There is a booth located at the interstate trains giving out classic Coke, Life and Coke Zero.
250ml Coke Cans - FREE @ Sydney Central Station

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Need a hand job asap!
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Oh, those are nice. They're smooth, creamy, delicate, yet masculine. I hadn't seen another pair of hands like Ray McKigney's… until today.
she must be asian
Look at the curvature of those hand line things
'We think differently than the face and body boys… we're a different breed.'
Yes. Never had an idea where to start.
This is what OzBargain's all about.
Nice nails. How do you keep them so clean?
Dip them in Diet Coke.
Brainlessly picking the dirt out with my other nails? Also I no longer work in a field where my nails get dirty.
Ozbargain…. Asking the hard probing questions.
How much is it normally?
$(Free + 1)
are 250ml sold at retail?
Yes they are. It's usually kept in the drinks fridge with the 600ml bottles.
$2.19 at Coles.
How much is it normally?
Coke posts should be banned, as someone who's worked in a milk bar I can tell you that they're far from glamorous. In fact the amount of sugar addicts these places enable far outway the social good that coke does for the average consumer.
So meta
Same at Flinders st. station in Melbourne
The one day I don't head into the city and this happens.
Almost considering a neg for this as it negatively impacts me financially.
The social cost associated with the sugar intake from soft drinks impacts on the amount of tax I have to pay for healthcare for people with type 2 diabetes and other weight related health problems.
I stopped drinking that crap when I was 12 after I learnt how much crap they put in it, time for Australians to grow up and stop drinking lolly water.
time for Australians to grow up and stop drinking holy water.
+1 on that (if interpreted it correctly)
stop drinking lolly water.
Everything in moderation, mate. There's nothing wrong with the occasional buzz
Fair call, but coca-cola are doing this hoping for more than just moderation - they're doing it because they want cash money from loads of people drinking loads of coke.. they might just snag some recently reformed cola drinkers back into drinking it regularly
The stuff is addictive - when I 'quit' at 12, I went from drinking it pretty much daily to nothing at all (cold turkey!) and had withdrawals for months. I would even have dreams about drinking coke (and people tricking me into drinking it) years down the track but never touched the stuff since the day I stopped. Ever since, it's just the occasional ginger ale when I'm drinking rum.
Cigs and alcohol probably cost you even more? Completely agree but what can you do. Nothing.
Cigarettes maybe, but I disagree on the alcohol.
Australians are pretty damn obese on average, that's mostly because of sugary drinks, sugar and fat-filled packaged food and fast food, and a lack of exercise. Time to get these fatties moving.My girlfriend's housemate for example regularly buys 2 large meals at a time at HJ's, must be over 1L a coke in 2 large cups. She also gets Coles delivered and it's mostly soft drink bottles and microwave meals.
Needless to say, the proof is in the.. pudding.. of her physique
Smokers die younger, so less pension costs. Lung cancer or heart attack is a quick cheap death compared to diabetes.
Beer or wine has similar empty calories to coke.
They are all nasty if consumed every day. I'll stick to coffee as my daily drug.
had to vote up for your pudding pun!
good on you for quitting sugary drinks, I'm trying to do the same
sugar intake
Sounds like you need to switch to Coke Zero!
Still no sugar though.
Good first post.
That's a very clean platform too. They must have just swept the floors.
They're handing out life too? Nice.
The gift of life..
Even if someone paid me I wouldn't drink this crap, imagine what all that sugar, additives, chemicals and unknown ingredients do to your body. Liquid Cancer at its finest!!
Just saw a ute with the coke promo stuff leaving central station. No more free coke
Did the train run on time?
Yes! I have no idea why someone neg'd you
Your first hit is free.
Edit: Probably doing a bit of a publicity drive to cancel out the memories of "That sugar movie" that was on TV last weekend.
Some good aperture on that photo - nice fade in the background.
I seek for sugar like an ant
I have to wonder…why did coke do this?
It's not like Coke isn't dominating the Australian market with their drink and partnerships. Exactly who were they targeting with this campaign? Pepsi lovers?
I think it might have been done because they recently updated the designs on their bottles and cans. Probably just a publicity drive to show the new packaging and show it's still the same taste. I work in supermarkets and it's common for some people to think the taste has changed along with the packaging.
Stagnation is death in the business world. Have to get new customers hooked as the old customers die off.
You have beautiful hands and cuticles, have you considered hand modelling?