On sale one day earlier than publicised. Seems to be listed as $43 on Big W's site but saw it for $25 in store today. $4.98 cheaper than JB - not sure what Target have it for
Rogue One Blu Ray $25 @ Big W In Store

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Could be because Google Play had the digital exclusive in Australia.
It's all Disney movies not just Rogue One
If you read the link its actually good news,…
"Apparently Disney believes that Australians have more than enough alternative ways to obtain a second copy to watch on our mobile devices"
Seams like the alternatives will be including bluray rips from torrents, and Disney is A.OK with that, good-o!
They probably don't see that as much of a threat, given the state of our internet :)
We're th biggest leachers in the word according to other news articles. And they are giving us the nbn. We are gona get a bad name me thinks In the next few years.
@T1OOO: Depends on the corporations. For example I just bought Christopher Titus's new show direct off his website for $9. I try and buy most stuff direct from the artists as the prices are usually reasonable, they have no DRM so I can watch and listen wherever I like and they have no region coding. As soon as the corporations start making similar offerings I'm sure a lot more people will purchase their products legally. It 'could' be a win-win, but we all know how human nature is "once you have them by the short and curlys you never let them go". Another example is government, they can't make their monthly payments so they just keep increasing taxes and decreasing the services those taxes are supposed to pay for. Yet history tells us that when direct taxation goes down, tax receipts actually start going up (as people have more money to spend). But like the fox and the scorpion we are domed to suffer those who are driven my greed and spite.
TL:DR Every man for himself!
Stuff that. I just ordered it from Amazon for about $30 delivered including a digital code. This will at least mean I've bought a legit copy, I get my digital copy and the AU balance sheet will show no sale from me as a result of their policy.
Only the US have Disney codes now, UK also got ditched
I signed up for a US itunes account and just buy the code from a reseller, no VPN or DNS needed to run a US itunes account
The nice thing with the US codes is that they go to Vudu, Itunes and Googplay. Googleplay isn't region locked and can be played with your normal Google account (don't even need a US one).
And Amazon too, you do need a DNS spoofers to watch VUDU though
Blu Ray
I get it.
No you don't.
Isn't it 'Rey' and a different movie anyway?
Look out guys, the Star Wars Trivia Police have arrived.
Aww, now you're just Tauntaunting me.
Also that they purposely don't release the 3d versions until later, so definitely not buying this
3D is still a thing?
Yeah it's a thing, got a few films is great
It was a thing in 50s, a thing in the 80s, a thing in the early 2010s. Whenever Hollywood panics about new technology destroying the cinema experience (TV, Video, Streaming/Home TVs) they freak out. Then it goes away.
The 3D release of The Force Awakens had directors commentary added. Not just stereoscopy.
So sometimes it's worth getting the 3D version even if you're not interested in 3D.
3D version is on sale in JB for $39
Fair enough, wasn't the case with the last star wars release afaik
"on sale"
3D on release this time
We'll get the 4K version at Christmas for the Disney double dip
All major manufacturers have finally woken up to how stupid the 3D fad was and dumped the technology.
3D is as dead as Han Solo, get over it and move on.
So you mean we're getting a new, young 3D next year?
Not sure why the negs, he's not wrong, not one 2017 TV has 3D capability, if the hardware doesn't support it it will die
Are they still selling the 2016 3D tvs though?
They may still have stock. But they aren't "selling" them because not a sole is buying them.
What do you mean by "as dead as Han Solo?"
The Force is not Awaken on this one.
Spoiler Alert - Han Solo's dead !?!
Don't think this includes the alternate ending by any chance?
Alternate ending not listed on back of box in Disc 2 : Special Features
You mean the stuff with them running on the beach/etc? I don't think that will ever be released as an "alternate ending". The ending was restructured and streamlined (and the Vader thing added), but fundamentally the big points are the same. Maybe as deleted scenes one day, at best.
Those scenes will never see the light of day
Special "Milking" Edition will have those deleted scenes.
And they all lived happily ever after. Thanks Disney ;)
Target have been kicking ass with new release blurays. Might wait to see what they offer.
Target is also $25.
It's a fairly standard price. Most new release movies are $19/$20 on DVD and $25 on Bluray at Big W and Target.Just bought Rogue One and Force Awakens on Blu-ray from Target for $25 each. Thanks for the heads up.
Ended up renting it from video ezy kiosk - $2 tuesday. I never watched it at the cinema . Might pick it up down the track of its good.
People still buy DVDs? Who?
The same that buy Blurays…old people.
I buy plenty of DVDs… from Cashies for a dollar or two here and there. I don't know anyone who still buys full price DVDs though.
Not true. I'm old, I buy blu-rays, but i don't buy DVD's.
I was in a Target (in a lower socio-economic area which may be why this was the case) not long ago. While I was there I thought I'd pick up Dr Strange on Bluray (I like to buy Marvel, Star Wars, Studio Gihbli and Dr Who series on Bluray everything else I stream).
To my surprise, the store, which had about 6 rows of movies, didn't sell a single Bluray. It was entirely DVD. So clearly there's a market out there.
Bought from JB Hi-Fi price matched for $25 (there is no Target or Big W near my work). Thanks
Tried to get JB Frankston to price match the 3D version to Big W. Miss Snooty, "We only price match games, you'll have to pay our price." Or I can walk out, thank you and goodbye.
i just went through JBhifi, looked at all the games and tvshows/movies that i wona watch tonight.
I'm pretty peeved Disney have removed digital codes from their discs. I like to buy the Blurays of Star Wars movies but most of the time I stream them when I feel like watching them.
They still provide their codes OS, just not Australia it seems. Not to mention the better utility of the codes in the US where one redemption gives you the movie on iTunes, Googleplay and Vudu.