I submitted a similar deal to this in January but this is even cheaper (by $2!!!). Either way it's a pretty amazing price for a solid and seriously good steam generator iron that requires no temperature adjustment.
Use voucher code ANNIVERSARY20 for the $20 discount.
The cashback promotion is here
Edit: GC7035 appears out of stock, however Philips GC7031 is also available for the same price thanks ozzyoi.
So I tried mine out before and have a few questions I can't seem to find quick answers for that I'm hoping some knowledgeable ozb members can help me with.
1) I get an alarm noise around 2 minutes from turning it on. Is this telling me that it's ready to go? Or that I should take it off the base as it might burn it? The first time it had no steam after 2 minutes, I had to leave it for 5+ minutes for it to make a fair bit of steam.
2) People have said that these types of irons don't get hot until you use the steam. Well this one gets bloody hot (must have a heating element in the iron) and I'm worried about leaving it on the base (smells like toasty plastic when doing so) or on the ironing board. It can't be set up upright, so I must leave it on either the base or the ironing board but it's bloody hot!
What do people do with this iron when it's on but they are not using it? Can it be set on the plastic base for a few minutes at a time? Is there any danger of it burning/melting if left on the base it looks like it's designed to rest on?
3) When the iron is locked into the base full of water, can the iron handle be used to cart the unit around? Or is that asking for the plastic lock to break and the unit slam on the floor?