This was posted 7 years 10 months 10 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

Regaine Half Price and Free Shipping at Chemist Warehouse (Plus a Further $50 Cash Back for 3 Month Foam Pack)


This morning on Triple M heard Chemist warehouse running a promo for all Regaine products. Half price and free delivery.

Googled and noticed how expensive this stuff normally is, so for those who use it regularly it is worth buying.

Edit: a further $50 cash back is available from Regain if you buy a 3 month foam pack. This makes it $19 with a regular price of around $150

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Chemist Warehouse
Chemist Warehouse

closed Comments

  • The perfect antidote for all of those hideous manscaping disasters…

  • seems rrp is $150, has it at $146.25,…

    seems like a good deal if it works as advertised.

  • +3

    Does this product even work?

    • +1

      'any hair growth you experience while using it will be purely coincidental.'

      • Warnie's advnced hair studio in trouble with this deal.

  • +1

    Forget Regain. it's a good product but super expensive.

    Use this instead…

    I have been using it for years. It's exactly the same and works very well.

    • Looks the same, but maybe some prefer "foam"?

      • Yes, I agree. Although I don't understand the concept of the foam as the minoxidil must be used on the scalp and not in the hair.
        Also the liquid version already makes your hair dirty even if use it just on the scalp. The foam is 600 times worse.

        • +1

          from my experience, i find i switch between the liquid and foam. liquid when hair is short as it dries a little faster and foam when hair is a lot longer. The foam stuff definitely helps as it becomes easier to style after a few minutes.

    • Isn't it supposed to regrow hair. Will it need to be used forever? How would you then know that it's working?

      • +1

        It dosent regrow hair.. Nothibg can grow hait back if there isnt anymore hair. It just make u keep the hair u have and thicken the hair so its fuller. And yes u use it for life. If u stop all your hair falls out again but even faster.

        • That's not what I read a few years ago when I looked into it. They basically said something like hair follicles get 'plugged' with a hard substance, so hair weakens and stops growing. That it removes that hardened substance, encourages/regenerates hair that has stopped growing - but falls out again if you stop. (Which I thought, why bother.)

        • @GregMonarch: That process actually kills the hair follicle. The hairs grow back thinner and thinner until eventually they can never grow back. These products will only help you keep what you have, and prevent it getting any worse. The problem is that once you stop, your hair will say "CYA!".

          None of these products are worth it in my opinion. Everybody needs to live with what you have, shave it down and move on with their lives.

      • Its all the same stuff .. Minoxidil. I started using another one (see below link) but then I stopped when I saw the above comments.
        If it's gonna make my hair fall (even the ones that are strong at the moment), it's not worth it ……

        • If you are interested in using it the one I linked works out to about $9 a bottle.

          No offence to those 2 posters but they have no idea what they are talking about.

          Hair thinning and follicle miniaturization is the normal process of hair loss. Each hair follicle has a growing phase, a resting phase, then the hair falls out, then a dormant phase, then growing begins again.

          Minoxidil keeps the hair in the growing phase for longer, which may have something to do with providing more bloodflow to the hair (it is actually an anti hypertensive drug)

          It doesn't kill hair follicles, or plug them, or whatever else the bros on the Internet claim. However it doesn't stop the cause of hair loss either.

          Hair loss - where the growing phase gets shorter and shorter until it ceases, is caused by DHT, a product of testosterone. For an unknown reason the hair on your scalp reacts in the opposite way to body hair in response to dht.

          Finasteride blocks dht production, but dht is also involved in sexual function (in the prostate) and in the CNS (the brain) hence side effects such as impotence and depression.

          If you stop minoxidil your hair will continue to fall out at the same rate as it was before. Using minoxidil wont make it worse

          For more information


  • +5

    This stuff works really well.

    After using it for only 6 weeks, I couldn't keep the ladies away !!!

  • +2

    Ahh Regaine, You've done it again

  • +7

    $50 cash back makes it $19.

    • There you go?

      What's the cash back for? Should this be added to deal title?

      • +3
        if you buy foam pack you will get $50 back.

      • +4

        Here you go:

        50 cash back on purchase of a 3 month pack of MEN’s REGAINE® Extra Strength Foam product. Promotional period 09.00AEST on 09/01/2017 to 23.59EDST on 28/04/2017.

        Makes it a really good offer.

        • The cashback is on 3 months supply however the item on chemist warehouse is 4 months supply. Something to look into?

        • @batrarobin:

          There are two products on Chemist warehouse:

          The 3 month foam pack (which you can use the $50 cash back) and the 4 month liquid pack.

          Both are at half price.

          I read reviews that foam is easier to use, hence more expensive

    • Good find, my hair will thank you

  • +3

    FYI You can get generics from Amazon for a tiny fraction of the price.

    • What exactly are you referring to?

      • +2

        I think he's talking about generic minoxidil. A lot cheaper than regaine.

  • +1

    Is this actually worth buying at any price? (i.e. does it actually help)

    • +4

      Works for about 80% of people. For a much smaller percent it regrows hair. You have to use it forever though. Less dire side effects than finestraside or however it's spelt.

      • When used with Finastride (Finasteride is a type of steroid reductase inhibitor. It works by reducing the amount of the hormone dihydrotestosterone (DHT) in the body. DHT reacts with your testosterone and that kills off hair follicles & hair starts to fall out). It DEFINITELY WORKS. Add minoxidil to it and you're sweet. Only downside, is that its for life.

        • I've read finasteride has a nasty side effect of impotence whereas this is pretty harmless

        • @popcornready: Impotence is a harsh word, but I agree with you. Reduced sex drive & reduced fertility in males are common (read as free contraception (not really)).

        • +1

          Only downside, is that its for life.

          …and Man boobs.

        • +1

          @jv: man boobs or hair damm..

        • @popcornready: nasty, that's a good side effect, now I can achieve all of those things I dreamed of doing but was held back by something…

        • @popcornready: fin also has possible side effects of permanent impotence. That you may not even get till you stop.

        • @RI4V4N:

          has possible side effects of permanent impotence.

          This is your chance to be a Very Impotent Person…

    • +1

      This stuff 'minoxidil' is poison. I wouldnt take it again. Had heaps of side effects. Felt like crap. Light headed everyday, irregular heartbeat I believe it can effect your blood pressure etc.

      • Yeah so you basically got all the side effects of this. Lol. Pretty bad luck.

      • I've been using this (minoxidil) for over a year and never have the problems you mentioned. Must be something else causing your side effects?

        • No was definitely the daily applciation of this as it started to take effect about 2 hours after applying in morning so was left light headed around lunch. Like clockwork everyday. The only side effect i didnt get was bags under my eyes. Once i stopped taking it my health improved inside a week. There were lingering effects for a while. By all means keep taking it if it works for you but it was like poison to me.

  • +3

    Guys just make sure you understand that if you start using this you have to use it for life. This was explain to me by a skin Dr.

    • +1

      Yes. You have to use it until your willing to go bald.

      • Correct!

      • Wow this company is just like Monsanto, so once you start using it to treat slight baldness, if you stop you will then have accelerated baldness, talk about a lock in model!

  • +1

    I spoke with them (Johnson & Johnson Pacific) and confirmed you cannot get $50 CB on "Regaine Solution Mens Extra Strength 4 for 3"…

    Its for form.
    Regaine Men's Foam 3 Months 3x 60g…

    Damn, i already placed order for ""Regaine Solution Mens Extra Strength 4 for 3"" :(
    Any way to cancel it? and go for foam?

  • +3

    Does it help with patchy beard? Asking for a friend

    • +7

      yes friend

      • I have a patchy face, never tried any products.
        People say it doesn't work for patchy/hairless faces.

        eXtremist, do you know if it actually works for beards?
        I might get some so I can grow out a nice red beard.

        • +1

          I have a patchy face

          Avatar checks out.

        • yes it works for beards ..

        • @eXtremist:
          Alright, bit the bullet, will let you know in 3 months….

  • +5

    Do you get hairy palms when you apply this?

    If it drips down your back will it make your back hairy?

    • I lol'd… but now, I kinda want to know.

    • I'm pretty sure it doesn't work on pubic hair.

      • +1

        Do you grow pubic hair on your back and palms?

        • +2


  • There's a dedicated forum for those who are trying to grow beards. This is one of the many products recommended to induce facial hair growth.

  • +1

    Would this work on thinning hair?

    • +1

      No, it won't thin hair.

      • +1


        • +14


  • +2

    FYI this is a product you need to take ongoing if you want to retain any of the hair that has come back

    • +1

      Yes. Use it for life. If u ever stop…. Instant baldness

      • A true Ozbargainer would do the maths and go for a $20 pair of clippers! :)

  • +4

    The moment you stop using this product, the hair will start falling off and at an alarming rate. So carefull if you don't intend on using it regularly for eternity :)
    Also you might get very itchy scalp leading to bleeding and severe trauma.

    • I haven't gone bald yet, just seeing early signs, so I thought I would buy this to make the top of my head more dense, I bought a 3 month pack but after reading through lots of forum postings about this product (minoxidil), it seems many people say the same thing as you posted above, so I never used it. For those who are losing hair and going bald extremely fast, then I guess the $277.56/year ($23/mo) vanity cost may be worth it…

    • Is it really? I just started using it. Not patchy or bald (yet), just thinning on the top. Reading this, I want to stop now, as I do not want to be dependent on a medicine (read: if I am going bald, I will go it gracefully).
      Someone please suggest if they know by experience that this is the case….

      • Yeah you have to use it till your willing to go bald. I don't think it makes it worse when you stop, just reverts to what your natural hair would be if you had never begun.

        • +1

          Man boobs and raccoon eyes are harder to revert back

        • that's still ok, u guess. As long as it does not thin the hair I had when I started using it ….

  • +1

    …and cash rewards too 3% new customers, 1.5% for existing customers.
    Nevermind, Just saw the tab on the right for cashback.. is that a new thing?

  • Price in title please

    • There are multiple products that range in price.

      But all regaine is half price as per the title

      • Normally we say "From $X" when there are multiple items.

      • +1
        • Use (From $X-$Y)


        • Use (Starting from $X)
  • I bought the 3 months pack for $136 last night, and today its half price! Could someone please suggest if its worth trying to take it back and ask for a refund. I have checked their change-of-mind refund policy and it says that medicines are not refundable (because of obvious reasons), however in my case I want to return and then re-purchase the same product (at half price). Would appreciate your suggestions. Thanks

    • Ask them… or buy another to cut your losses.

      • Thanks jv, I called them today and the lady told me to come and see the store manager, I was wondering if others have been denied refunds in similar situations then its not even worth driving to them and arguing about it

  • +4

    I bit the bullet and shaved my head recently after a decade of comb overs - best thing I ever did. Embrace your genetics. Are you really that vain that you want to use this expensive shit forever?

    • I struggle to see how is a fully shaved head / a comb over any less vain than taking drugs / undertaking a hair transplant. They are all just different means to conceal baldness. If young balding men weren't vain, they'd be walking around looking like Gargamel from the Smurfs. If you'd truly embrace your genetics, you'd show the world your beautiful shiny bald area without shaving off the surrounding hair, and you'd go to a hairdresser maybe once a month and not shave every few days, right?

      • Taking care of your appearance and being disheveled doesn't constitute vanity or modesty. Vanity is having excessive pride in ones appearance.

        Shaving your head is infinitely much easier and looks better than meticulously styling your combover in the morning or putting this slop in your hair to hold onto what's left. Wanting to look good and presentable with what you have does not constitute being vain.

        Wanting to hold on to your hair doesn't constitute vanity either. The general consensus is that shaving it looks better and people want to look good, and they are allowed to want that and not be conceited about it at the same time.

        • It is irrelevant whether I believe that trying to conceal your baldness is shallow or not.
          I just wanted to voice my disagreement with a position that one method of achieving the same result is vain, whereas the other one is manly/noble (bite the bullet, embrace your genetics).
          I've heard this same nonsense so many times, 'come on, be a real man and shave it all off'. Again, how is that any different to wearing a toupee, a hat, a bandana or getting a hair transplant? The fact is, no-one wants to show off their horse shoe hair shape around their bald spot! So some men decide to fill in their bald spot, whereas the others choose to get rid of their horse shoe shaped hair. Both are creating an illusion that they don't have the two above described sections on their head. Why is one group perceived as vain, and the other as cool / trendy??

        • @samojed:

          It's simple. Growing out your horse shoe shaped hair doo looks shitter than the horseshoe shaped outline of a buzzed head

        • @jenkemjunkie:
          I wasn't talking about a grown out horse shoe (Gargamel) vs a shaved one (Bruce Willis).
          I was talking about doing a Bruce Willis vs filling in your bald spot with a toupee or your own hair (transplanted or regrown using Regaine and the likes), doing an e.g. Rooney, McConaughey, Travolta, Charlie Sheen, Elton John, Jeremy Piven etc. While there's no doubt what (usually) looks shittier, that's not what my initial comment was about - I was merely blasting the perception that one solution is more vain than the other, when they're really the same.

        • You think they're the same because they're both trying to hide going bald?

          You think men that shave there head because they're going bald/receding think that they are fooling everyone by 'creating an illusion' that they aren't going bald…lol…They are the first to tease young dudes that are losing their hair and love to tell them that's how it started with them.

          You're going bald aren't ya ;) and I bet you use this shit

          "I buzz my head to Create the illusion I'm not losing hair" - said no balding person that shaves their head ever

        • @jenkemjunkie:
          I guess it depends on a person. There are delusional guys out there who honestly believe their pathetic comb overs are fooling the world.
          So I'm sure there are also guys with fully shaved heads out there who think we don't know why they buzz it every other morning.
          And there are also guys like me, who had two transplants and even though no-one would ever notice I still tell everyone.
          And no, I'd never come near them pills, foam, lotions etc. And I also don't judge people who use them. I just opted for a more permanent solution with less side effects and a higher success rate.

        • @samojed:

          This whole illusory argument you got going on is to defend your choice of getting a hair transplant and to deflect your feelings that society now places you in the vain/insecure basket for making that choice. You've gone from the worry of losing your hair to the worry of society assuming your vain from your choice.

          Conflating a pathetic comb over with a shaved head to hide going bald? ..come on…that's like me saying - do you think that hair transplant you got is fooling the world? It isn't mate - regardless of who did it and where you got it done, what technique he used and how much you paid for it.

        • @jenkemjunkie:
          The worry of losing hair has been replaced by huge confidence boosts I get every time I look into a mirror.
          If I was really worried about the society perceiving me as vain because of what I did to my appearance - I probably wouldn't be bragging about it, would I?

  • Have considered this route but the accelerated falling once you stop applying it was a no deal.

    Did find another treatment that has seemed to work somewhat well in the past 7 weeks. So far reduced the fall rate quite significantly. Natural active ingredients and there were some publications on it. Not the highest rate of success either but with some good reviews on the net, figured I'd give it a go. Would recommend.…

    Usually has a 10 or 15% off for first customers. Australian based company it seems as well

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