Hi Ozbargainers,
I bought some flight tickets + accommodation using my ANZ Credit card, which gives me travel insurance. However, I have cancelled my credit card before my trip.
My question is: If needed, can I still claim travel insurance, even though I no longer own that credit card?
Your help is appreciated.
Claim Travel Insurance From My Cancelled ANZ Credit Card

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I have had some new cards. So, need to cancel the old card.
Not sure what this means.
Contact ANZ - It's more important what they think.
Ask your bank. No one here can guarantee you anything. We could be wrong and you would be the only one suffering.
Thank you.
You are right. I should contact the bankIf it's a replacement credit card, i.e. expired/lost/stolen card that is linked to the same account, then yes.
If you cancelled the card and account, then no.
If I was you i will buy external travel insurance no matter that the bank say now as they can change their tune quickly to avoid paying a big claim.
No. Per the ANZ T&C's -
- Eligibility criteria
To meet the eligibility criteria you are:
(a) (i) a current participating card holder;
You did have insurance with them but this ended when you cancelled the card.
- Eligibility criteria
The policy is attached to the card account - if your card account is cancelled, so is the insurance policy.
Just talked to the bank. Indeed, you must be a current card holder to claim travel insurance.
Thanks to all who contributed.
Glad to be an Ozbargainer.you could've one this without having to consult us.
Yep, I would have just called ANZ…
Common, don't be so naive. Banks make money on these perks. If you book a travel or buy an expensive phone, they believe that you will hold a card for a while at least until you complete your travel or replace the phone. It is just one more hook. Nobody says this is bad, but you should understand there is no charity here and nobody will provide you insurance for free.
I would doubt it… why did you cancel the card ?