No idea if only this store (Chatswood Westfield NSW) or available in other stores.
Update: Nationwide according to comments.
No idea if only this store (Chatswood Westfield NSW) or available in other stores.
Update: Nationwide according to comments.
saw at west ryde coles self serve checkout when getting free chocolate
If activated on the PAYG plus you can get up to 26GB data so its kinda a good deal in that way. $0.57 per GB.
How do you get 26gb? Isn't it 2c/MB? (Or about $20/GB)
I read the deal as 2c per MB. So $0.57 will buy you 28.5MB!
My maths gives me 50MB per dollar. I multiply it by 40 to get 2,000MB.
1 GB of data is commonly accepted as being 1,024MB
This plan would give you less than 2GB.
Please resign your Government position as a Corporate Tax Enforcement Officer!
Yoy have to purchase add-ons.
Please understand English when I say up to!
Why the downvotes?…this is how I get my data (normally get the packs off ebay).
He/we use the $3 for 2gig for one day, that stacks and is actually 2 days (the day you add it till midnight the next day). Add it around midnight and you get two days (if on the last day) plus whatever datas left. Need some voice, thats $5 for 100mins for 28 days.
Great value, getting a bunch.
PAYG is a distinctively advantageous deal. It being a service full-year one, with multiple voice/data extensions offered, at no extra impost.
Previous incarnations of this plan gave only 20MB. so 2,000MB is not bad progress by Vodafone. Could be enhanced still further were 4MB available free-tier to update presently zero rated 512kB header.
Can you activate on PAYG+? I can't find this plan on Vodafone website.
Listed in next week's catalogue, so definitely nationwide from May 10 at least :)