I have an item thats been signed by celebrity's on a mirror finish item and i would not mind making it at least dust free.
I was looking at acrylic display cases but the size im after is pretty expensive.
Im looking at 46cm (l) x 20cm (w) x 12 cm (h).
Anyone know where i can pick these up cheap.
Im trying to not spend too much on one of these.
Or what else could i use?
I have some display cabinets from ikea detolf which are not big enough and billy bookcases which im running out of space to add more.
Im worried that if the item gets very dusty without any protection that if i try to clean the dust off the signed mirror part i may rub it off.
Also while on the subject im looking for cheap cases for 1/18 diecast hot wheel elite cars like ghostbusters etc which i think are like 12" long bigger than the average 1/18 cars.
I had purchased detolfs for this but had to use them for other things.