I visited today and seems the the clearance has been going for a while but there are still some bargains if you're quick. Everything from Weedkiller to Star Wars breakfast Cereal($0.50).
Some of the prices - Decor 6 pack storage containers $3.00, Kraft Parmesan Cheese 100g $0.78, Bic 4 coloured pens 3 pack $1.12, Bic Coloured Pencils $0.40, Black Chia Seeds 700g $4.50, Rosella Aussie Tomato Sauce 600mL $0.72, Zafareli Pasta 500g $0.48, Reading Glasses $2.50
Other other items include: Undies, Glue, Car Care Products, Hair Care, Toys,Bird Seed, SD Cards, Demo tapes
Bic Undies ?