As the title suggest, government will be abolishing 457 Visa.
First of all, I will wait until it happens. I have seen Turnbull announcing a lot of things only to realise that he can't do it due to political pressure or incompetency. But lets assume that it will happen this time, what do you think of this?…
(Edit: Link to the article added)
If a worker on 457 visa earned an employment which paid him $100k, then there can't be any arguments. He deserves it. Employer isn't stupid who paid him that kinda salary, nor it is ignorant of talent available locally. Sometimes companies are forced to hire people from abroad when some specific skills aren't easily available locally. Everyone understands such situations.
However, local population is against those who are exploiting the system by hiring workers on 457 visa for the skills which don't have any shortage locally and exploiting them by paying much lower than market wages (at times even in cash). Why would you need a restaurant manager or an accountant or a hotel manager from overseas when you have so many unemployed people available locally who may be suitable for those jobs? I would equally blame employees who take up those position to get 457 sponsorship (and eventually residency) as well but I believe that employers have more responsibilities to respect the system.