Student research project : The way people shop

Hello everyone !
For my MBA program I am leading a research project, and I am questioning the impact of smartphones on consumers behavior in physical stores.
Here is the link of my little survey that could provide me with valuable insights, regardless of your status :
Finding a database of retail consumers is not an easy task, so any advice or insights are welcome !
Thanks a lot and have a good day
Lauren, devoted postgraduate student


  • +3

    Be aware you are probably going to get very skewed results from ozbargain.

    • +1

      I was about to say who cares it's probably for high school… sigh

      devoted postgraduate student

  • Well done for following proper research policies.
    I'll complete the survey based on that alone!

  • Post to whirlpool & reddit as well if you can, might diversify your results

  • There is no other field.
    I use my mobile phone to play Po Go while in a retail store.

  • Done - taken it seriously too. :) good luck with your research.

  • I need to know the difference between an effective purchase in a retail store and an ineffective purchase.
    Is the latter when I try to complete a purchase but at the last minute the store refuses to sell to me?

    Also, I will use my phone when I'm instore to research large purchases - but if I just pop into Woolies for a couple items I won't bother. Does that count, or not?

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