This was posted 7 years 10 months 6 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

$5 off and $2 off @ VideoEzy Kiosks


$5 OFF
Code : WHYHIM (Video Ezy), WHYHIM1 (Blockbuster) Expires 28/4

$2 OFF
Code : ALLIED (Video Ezy), ALLIED1 (Blockbuster) Expires 29/4
($2 off code thanks to IMFrugl

Video Ezy Locations here:

Blockbuster Locations here:

Related Stores

Video Ezy
Video Ezy

closed Comments

    • +12

      Yep, people like my parents and old neighbours can't use it as they don't have internet.

      • +5

        Plus bluray quality. Plus Netflix doesn't have what is effectively freebies, or recent releases.

        Disks have benefits over streaming still.

      • +4

        How would those people find out about your post on OzBargain then?

        • +1

          I usually use thee phone, but sometimes in person.

        • @jv: ye Olde noticeboard?

        • @buckster:

          Aye, thou art c'rrect buckst'r

      • Means they won't be able to know about the deal on Ozbargain by themselves.

        • No, but you can let your friends and relatives know.

        • +1


          What happens if I don't have any?

          Is it approved by the Church of Mormons?

        • +1


          What happens if I don't have any?

          Find some on Gumtree

        • +1


          Too expensive :(

      • Lol

      • -1

        are they from north korea?

        • They don't have nuclear weapons if that's what you're getting at…

    • +1

      I have had a US Netflix sub for years. If you watch a lot of movies and have kept up with new releases over the years, Netflix is essentially useless (series are a different matter).

    • +1

      Netflix doesn't have new release movies, neither does any other online store for free, like this deal is.

    • Ever been to a kiosk and counted how many movies on their first screen are on Netflix? Answer is most likely zero. Most movies never make it to Netflix, even AAA titles.

      So apart from paying $20+ each to see it at the cinema, how else do you propose I legally watch these movies?

  • +5

    Any bargains?

    • +12

      Yep, here…

      • +1

        Thank you jv

      • +1

        I have one heck of a recursive loop going here - keep clicking on your link to see where it leads. So far, it leads to exactly the same place.

        • +1

          It's like… a strange loop!

        • +1



          For more about strange loops, and recursion in general, see Douglas Hofstadter's I Am a Strange Loop or Godël, Escher, Bach: The Eternal Golden Braid.

      • No bargains in that link

  • +3

    Any good movies?

    • +6

      Rogue One is out on DVD now… Or Moana for the kids…

      Our kiosk has them $3 each normally, so I can get both for $1…

      • +1

        Rogue One is sus. Moana is good. Assassin Creed is available as well. Passengers is good as well if you are Jennifer's fan.

        • She is my fan. Keeps emailing me.

        • Negged by someone with serious jealousy issues…

  • +2

    I can recommend Hacksaw Ridge. It was in the same vein as Saving Private Ryan.

    • Is it that good as Private?

      • Yeah I think so

  • +1

    Thanks jv, you are a unique snowflake

  • +6

    What is the normal price?

  • +1

    why him jv?

  • Nice of you to post a deal JV rather than post comments!…

  • +1

    WHYHIM1 definitely works at Blockbuster, just got an email about it

  • +1

    Is obtaining the videos you want ezy?

    • Yep

    • But can you hire videos?

  • I've never used one of these kiosks.
    What's the sign up process?
    I'm assuming I can't just put $5 in and take a disk without them having some form of ID or CCard details?

    • +1

      Only need your credit card and enter an email address for the receipt.

      • What if you don't have an email address?

        • +1

          Then you won't get a receipt. It's optional.

        • Who doesn't have an email address?

        • @serpserpserp: Since when did practicalities matter with jv comments?

      • So just put in a credit card with no money?

  • +1

    And I received code ALLIED to get $2 off - exp 29/4.

    • Thanks,

      I've added it to the description…

      You'll need to rent using two separate transactions to use both codes on the same card…

  • +2

    Legit streaming options are pretty limited here. I still prefer hiring new release blurays. We have them $1-$2 at my local bottle shop and they sell them for $5 before this stuff is released on netflix or Foxtel. I only really buy kids' ex rental dvds though.

  • +1

    I've rented Lego Batman breakout 4 times so far. Not a $ spent.

    Also rented Rogue One twice now. Once to watch and a 2nd time just to watch the Darth Vader scene again. (Also zero $)

  • +1

    @jv thankyou for posting, worked on BB kiosk, so it's "Sully" for me tonight! Cheers

  • +1

    Thanks JV, just grabbed 2 movies for free, well there was an element of risk as I was alone in a dark shopping centre car park.
    Feel a little guilty as I grabbed 2 movies @ $2 each even though we won't watch both in 24hrs but couldn't waste the opportunity.

  • just received $5 offer this morning 29th 04 2017 ozbargain,guess what the deal finished 28 04 2017

    • The $2 one is still valid

  • +1

    Cheers saved me $6

    • +1

      Spend it wisely…

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