Tailgaiting & Road Rage, consequences for your actions?

I have a question for the people who tailgate, why do you do it?

This morning I saw someone tailgating another car, when the tailgater got in front of the car previously behind, the driver of the car behind got out and clocked the hoon a few good ones. Quite entertaining to see this.

What are the community's thoughts on this?
Tailgating is not maintaining a safe stopping distance / driving in a menacing fashion.
Clocking a hoon is Assault.

Why do people do these things without thinking of the possible consequences? Please, help me understand.


  • +3

    I've driven around a few countries, Australia has the worst drivers so far.
    So there's your answer

  • -3

    in my younger days many years ago, i had no patience and forgiveness, if anyone tailgated me, first warning was a slight tap of the breaks. if they didnt learn from that, then a full blown slam came next. had someone totally lock up and nearly go into the gutter from this, however they stayed way back after that. if theres a real nutcase on my tail and they dont learn from lessons 1 or 2, then lesson 3 is to come to a complete stop. minor road, major highway, i didnt care. a complete stop, windows down, with either my middle finger up, or a wtf r u going to do now look on my face. after about 30 seconds of just sitting staring at them, i proceeded to drive off nicely. no one tailgated after #3 :)

    nowdays, im just yolo and keep driving like they dont exist, they can tailgate for as long as they like. when they do eventually drive past, i smile really nicely at them, and also when i pull up right next to them at the next set of lights

    • +2

      A complete stop on a freeway? That is so dumb. Almost as dumb as confusing a break with a brake.

      If you have that many people tailgating you, a normal person would realise the fault is in their driving and not in others.

      • +1

        we were all young once and did stupid things :)

        however, i only did it in rare instances, like the OP's thread statement, where some idiot decides to tailgate, when the person in front is doing the speedlimit, or even above! that is a complete douche bag, and therefore deserves it

        ps: i should mention ive always had sports cars, which attracts 10 times more tailgaters than regular cars do.

        • -2

          No one deserves that, it is stupid.

          What kind of 'sports car?' I'm going to guess it was either automatic, Korean or 4 cylinder.

        • @Burnertoasty:

          haha you sound very upset, tall poppy much? a twin turbo 1998 supra with a 6 speed getrag gearbox. what smart comment do you have now? :)

        • -2

          @DiscoJango: Thick poppy more like it. Probably needs the speedo calibrated.

        • however, i only did it in rare instances, like the OP's thread statement, where some idiot decides to tailgate, when the person in front is doing the speedlimit, or even above! that is a complete douche bag, and therefore deserves it

          A complete douche bag presumes to know why someone might be in a hurry.

          A complete douche bag refuses to yield to the left when someone wants to pass.

          Tailgating is a douche bag thing to do, but doesn't make it right to be a douche bag also.

    • +1

      If you came to a complete stop and they didn't crash into you, I don't think they were tailgating. Tailgating is when they don't leave a safe braking distance between them and you, but you've just said they did, i.e. you slammed on your brakes and came to a complete stop and they didn't crash into you.

  • -2

    I find it strange how nobody mentions the fact that the speed limit = maximum legal speed limit allowed at the time, not necessarily how fast you should be driving. You can 100% drive 50 in a 60 max speed limit zone (probably due to a whole variety of circumstances such as but not limited to sick passenger, safer driving etc…).

    Obviously common sense and awareness of the law states that you shouldn't be driving in the right (i.e. overtaking) lane if you are slower than the max speed limit, but it doesn't justify the fact that people are speeding in the overtaking lane. If people are slower than the maximum in the left lane then they can be overtaken using the right lane, whilst still maintaining a speed within the maximum speed limit.

    Given my explanation above, how does one justify the fact that if one is maintaining the max speed limit in the overtaking lane, and there is another person who wants to overtake them, then that shows that the car who wants to overtake is willing to drive at a speed higher than the max speed limit.

    I'm not really answering the question, but wanted to point out that many tailgaters tend to lean towards speeding. Trying to offer an explanation to justify our own mistakes is also the reason why people will keep on tailgating without realizing the circumstances and consequences of their own actions.

    • +1

      how does one justify the fact that if one is maintaining the max speed limit in the overtaking lane,

      You are not the police, and law cannot hope to be perfect. You do not get to block the road.
      Both common courtesy and law (in some states) require you to keep left, even if you (think you) are doing the speed limit.

      Its like you don't get to run over a pedestrian, just because he was jaywalking.

      many tailgaters tend to lean towards speeding.

      Some are complete arseholes. But mild speeding is not intrinsically evil. Close tailgating is always bad. I would just flash my lights at you, in the hope you were just unaware you were blocking the road. Most people are decent and respond to polite requests. I doubt that honking or tailgating are more effective.

  • +2

    Good topic, interesting that a lot of people are using the crutch of "because you're doing 50 in a 60 zone" or similar to justify tailgating. In my experience the speed/zone is irrelevant, i've been tailgated doing 40kph and i've been tailgated doing 110kph and everywhere in between. It is also much, much worse when i drive my wife's car (Mazda 2). My theory is that these people are bullies of the road, and they think they can use their car to bully you to either get out of the way or go faster. What they are actually doing is using their car as a weapon and putting themselves and everyone around them at risk. There is no excuse for it, zero. I understand there is other illegal or inconsiderate driving mentioned that occurs too and this apparently "provokes" the tailgating, two wrongs don't make a right, there are consequences to your actions and they can be severe.

    • +1


      So many people have brought up the "Doing under the speed limit" as an excuse for tailgaiting. Pity they have ignored the stated situation of everyone doing 60 in a 60 zone, just after a speed camera and still the guy wanted to tailgate. In the middle lane no less.

      And yes, bullies of the road. Felt good watching him get a good clocking.

  • Get a good quality dashcam. Upload to youtube. People might enjoy watching tailgater show and you might earn some money. As you said "Quite entertaining to see this."

  • What exactly do people mean by tailgating? How far?

    I often see cars that look almost touching from behind. In reality, there is more than a car length, say 1/4 second on the freeway, which by itself is a small risk. What really scares me is that there is another car tailgating the first tailgater, another 1/4 second / 6m behind.

    So front car brakes normally for congestion ahead. Second car has to hit the brakes hard, and third car runs into the back of him, possibly shunting 2nd into 1st car. Usually people get away with this, but the idiots do almost the same in wet conditions, and you end up with a 6-car pileup.
    Maybe I'm more cautious because I've seen it happen.

    • +1

      tailgating = < 2sec behind

      • -2

        haha. Thats 60 metres at highway speed. 40m at 72, so just about everybody.

        Get a clue. What would happen if everybody did that? When the lights change, that would mean cars leaving at 2 second intervals.
        Its a luxury you can afford in light traffic.

  • +2

    These threads sure are great

  • +3

    I've slowed town to 40 in a 60 before now due to a tailgater. Tailgaters beware: it's just going to make me go slower.

    Now, I can appreciate the subtle "hint" of getting up someone's arse who's going below the speed limit for no reason, but if someone's tailgating me when I'm at the speed limit, I will slow down until they overtake me or just remain at a slower speed. My argument being: my safety is more important than your impatience and I will force you to a safe speed if you're going to be practically touching my bumper.

    • -1

      Now, I can appreciate the subtle "hint" of getting up someone's arse who's going below the speed limit for no reason, but if someone's tailgating me when I'm at the speed limit, I will slow down until they overtake me or just remain at a slower speed.

      Another option is to yield to the left and be considerate (when possible), even if you're doing the speed limit. In some states you're breaking the law if you're not keeping left. In other states you're just being an arse.

      My argument being: my safety is more important than your impatience and I will force you to a safe speed if you're going to be practically touching my bumper.

      If you're interested in safety you'll follow the road rules. This includes keeping left.

      I say your argument is an excuse to be an arse because you feel (wrongfully) justified in doing so.

      • Never said I was the person who had someone up my arse.

        What about those crazy one-lane roads that exist?

        Hush now, child. Your trolling is not wanted. Sorry I slowed you down before you could emergency brake at the lights 200m up the road.

      • PS: my safety is still more important than your impatience, sorry.

  • People jumping into the right lane on a freeway to only end up driving beside and not overtaking the car they were behind confuses me.
    Also known as 'Right lane hogs'. More states need to enforce this: http://www.watoday.com.au/wa-news/right-lane-road-hog-cops-f…

    Unfortunately speed is more quantifiable than common sense, hence its easier to fine people for that.

  • +1

    I often drive on a single lane highway at 103-104kph (100kph zone). On three occasions in the last six months, I've had a car race up behind me and be so far up my butt, I thought we should get engaged. This usually went on for 10-15 minutes until they passed me. Then they slowed down to about 97kph!! (No, i hadn't been tailgating them earlier.) The only explanation I can come up with is that while their front bumper and my rear bumper were having sex, a speed camera couldn't take their photo, but could take mine; and they're hoping I'll keep going faster to prevent his bumper from getting mine pregnant. Once he passes, and is front, he loses his courage and drives like a (profanity). (I now have a condom on my rear bumper!!)

  • +1

    I do slow down when the driver behind me annoys me unless my wife or my baby girl is in the car. Once in a single lane way I was driving at 40 in 50kph zone at night and there were so many round about, the driver behind me used his horn a few times. I reduced my speed to like 20, and he followed me for like 5 minutes.

    I'm not interested in speeding. I feel comfortable to drive at 50kph in 60 kph zone sometimes, wait for one extra second when the light turns green and I feel no guilty of doing so.

    I sometimes drive at speed limit on the right lane before, and I felt no guilty of blocking others' way because those who wanted to take over must be speeding. But I was told that its not right to occupy the right lane unless you are overtaking, so I accepted that and changed my behavior. But I still feel a bit funny that by changing to the middle or left lane, I'm giving way to someone who's speeding.

    • -2

      I do slow down when the driver behind me annoys me unless my wife or my baby girl is in the car.

      Why this distinction? Because you know it's an arse thing to do?

      Once in a single lane way I was driving at 40 in 50kph zone at night and there were so many round about, the driver behind me used his horn a few times. I reduced my speed to like 20, and he followed me for like 5 minutes.

      So you're obviously not in a hurry there? You know you're being annoying to the driver behind (who may well be in a legitimate hurry), he's beeped you so you know. Yet you still refuse to do the speed limit or pull over and let them pass? Why? Why be an arse?

      You feel invincible in your car I expect. I suspect this invincibility diminished once you were being followed. Lucky for you it wasn't some nut job who takes things too far. You should have more respect for your own safety and stop trying to teach others a lesson for not heeding to your whim.

      I reduced my speed to like 20, and he followed me for like 5 minutes.

      It sounds like you take great enjoyment in annoying others. Why act like an arse? You've assumed that the driver behind you does not have a legitimate reason to want to pass you/do the speed limit. Nice!

      Seriously, if you're choosing to go below the speed limit and therefore are unlikely to be in a hurry, why, why, why would you antagonise a driver who obviously is in a hurry? Sounds like a childish spiteful action to me.

      I sometimes drive at speed limit on the right lane before, and I felt no guilty of blocking others' way because those who wanted to take over must be speeding. But I was told that its not right to occupy the right lane unless you are overtaking, so I accepted that and changed my behavior. But I still feel a bit funny that by changing to the middle or left lane, I'm giving way to someone who's speeding.

      It's not your job to police the road. You're also blocking the road for emergency vehicles. Congesting the road in a way that effects all road users. I'm glad you changed your behaviour, pity it's for the wrong reasons.

      You do know that some people accelerate at a painfully slow pace (maybe you?), this could be the reason someone wants to pass you even if you are doing the speed limit they want to not be stuck behind you yet again, which just would not happen if you kept left as you should. That's one of the (many) reasons why the keep left rule exists.

      So what used to make you feel comfortable sitting in the right hand lane? Didn't give a sh!t about other people? Or just want to be a wanna-be law enforcer?

      Sanctimony is an awful trait.

      Note, in WA Failing to keep left in a multi-lane road is a $50 fine and 2 demerit points.

      • +2

        First of all. I'm a reasonable person. when I say the driver annoyed me, that means he annoyed me and I did nothing wrong. People has different reaction to show road rage. I slow down. Maybe you are here to judge that I should not be annoyed because it was all my fault.

        Driving 40 in 50 zone is by no means bad, it is a reasonable speed. I don't need to apologize for this. There is no rule forcing people to reach the speed limit as long as you are not too slow. I guess you always drive at speed limit and only slow down 5 meters before round about.

        When I slow down to 20 kph, there was a reason. It's not the best way to teach the guy behind me a lesson but its the only way I could use. Besides I take care of my mood and safety over his. It doesn't matter whether I think like a child or not. Driving slow in dark road with heaps of round about is pretty normal and safe practice. Yes I was not in a rush. The idiot behind me needed to be patient, and I'm kindly enough to help him to be patient and at the same time make myself happy by annoying him back. So what?

        Regarding occupying the right lane, I admitted that I was wrong and I already changed my behavior. But I still feel funny to give way to people who is speeding. SO what? I can't feel funny? What do you mean by wrong reasons? My friend told me its wrong and I changed. How could it be a wrong reason? I have to know all the reasons why I should not occupy that lane before I do the right thing? Do you know all the reason that you should eat vegetables before you eat them?

        Do you really read what I wrote. It seems I was not there to be law enforcer, but you were. You made up stories here regarding why people had good reasons to annoy me and why people should be given right lane so that can get overtake who accelerates too slowly which is me, how the hell did you know that, I don't even know that. When I said I was driving at speed limit, how the hell did you get that information? And it seems you are finding excuses for those who like speeding. Yeah I'm speeding because I want to over take someone who drives or accelerates too slowly. What an awesome reason. Since you are trying to be a role model here, shouldn't you say it is wrong to speed in any normal conditions.

        You are such a nice person, always follow all rules, never get angry on other people's bad behavior, and always feel good that you need to do something lawfully so that other bad guys take advantage of that. I'm fine with that. But as you said, i didn't give a shit about your kind of attitude. I know that 99% of people pretending to be like that online act totally differently in real life.

        I feel good to be real online, I'm not perfect, but I feel good.

        Sanctimony is an awful trait. You need this too my friend.

  • +1

    i was rear ended on a major road last week. I braked as traffic was coming to a stand still. Guy behind me was sitting too close and possibly distracted by phone so he reared ended me.

    • This wouldn't have happened if the driver behind was concentrating & driving at a safe distance.

      • -1

        Actually, judging from half the people on this thread - it wouldn't have happened if he was just going faster.

        • Are you talking about me going faster?
          It was peak hour on the freeway how could i possibly go faster?

        • @sandgroper94: No, not at all. It just seems the general gist in this thread that people only tailgate because the person in front isn't driving fast enough and it's their fault that accidents happen and not those that speed and tailgate.

  • +4

    If you're tailgating someone and they're forced to brake, someone could quite literally die. I'm not cool with that, so I don't tailgate people. If someone tailgates me, I slow down, because if I'm forced to brake suddenly it'll minimise the chance of someone being hurt or killed because both parties will be travelling slower. It's not a complicated equation and it's the safest thing to do.

    If the person tailgating me does not like this, then this is no skin off my nose because upsetting a person driving a car like a git is less of a concern for me than someone coming to actual harm. I'm unconcerned by people yelling obscenities at me because, again that's better than someone being harmed by a car accident. I am also not frightened of being assaulted as a result of slowing, because in my opinion most people who perpetrate this behavior tend to have Scrappy Doo syndrome and be bravest while inside their car, and significantly less bold when confronted outside of the safety of their vehicle.

    I'm not for dawdling in the overtaking lane either mind you, but I have to say I'm most often tailgated in urban 40 zones with single lanes by people who clearly want to go 60. This isn't my problem, I can't afford a fine or to hurt someone, so I'm going to continue obeying the law.

  • +1

    My drive to work is 20 minutes in clear traffic.

    It takes forty minutes when people:

    • Drive at or below the speed limit in the right lane (note 1)

    • Swerve in and out of the right lane to over take people driving below the speed limit in the right lane

    • Slow down in the right lane because they want to 'TEACH THE TAIL GATER A LESSON'

    • Slow down further because the tail gater just cut them off

    Both types of drivers are horrible, inconsiderate people.

    Why should I loose an hour twenty each week in traffic for either group of people?

    I don't care about the 'I AM DOING THE SPEED LIMIT' excuse. If you are not keeping up with traffic, move left. If you don't love your family enough to want to spend an extra hour with them each week, please keep that as your problem.

    (1) It's not that they will not speed. The kind of people that don't speed when sitting in the right lane tend to drop down 10-20km/h below the speed limit for most of their time in the right lane and stay in the right lane when the left lane clears up.

    • -1

      So when people drive at the speed limit in the right lane it takes you twice as long to get to work? How fast do you drive normally???

      • -1

        At the speed limit my drive is 20 minutes. Speeding reduces it by a minute or two (not really worth while). A combination of heroes and hoons doubles it by creating traffic jams.

        • Doesn't really add up with what you said in your first post which seemed to support Tailgating if anything, but yes heroes, hoons and traffic are all annoying, but still not an excuse to tailgate…

        • @Devil Dog Eyes:

          I am pretty sure as the author of my comment the point was:

          keep left unless overtaking; and
          bad behavior by both heros and hoons is highly inconsiderate

          I made my comment because plenty of people here were advocating one extreme or the other.

          My stance on tailgating is that people that tailgate are morons. I pass around one crash a month on my route. At least when they crash it is minor, they get off the road quickly and don't jam up the road as bad as hoons and heros.

  • I have a friend who routinely tailgates. She's a very nice person. I think she does it because she thinks that's the correct thing to do, like forming an orderly queue of one person directly behind another. I'm afraid to say anything to her because criticism might make her an even more nervous driver.

  • I always say that if someone's in a hurry to get somewhere, let them get ahead of you. Stop by the side of the road to let them pass if you have to. I recently had to tow a trailer full of crap and couldn't safely do the speed limit on a country road, and every few minutes I just had to pull aside and let people pass. (single lane, windy road with no overtaking lanes)

    Hoon or not, if someone wants to be ahead of you, it is SAFER FOR YOU to let them be ahead of you. If they are faster, it is physically impossible for them to hit you when they are ahead of you.

    I'm also a firm believer that if you're getting tailgated a lot, watch your own driving. Are you sitting on the overtaking lane? Are you even watching your rear-view mirror? Watching your speedo? Or just do like I did and pull over and let the tailgater pass. It is safer to have the tailgater ahead of you and zooming away than behind you getting angrier by the minute. All it'll cost you is 1 minute of your time, surely your safety is worth spending that minute?

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