact they have on the earth.
          At the time I was hypocritical, I ate meat, yet was saving and recycling water, thinking I was doing good.

          Did a bit of research, found out the resources it takes to produce meat, and the cruel practices associated with it.

          Now a lot wiser, the whole meat and seafood industry is unethical and disgusting, demolishing rainforests and killing off species just so 3rd and 2nd world countries can produce cheap meat for your burger. I can't be a part of that.

          As for "pole and line" fishing, you have these images of a lonely fisherman sitting on a boat, taking them one at a time?
          They are hauled in huge amounts by underpaid people. Never mind shrimp, crab and other seafood though, same guy walks on a beach with a bucket and collects them by hand.

          Meat is completely unnecessary for a human diet, we are primates who are physiologically designed to eat and survive on plants, not animals.

        • +6

          @phunkyfeelone: now look into dairy and eggs, amongst the cruellest "food" industries of them all. Then look into wool, and then every other animal industry. They are all vile.

          BTW: We are not designed for anything. (Designed by whom?) But we have adapted well over hundreds of thousands of years to consuming animal flesh, just like we've adapted to many other things that may have been necessary for survival in their time but no longer are. That doesn't detract from the idea that not consuming or otherwise exploiting other animals is an ethical imperative and in so many ways a logical and reasonable decision.

        • +2


          Haven't had milk for a long time, but dairy and eggs all went more than a 2 years ago. And yes, more vile than people realise, and "cage free" is marketing bulldust, chickens are still kept in high volumes per square metre. And at the end of the day, eggs are just a chickens menstruation cycle. Yum, chickens period. Enjoy.

          We are designed by nature, just like gorillas, to eat plants (and look how weak an anemic they are).
          Our bodies have the ability to process other foods to an extent, but the most complete and appropriate foods are plants.

          The 'need' to eat meat is driven by marketing hype, there are no compelling health or ethical reasons to eat animal carcasses.

        • +1

          @phunkyfeelone: I watched the documentary 'what the health' and felt compelled to changed my meat eating ways but after 40+ years of consuming processed meat and dairy had no idea how to do it so gave up. It was a very good doco though👍

        • +1

          Have a look at Cowspiracy, and Dog Fooled (NetFlix)
          All those people sooking about their cat getting sick or dying at the moment have themselves to blame. It chemical laden rubbish.

          Feed cats and dogs meat, it's what they're designed for. Feed humans plants, it's what they're designed for.

        • +1

          @phunkyfeelone: I have watched cowspiracy which certainly was an eye opener. I would like to be able to grow my own food at least I would have some control over the quality of what I eat and also the ethics of it's production.

        • +1


          after 40+ years of consuming processed meat and dairy had no idea how to do it so gave up

          Simple - you just stop doing it. You Google alternatives. You pm me. If bonged up hippies in Byron Bay can do it (all power to them!) then there's no reason you can't.

      • +2

        You were probably negged for making bold claim with no supporting evidence.

        • No, probably negged because people are uncomfortable hearing the truth about what they actually do.

    • +8

      Disgraceful product, scraping the ocean of dolphins, sharks, manta rays, whale sharks, manatees plus scores and scores of unwanted fish varieties

      You are completely wrong, Coles tuna uses pole and line to catch them and not nets or FADs (and they also only use skipjack).

      They actually rate fairly high as far as sustainability goes, along with ALDI and Safcol.

    • love the sarcasm

  • Cheap source of the protein.

  • +4

    Never gonna go back to any tuna after eating sirena

    • Sirena was okay for me. Hardly goes down for a bargain though. john west all the way

  • +6

    Call me strange but I don't mind the mayonnaise and corn flavoured tuna.

    • +1

      you are strange.

  • only Sundried Tomato, Garlic & Herb, Tomato & Chilli, Lime & Pepper $0.40 at my local Coles.

    • Found those yesterday.

  • None at 40c in my local Coles, so I remain loyal to ALDI.

  • +1

    Thanks for posting OP!

    I saw these today in my local store in VIC.

    I also noticed that they had the 95g Tassal cans reduced to clear for about $1.40 (usually $2.86) and some of the Tim Tam gelato flavours (salted caramel, choc mint, black forest etc) reduced to clear for $1.32 (not sure if these are nation-wide also?)

    • Tim Tams not $1.32 in Lower Hunter NSW but I see Coles brand chocolate biscuits (a fair alternative) are now down to $1.65.

    • Thanks for Tassel tip! It's actually salmon. I bought a few tonight and will try them in the next few days

  • 60cents at my local vic Coles store

    nvm it's 40c, grabbed some anyway and the checkout said 40c.

  • +1

    add to it Cracked Pepper Water Crackers and you have yourself a nice lunch/snack for $1.35. #UniLife

  • Whats the difference between Coles & Sirena?
    They're both processed in Thailand and most likely caught from the same farms?
    Only thing I can think of is the quality of the oil and other flavours??

  • Great deal, thanks OP!
    I usually buy 3 Coles tuna that do NOT require drainage (a major advantage over other brands) - Tomato and Chilli, Mexican, and Italian.
    Just stocked up on about 40 Tomato and Chilli at my local.

  • These are now 30c, at least at the Coles store in the Canberra Centre.

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