This was posted 7 years 10 months ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

Specsavers Spend and Save - $50 off with Min $149 Spend on Contact Lenses + Free Standard Delivery

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I was looking for the Specsaverdeal on last month (which has now expired).

The link however took me to this new deal with some additional codes for totals less than $150:

$10 off When you spend $99 - SPENDSAVE10
$25 off When you spend $119 - SPENDSAVE25

Remember to split a $300+ order into two to get $100 off.

Hope this helps someone.

Edit: only one per customer. You'll need another login/email for multiple order discounts of $50 each. Alternatively, $75 off two orders isn't so bad.

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closed Comments

  • +10

    I'm still waiting for $50 off $99 spend with free delivery offer from Hawks.

    • Yeah that would have been sweet! Haven't seen that in a while. Have you?

      • Haven't seen that for at least a year now. Hopefully it will come back soon.

    • How much stock did you buy last time? It's been aaaaages since this deal

      • Bought heaaaaps. Been stocking up quite a lot for the last few times when this deal came along but i'm running low now.

    • Been waiting over a year now. Is Hawks still active…?

      • +1

        I dunno - given that they're 17th on the ladder at the moment, that doesn't imply that they're too active, does it? :)

  • +1

    Thank you OP! Very useful. My wife got 3 boxes.

  • One per customer. Unfortunately I must've used the SPENDSAVE50 at some point in the past. So due to emergency had to settle with SPENDSAVE25

    • Strange! I just did an express reorder of my last two orders one after another to get $100 off

      • Huh….. I dont know why it didnt work for me then. It worked fine until I logged in to checkout, and then the coupon is rejected. :(

        • +1

          Clearing cache or incognito mode on the browser is worth a try then…

  • +1

    Offer ends midnight 30 June, so least gives you time to save up for a large order.

  • +3

    Should've gone to… Oh wait.

  • Thanks I used the last offer.

    One question on the expiry date of the contacts. On my last lot one eyes contacts had an expiry date 16mths after the others. One was 2 years and one past 3.

    Any way to ask for both long dated expiry? I only wear them on weekends etc and would like the flexibility.

    • Mate if you are that infrequent that you need multi year expiry then just wait for this deal to come up again (it does every 6 months or so). I'm an occasional user like you and in the last order mine were all 2020 expiry.

      • Half my order of 6 boxes were mid 2019 and the other half were late 2020,

        Also I am using health fund money, if I don't use it I lose it. I get another lot of money in 2 months which I will use to buy specs.

        If no solution is found I will order my next 6 boxes in mid June, should be a different batch.

    • +1

      don't worry too much about expiry dates - i've used some well over 12+ months past expiry and they're still as good as new.

      • Thanks I realize contacts don't go bad one day after expiry :)

        I will order my next lot in a couple of weeks. hopefully will get a newer batch anyway.

  • +2

    Wow. Talk about timing. Just got back from my optometrist appt and voila. Now i can look all suave and aluring with my naked eyes.

    Thanks op.

  • Remember to split a $300+ order into two to get $100 off.

    The offer says

    "Offer is limited to one per customer."

    • +1

      use another email address ;)

    • Edited the post accordingly.

  • I currently wear Acuvue 14 day contacts with a 8.8 base diameter. Dailies only come in 8.5 or 9.0 base diameter. Which one would be more suitable?

    • if you round it off to the nearest number its 9, but hay who knows.

    • +3

      (Inevitable!) Optometrist reply.

      Generally too tight (smaller base curve number) means the lenses are not going to have adequate movement on the corneal surface, which means less tear movement through and around the lens, which means less oxygen transfer through to the cornea, which is the main potential complication from contact lenses. The problem is this option initially feels more comfortable, even though it is now dangerous for the eye.

      Generally too loose (larger base curve) means the lenses will have excessive movement on corneal surface, which is less comfortable. Also, having the lens move to much on the corneal surface can give greater chance of sore spots on corneal surface from "rubbing" effect of the CL.

      I don't know about other CL sellers, but I'm not allowed to sell anyone CLs unless they have a prescription for a particular brand, size and power. And most optometrists don't give out a prescription for contact lenses until they have trialled (usually for free) the exact contact lens for a sufficient time (up to a month or more) to know that it is comfortable and healthy for that individual patient initially and with subsequent wear.

      But as we know, some people follow the rules more than others in every occupation and profession.

      • Thanks for the reply shmahoo.

        From your point of view as an optometrist, if Acuvue offer fortnightly contacts in either 8.4 or 8.8 base diameter and only 8.5 or 9.0 for dailies, would the 8.8 fortnightly correspond to the 9.0 daily?

    • +1

      Why not go into Specsavers, get your free eye test and ask to try some trial lenses?

      I went through quite a few types trying to find the right fit - and the people at SS were great. Really flexible and wanted me to find the right type.

  • Can this be used with health insurance?
    Ie. Spend $150 but only use $100 of my benefit?

    • +1

      yes you can make an online claim through some companies. With Bupa, I have called them before about it and they have asked me to submit the claim for the full amount before the discount.

  • im still using the ones from the last deal, got 3 boxes last time, and managed to use half a pair of boxes for 2months, yes i use them more than daily.

    • You use dailys for longer than a day?!
      Christ, mine feel like shit after about the 16 hour mark… don't know how you'd use them for longer.

      I don't think it's great for your eyes either?

      • +3

        Wearing dailies for more than a day works great until it doesn't. As an optometrist, patients wearing dailies for more than a day is my biggest source of extra business (great for me, not great for the patient).

        2 potential problems - increased chance of irritation/infection straight away because these lenses aren't designed for removal and reinsertion. And the quality of the lenses (because they are so thin) decreases dramatically with wear, so a one day old lens is significantly degraded compared to a new one. Daily CLs don't age well. Under my microscope, a daily CL on its second day can look like (roughly) a "normal" CL would look like after two weeks or more.

        Second problem is long term effects. The biggest cause my patients have for having to give up wearing CLs altogether is because of systematic over wear of their CLs. Just like if you have one meal of McDonalds occasionally out won't affect your health, but if you have it for every meal out just isn't a good idea.

        The "problem" is that everyone's mileage may vary, so I have no doubt that some people can safely wear dailies for 2 days initially. But you can't tell if it's going to be a problem (short term or long term) until it is actually a problem.

        But if course I would be saying this because I just want to sell more lenses, don't I! Don't forget, we did actually train as professionals, we have to do compulsory continuing professional education to keep up with the changing and evolving science of it all. So what would we know?

        • Yeah, I've always been warned about it.

          The dailies are so much more flimsy and they lose their shape really easily which probably isn't great if your eye isn't looking out through the appropriate part of the lens.

          From a hygiene point of view, I love that my dailies come out of a sterile pack and are as clean as they're going to be.
          With monthlies, they never felt as clean and fresh and I can only imagine what reusing dailies would feel like!

          A previous co-worker of mine used to replace one lens at a time…
          He reckoned it was costing him only half what it should do because he'd never have 2 fresh CL's in… he'd have one clean and one dirty one in and replace 1 at a time on alternate days…. there was no talking to him though - he was stuck in his ways.

      • what i was meant to say was that i use them more than once, meaning that i take it off and use it another day, ive never wore contacts more than 10 hours in a single day.

  • +1

    Cheers got $50 off for 7 boxes of daily disposables = $101. That's cheap :) Aint paid full price for 2 years now and I wear them nearly every day.

  • cant find the place to enter the code.
    im at the payment page and still can't see where to use the promo code

    • It's coz you haven't got your new CLs in yet!

  • Thanks for posting this got 6 boxes of dailies acv moist @106 did that twice with 2 emails hehehehe I usually get mine from ozcontacts but no sale from them recently… 90 lens at $72 per box so this works out cheaper for $53. I wonder if i can claim NIB from this. Gotta call and ask… anyone tried claiming yet?

    • I did with Bupa. NIB should have an online claim system as well.

  • Do Specsavers sell colored contact lenses?

  • Aren't Specsavers prices turn out roughly 50% more than Costco prices even after the above discount… anyone who has bought from Costco can confirm please?

  • Is this deal still available?

    • +1

      only one way to find out

    • Offer ends midnight 30 June,

  • Awesome! I've ordered a 6 month's supply.

  • Anddddd I just missed out :(

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