Immediately receive DiRT Rally and INSIDE (MSRP $59.99) with more to come!
Get over $100 in games for just $12.
Best Humble Monthly Bundle I have seen!
DiRT Rally do not have any dlc and support VR which means you get the full game!
Immediately receive DiRT Rally and INSIDE (MSRP $59.99) with more to come!
Get over $100 in games for just $12.
Best Humble Monthly Bundle I have seen!
DiRT Rally do not have any dlc and support VR which means you get the full game!
Fantastic game. Very hard but rewarding. Best played with a wheel, I think.
Do you know any driving games that are better with a controller than a wheel?
Thanks for your question.
Super Cars 2 comes to mind.
Very much so. I'm not sure that I could finish it using XB1 Elite controller, I got a long way in hill climb and rally championship but I couldn't even get past race 2 in Rally Cross lel.
I got a Logitech G920 + Driving Force shifter - I only use semi-auto transmission so I use the paddles but the shifter works nicely as a handbrake.
Do you have to keep paying monthly to access the games?
So, its not like PS plus or Games with Gold?
No, so as far as I know, you get the advertised games immediately, and then when the deal 'ends' and the next month begins, you'll get the rest of the steam keys for whatever games they bundle together, which you then activate on Steam and own forever.
Unlike with PS+ and GWG, which require you to have an active service on your account to use the games, Humble Bundle is an external service to Steam
No, you can just get one month subscription and cancel the subscription afterwards, keeping that month's game.
I normally do that with Monthly bundle, if the revealed game is worth $12 dollars that is.
As Oversimplified states, be sure to cancel the subscription afterwards. I learned this the hard way.
So you just cancel as soon as you've downloaded the games?
Yes the catch is they won't release all the keys until the end of the month so set a calendar reminder.
You can cancel straight after purchase. You will still receive the games for this month.
I've been waiting for both these games. Thanks!
New Humble Monthly subscribers (or old subscribers too, if you create a new Humble account) can save US$0.20 and get three additional games by following these steps:
Buy this bundle for US$1.00
Buy the monthly bundle with an automatic US$1.20 discount for buying a bundle
Thank you to both kurisu & zhaoweizhi ;-)
INSIDE is amazing. Pure art. The music and sound design is a highlight.
Art is subjective.
Absolutely. The framing of the scenes, the colour palette, the advanced lighting, and subtle story telling are amazing.
Just bought the games (dirt rally + inside) bundle and unsubscribed.
Does that mean I won't receive the rest of the bundle?
That's correct, according to other user comments here.
Oh well still a bargain.
You still receive the other games
You will still receive the rest of the bundle when they reveal at the end of this month or beginning of next month.
Ah my apologies. That's good news.
Good deal thanks op!
did anyone read the bottom of the page where it says…
Subscribe before May 5 to receive the next bundle and immediately get copies of DiRT Rally and INSIDE!
Hit games every month
10% off Humble Store purchases
Exclusive Humble Originals
5% of proceeds support charity
Flexible subscription—cancel anytime
OP you should add this info for people who haven't purchased yet
I envy those who haven't played inside yet. Same people who made limbo and in a way very similar to it. Not for the faint hearted but very rewarding story wise. The game itself is linear and rather short so definitely worth a playthrough.
Just finished it. Wow. The best game I have played in years.
Yeah it's pretty great. Similar to Limbo there are lots of minor details throughout the game and there's also a secret ending which you can just watch on youtube if you don't want to bother replaying and breaking all the spheres.
Don't know what is Humble. How does it work ? Is the DIRT/INSIDE for PC or PS/Xbox ?
Generally for PC using steam or DRM free. Sometines they do PS4 deals. This one is a monthly subscription deal which is for PC. You get 2 game codes as soon as you pay the subscription and you will get a few more towards the end of the month. They claim overall you get $150 on average worth of games every month, in my opinion there are 2 to 3 games that are well worth the subscription and the rest are like average.
thanks for the reply, now it's pretty clear
Thanks OP. Got this too. Awesome games :)
How does DiRT Rally Compare to DiRT Showdown? Better? Worse? Totally different games? Same-ish gameplay?
Chalk and cheese. Dirt Rally is a hardcore rally sim, Showdown is an arcade racer. I prefer Rally but ymmv.
I can comfirm that Dirt Rally is definetly worth the money and is tje best driving game I have ever played! Ive already put about 200 hours in and Im still playing it.
Dirt 4 is looking very cool as well.
Wow…. I dragged out my old Logitech momo racing force wheel from around 14 year ago, and managed to get it working with dirt rally in windows 10. Fuuuuuuuuuuuuunnnnnnnnnn stuff indeed. Too bad the rubber grips are sticky as an ice creamery floor after all these years.
DiRT Rally is a bargain by itself for $12.
Will be the last (official) Pikes Peak game for PC for a while since Gran Turismo now has an exclusive license for that. Also the last simulator to use WRC courses since WRC has own game.