• expired

PS4 500GB Console with Call of Duty $329, XB1/PS4 Prey $64, PS4 Uncharted 4 $37, PS4 No Man's Sky $25 + More @ Target 12/4


Some good gaming deals starting this Wednesday:

PS4 500GB console with COD Infinite Warfare (not game token) - $329
PS4 Uncharted 4 - $37
PS4 No Man's Sky - $25
PS4 The Last Guardian - $27
PS4 Ratchet and Clank - $29
PS4 Gravity Rush 2 - $49
PS4 Uncharted Nathan Drake Collection - $29
PS4/XB1 Prey - $64 each (out 5/5)
Switch Mario Kart - $62 (out 29/4)

There are other PS4 titles going on promotion (just not advertised):

PS4 VR Worlds - $29
PS4 Eve Valkyrie/Rigs/Battlezone - $40 each

XB1 Halo Wars 2 - $55 (this is active now)

Finally - there will be some other console promotions starting Thursday - will post these later in the week.

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closed Comments

  • +13

    Amazing price on The Last Guardian. I just bought it for $39 two days ago and was happy with that!

    • +2

      Hey mate, are you playing it with a pro or just the standard one? I have one still wrapped and I have the standard ps4. Don't know if it's playable or not.

      • +3

        It's playable, a recent patch gave an increase on the FPS.

        • That's great to hear. I got it for $39 to play on my standard PS4 a few weeks back and it was too painful to play.

        • @ChillBro:

          Well the patch I was referring to is 1.03 - but I have heard that the stutter/FPS issues are random and some experience, others don't.

      • There are other reasons why this game is barely playable…mainly trying to get the dog to do…well, anything really.

      • Definitely playable. Sometimes frame skips but nothing hideous. Pro just gives you fewer frame skips and tbh could barely tell the difference.

        Some people didn't like the controls. Especially trying to command your beast. IMO the controls are decent and the occasional command issues doesn't detract from the gameplay. It's not that different to ICO or SotC.

        IMO it's easily one of the best exclusives on the PS4, along with Gravity Rush and Uncharted.

    • +2

      Agreed. I paid $39 at Target a few months back, and it was worth that. This new price is astounding.

  • +1

    Going to try and get the last guardian and uncharted 4 but being Target I doubt they will have either in stock.

  • Great price on TLG and VR world's will try pick up both

  • Says available until 30 April, does that mean I have to Pre-Order Prey to get it for $64 when it's released or will it still be $64 at release?

    • +2

      No need to pre-order - will be available on launch for that price

  • +1

    I have been keen on getting a ps4 for just the exclusives, is $329 a good deal considering past prices?

    • Absolutely, even better because the must have games are on sale too.

    • +8

      I've had an Xbox one since day 1. Finally got a PS4 about 6 weeks ago and I've been having an absolute blast. Been playing stuff like uncharted 4, resogun, last of us 2, uncharted collection, killzone, the order, alienation, bloodborne. ….Etc.
      Amazing games. Not to mention comparing resolutions on stuff like doom and Titanfall 2, where I can see an obvious difference on my 65inch panny plasma.
      Go for it mate. All aboard the pony express!!!

      • +4

        Been playing stuff like uncharted 4, resogun, last of us 2

        I find that hard to believe considering it isn't out yet.

        • +1

          My bad , it was a typo. Obviously I meant the first last of us.

      • +2

        crazy how many PS exclusives there are atmo, Nioh, Horizon zero dawn and Persona 5 are all 90+ games :|

        • precisely why i finally caved and bought a pro last week! got all the exclusives on my list but so far only clocked 3hours on the ps4 pro :(.

  • +1

    Time for me to grab The Last Guardian ;D

  • +15

    Target are killing it with the game sales, really good deals consistently

    • +3

      Yeah it's great to see some good competition.

    • +1

      Why EB Games might be in trouble.

      • +25

        Always have been in trouble with OzBargainers.

        • +4

          Definitely. How they manage to sell games for $99 when the shop next door has them for $59 or $69 makes me wonder…

        • +16


          Coz people take our prices and price match them at EB for carrots.

        • +2

          @boratsagdiyev: Yeh wish more people would support the shop who's having the sale would hate to see Target get out of games!!

      • +3

        I don't think so. They've had to dip into the Loot/Collector market (parent company GameStop organises a lot of exclusives, and they bought out ThinkGeek as well) so that's probably propping up the lost sales in games.

        Then again I see plenty of stooges walking in and paying $99 for games ~shrug~

        Target and Big W usually have extremely limited numbers of this kind of stock, I would suggest price matching at EB Games if yours is out (I'm after NMS but I know my local doesn't have any).

        • +3

          Sorry; was being sarcastic. My Kazakhi humour doesnt translate well in writing

    • +1

      Prey is not even out…..

      • -8

        Yep, but the original is great, going to be hard to screw that one up. Thats why i said for the most part.

      • +3

        Let's pray he doesn't know what he's talking about

        • +1

          Hmmm…so two comments that mention games that haven't been released yet.


        • @sillywalks: double hmmm

        • -4

          Lets "Prey", that im right or something maybe about the new one. See wat i did there. : )

    • dunno why you got downvoted so much, just opinions. My housemate recently played Uncharted 4, whenever i popped my head in he seemed to be watching a cutscene.

      Horizon Zero Dawn is best game Ive played in a long time. Mario Kart Switch should be free for anyone who bought it on WiiU as a sort of apology.

      • Aware you're not 100% serious, but Mario Kart 8 was included when I bought my Wii u :p

        • same, i got it the MK8 bundle. Most expensive single game I ever bought lol. Although I picked up Mass Effect 3, Arkham City and Black Ops 2 for $4 each at EB a while back, softened the blow.

      • -6

        Its all good, i dont sweat games, i just dont repeat the angry internet core gamer crowds mentality. I just want the more creative, enjoyable PS4 games to shine. But people dont have to agree, video games is all just for fun. Entertainment is entertainment in the end. Not too serious.

        Yeah Mario Kart i think should have had the battle modes as a free dlc, i liked the one in game but these new ones are clearly something that MK8 would have benefited from as great as it was. Double items not different enough i think. I guess handheld, tabletop options are cool but the rumble isnt doing much else yet from what i understand.

    • +2

      Take it from me, there are better games on the system like Infamous, First Light, Talos Principle, Terraway.

      Surely you mean Nioh, Persona 5 and horizon zero dawn (and Nier if you prefer playing on ps4 over PC), rather than some weird games no one cares about? Some stellar PS exclusives out at the moment, makes me a little sad.

      Talos Principle isnt even an exclusive. Infamous first light was a fairly mediocre game. Terraway is a vita game ported to ps4………..

        • +2

          Wow, there are so many hilarious things in that reply that I dont even. "PC isnt video games, its a different ecosystem/market." Righty-o then. I wonder what all the millions of people who use and buy games off steam are then.

          Yakuza Zero- Open World game done right

          Actually, the open world part of Yakuza was the weakest part of the game :|

          Horizon Zero Dawn

          HZD is the only one there that is by the numbers, but it was still a great game even if it was generic and overly familiar at times.

          Nier average dull hack n slah.

          Have you even played it? Easily goty, and one of the most innovative games of the decade. "Otaku skin wont hide the below average nature of this one." Not sure what you are smoking, but sure is some wonderful bias.

          Nioh was a bit samurai dark souls, but considering souls series is one of the best franchises in a long time, it still ended up as a very good game and did enough to distinguish itself from souls to stand on its own merit.

          Persona 5

          Arguably the best game in one of the best JRPG franchises. Persona 3 and 4 were both extremely memorable 9/10 games.

          Anime oktaku pandering, nothing great about it, scores used for PR for the platform.

          Dude, lay off the cool aid. Oh god, the bias runs deep.

        • -8

          @Pacify: Not saying you have to agree, just giving an honest take, you seem to admit some werent that good, Nier innovative lol.

          I like open world games but they have started to run their course. JRPG sames have the same tired turn based snes-ps2 era gameplay with some anime skin generally, they doesnt really evolve much and are free on mobile/tablets.

          Steam at times and PC are reliant on free to play, and it isn't the kind of mainstream free to play that phone/tablet app markets cater too. Some games do find a place and do well, but for many, they dont gain relevance with your average joe game fan until they hit video game consoles or occasionally Android/iOS. But some genre games do find an audience there, alot of made for console games do better on console. They also have dirt cheap sales where games are almost given away and piracy to combat. Questionable whether video game devs can make their money in the long run solely with that audience, generally fickle too. There are success stories that branch into the console market though and become quite bigger.

          No need to be mad, PC is irrelevant to most video game fans due to the structure/markets. It caters better to hobbyists that use PC for other things, and some with very low budgets that can play some decent independent games, but for most dedicated game systems is where its at (phone too).

        • +1

          just giving an honest take, you seem to admit some werent that good

          You definition of "a honest take" is rather hilarious.

          Nier is absolutely one of the most innovation games of the last decade. Doubt whether you have even played it, probably got too queezy by the horrid japanese art style right? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-NiyfG8Ctbo

          There is a reason why the game is over 90 on metacritic despite being a niche non-mainstream game.

          All the games I listed were between a solid 8.5 and 9.5, and all will be likely in the top 10 games of 2017.

          JRPG sames have the same tired turn based snes-ps2 era gameplay with some anime skin generally, they doesnt really evolve much and are free on mobile/tablets.

          All first person shooters have the same tired shooter mechanic since (insert old game here), with updated graphics, they don't really evolve much. Stupid comments are stupid.

          Just because you don't like the genre, doesn't mean much. Name one free JRPG game on mobile, not even sure what you are on about.

        • -3

          @Pacify: Modern "critical" reviews are generally PR or thinly veiled hit pieces. The only people that quote reviews are people that want to feel validated for liking something or hating it. There is a reason many dont trust media. Some of these writers just want their name on the box. They paint certain groups/systems/companies that are beneficial to them in a positive light.

          I dont care for critics whether positive or negative, i get the press wants to spin some games to make the platform look good as alot are coming at once, but that doesnt change that they would have been considered bad, or run of the mill in other eras, or potentially on other platforms/ systems currently.

          I dont hate Japanese games for the art style, i like some as indicated, i dont believe in liking something for being Japanese, niche or popular, nor do i believe in liking something for being Western. Yes some shooters do have tired mechanics that are copy/paste but not all. That doesnt change other genres/exclusives being mediocre or poor either at times. Lots of genres have issues at times, obviously shooters are one of the main casual ones, along with open world etc.

          To be fair i did praise some PS4 exclusives which were quality and hard to really criticize.

          When you have some exclusive titles that are a bit more creative that are slept on, and bad/mediocre or borderline films disguised as cutscene games being rewarded, you can see there is a problem at times.

          I get they want people to buy certain games and stoke console wars, which im not about. There arent as many big games as there used to be, they want to sell certain systems based on narratives. They like the narrative of the console champion and the do no wrong narrative.

        • To be fair i did praise some PS4 exclusives which were quality and hard to really criticize.

          Opinions I guess. Its far easier to criticize Yakuza Zero and Infamous than Nier, Persona 5 and Nioh, as the latter are all just simply better games (even if you don't like their genre).

          Modern "critical" reviews are generally PR or thinly veiled hit pieces. The only people that quote reviews are people that want to feel validated for liking something or hating it. There is a reason many dont trust media. Some of these writers just want their name on the box. They paint certain groups/systems/companies that are beneficial to them in a positive light.

          There are plenty of decent reviewers out there. ACG, Jim(though he goes a bit off on tangents at times), Yahtzee and a few of the more mainstream companies.

          There is nothing wrong with game with a strong narrative. Last of us was extremely narrative focused and yet was a fantastic game.

          When you have some exclusive titles that are a bit more creative that are slept on

          Nier is creative as it gets, and you claim its a boring hack n slash game. Your definitions of things are, frankly, weird and nonsensical.

        • @Pacify: I dont care for reviewers like i said, same goes for other clickbait youtubers. Last of Us not video game ish enough, poor AI, not enough gameplay, too much emphasis on story. Decent movie maybe, but as a video game its lacking.
          Theres a place for those games i guess but as video games they're really not that good at all. AAA mocap tech stuff. Telltale has similar issues.

          I didn't just mean games with narratives, i meant the "narratives" these bloggers/writers push when it comes to certain systems. They're pushing the ps4 is "dominating" narrative since the beginning of the gen and double down if they can get a pr angle to make the other 2 look bad. Obviously its selling well but they sugarcoat and white knight alot. It is what it is. I dont go for that console war stuff, like i said. It only breeds the toxic internet gamer stuff we see now.

          Nier A. just feels kind of boring to me, gameplay/combat not as good as i thought it would be, feels lacking/below average. I dont mind some Muso games though, but even some of those need to be careful.

          At the end of the day, people can play what they like, i just dont go with the internet core (a.k.a closet casual) gamer type pushes we see constantly, i dont push for everything niche either.

        • They're pushing the ps4 is "dominating" narrative since the beginning of the gen and double down if they can get a pr angle to make the other 2 look bad.

          Well, considering how many great exclusives it has at the moment, its kinda true. Personally I absolutely hate exclusives and hope the practise goes away.

          Your definition of a video game feels too narrow to me.

        • -1

          @Pacify: I wouldnt say that at all. They doubled down on many games for doing quite little. Odd that a below average Guerilla games title like HDZ was pushed as actual competition for Zelda, very strange and calculated. Weird that some are taking below average games and listing them as innovative, masterpieces, lol. Zelda might be a tiny bit overrated but its doing alot of things right. Independent games were meant to be the highlight of the first few ps4 years and while there are plenty of strong ones, they were promoting walking sims like they were the second coming. While it was crickets for indies on other ones.

          Console exclusives are important, keeps platforms different, even if some i point out arent that good/great. I suspect Spiderman will be decent as those games are generally fun and the last one was underrated. Hard to really screw up a Spiderman game.

          Just like games that focus on fun gameplay and prefer the more creative ones at times, thats all. Games that try to be a movie generally bring down the gameplay experience, might as well put a film on if they're not going to do decent stuff with gameplay.

        • HZD was no where near below average lol. I don't recall any review or anyone calling HZD a masterpiece or innovative. It took some of the best things from a bunch of games and made a polished enjoyable game.

          Zelda was slightly overrated, more like a 9/10 rather than a 10/10.

          Has there ever been a spiderman game worth playing, can't think of one. Almost all comic book/movie based games end up terrible

        • @Pacify: You just keep taking the bait haha

    • +1

      Infamous, First Light, Talos Principle

      Two thumbs up for Talos Principle. That game blew my socks off. It's a must have.

      Infamous and First Light are both good. I'd rate First Light higher than Infamous, even though it's shorter and technically just a DLC.

      Gravity Rush 2 is great, a master piece for the PS4!.

      Gravity Rush 1 was amazing. I'm going to pickup Gravity Rush 2 as a result.

      • I wish they would focus more on the games mentioned. I agree, First Light was the better game for most part.

        Gravity Rush is a great series.

  • No man would buy no mans sky

    • No man No buy

    • +1

      It's at the right price that it should have been at at launch now. If they had it at this price on Steam as an early access game that is still in development, it might have evolved into a good game.

      • That might have been possible. But even if it turns into a good game at one point, I still would be unlikely to buy it given the shit they pulled

    • So is it a women's game?

  • Still waiting for a good Ps4 Pro bundle. Doesn't seem to get any cheaper.

    • Perhaps when Destiny 2 launches they will do a nice bundle with that?

      • My Guess would be destiny 2 + Destiny collection (which I recently bought, it is OK). Maybe the same would go for Xbox One S when Destiny 2 launches.

        • Possibly but who is going to play Destiny 1 once 2 is out given they are MMOs and not single player games?

        • +1

          Destiny 2 will likely have content cut and repackaged as DLC again, as they have already announced expansion I and II.

  • would eb let me price match Mario kart when i'm preordering it?

    • When I worked there, so 2012ish, the answer would be no. You'd be cool to pick up day one though, and besides, why rush to give Satan your money even sooner?

    • Depends on every store but most ones I go to in my area price match with target, big w, etc as long as the stores are in the same shopping centre as the EB. Only times they won't match is when the prices are clearly stated as clearance or overrall huge gap of difference.

  • +1

    Lucky I held out on buying the last Guardian at $39! My target always has heaps of stock too, so no worries haha.

    • I bought one but thinking of returning it and buy back for $27. :)

  • +13

    Now I just need to find a store selling free time so I can play all these games.

    • +11

      Try Centrelink, usually have a sale every two weeks.

      • Yeah, but then the money to buy games at all magically disappears…

  • Any chance of a good deal or bundle deal on the Switch …. ?

  • +1

    Hi Borat
    Do you know if there will be any new PS4 PRO bundles coming out soon? The current catalogue one with 3 games are not with the games I usually play…

    • +3

      Hi mate,
      There is an update to that Pro bundle starting Thursday (basically adding a 4th game at no extra cost).
      Apart from that, nothing any time soon

      • Wooo! Glad I didn't buy it today! I was thinking I should wait until at least next week before the holiday. Thanks for the info! Will the new special start this Thursday?

        • +3

          All good my friend. Will post the new deal in the next couple of days
          And yup, this Thursday

        • @boratsagdiyev:

          Cool thanks!

    • -4

      Why would you get the Ps4 pro when Scorpio is around the corner? It can't even do native 4K! I'd wait for the better tech.

      • +1

        I'd expect scorpio to cost several hundred more

      • +2

        The exclusives on the Playstation are way more in the line of games I'd like (Uncharted, Last of Us, remasters of Ratchet & Clank, Horizon) then anything that Microsoft has to offer (Gears of War?) although I do would like to play Sea of Thieves.

      • +1

        What's all the hardware in the world when the games you want to play are on the PlayStation?

        • -4

          They aren't though. I don't like children's games and weird Japanese anime style games. If you're happy with the low tech, shorter life span, can't do as much alternative, go for it! I'm only trying help you out. Neg all you want. Won't make the internals any better. Sony ponies, man, can't stand to hear the truth.

        • +1

          @imurgod: I didn't neg you, don't know why you're so salty. Is it cause you don't have any games to play?

        • -4

          @moneybaby: plenty of games to play. Silly comment. I'm not salty. Pretty happy actually. I don't mind if anyone gets the pro, it's an ok console. Just letting prospective buyers know that better tech is incoming of it matters to them.

          All good.

      • +2

        There are many reasons why someone might prefer to get the PS4 Pro over an as-yet-unreleased Scorpio, such as…
        - They want to play games now or very soon, rather than wait for Q4 2017
        - They already have a standard PS4 and want to upgrade, while keeping their games library
        - They have friends who own a PS4 and want to play online together and/or share games
        - They want to play some of the Playstation-exclusive games now and in the future
        - They would prefer to buy a PS4 Pro on sale, rather than pay whatever the launch price of the Scorpio will be (this is OzB, after all)

        • -1

          Fair points. The main one is friends with the same console.

      • Then why not get a PC right now that can play games at 4K, 60fps+ at Ultra settings?

        Game developers have already stated a preference of not using Scorpio hardware for 4K but for other graphical features, so even the Scorpio won't be 4K for all games.

        • Couldn't agree more. I have a gaming pc. For some though, dropping $4K+ on a gaming pc is a far sight from under $1K on a console. It's like saying why buy a Hyundai when you can buy a Ferrari?

        • @imurgod:
          I wouldn't agree on that comparison, but I agree on the point as it's also the point I'm trying to make. PS4 Pro is cheaper now than the XBox Scorpio will be at release. Since Scorpio games uave to work on XBox One, all games released for it will be capable of running on PS4 Pro.

          I'll hopefully own both, depending om cash.

        • @FabMan: how much will the Scorpio be on release? They haven't advised pricing.

          Either way, it'll likely a couple of hundred bucks for a far superior console.

          If money is no issue, pc is the answer. Of course, then you're talking eight times the problem centre of the console at least for a decent gaming pc.

        • @imurgod:

          It is only superior in graphics, CPU hasn't changed that much as it's only 30% faster than the XBox One and less 10% faster than the PS4 Pro CPU. Graphics wise, yes, it is better, 50% more graphical power than the PS4 Pro.

          As such, the games will only look better but there is no guarantee the games will play better. But since any game not exclusive for Microsoft consoles will play on the PS4 Pro, with slighter poorer graphics, it's like choosing a NVIDIA 1070 over a 1060.

        • @FabMan: from what I read, the gap in real terms is actually far greater and it has excellent developer backing since its so easy to code for. Then, we don't know what games will be out for it yet. There's also talk of it being backwards compatible with not only 360 games but also original xbox games. The potential is definitely there. It is powerful enough for a console. Ps4 pro was an attempt to release earlier than m$ and given its underpowered and can't even do native 4k nor play UHD DVD, it's a bad move to upgrade from the Ps4. To be honest, I can't see enough benefit to upgrade from xbox one either.

          Me, I'm not upgrading. Not going to be a sucker and buy into the mid cycle console thing. I'll stay with pc from now on since is more powerful and I can write them off on tax.

        • @imurgod: We have differing views on this matter, but then I was happy with the Wii and Wii U because I like the games on it. That was why I owned a gaming PC.

  • +1

    Hi Borat,

    Mate just wondering if there will be any Nintendo Switch bundles coming soon? Want to buy one but don't want to find in a week there's a bundle I could have got for cheaper! (Always a risk I know0


    • +1

      Nah nothing planned at this stage. EB's deal with Has Been Heroes seems to be the best at the moment

  • Hi Borat,

    Can you tell me if there's a new 3DS console in the catalogue?

    I'm always looking out for one but it seems its always either the 2DS or 3DSXL.

    • We dont range new 3DS anymore - only 2DS a d new 3DSXL.
      No deals planned for either of those at this stage

    • New 3ds is out of production

      • oh man thats really disappointing. Thanks for the info.

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