Hi all, I need to buy a new doona for my bed. Doonas seem to vary wildly in price between $50 to $500 or so.
I'd want a doona to last a very long time, and be durable enough to be washed and aired a lot over the years without losing it's puffiness. (My previous doona eventually sort of collapsed). Is this an item that it's worth spending hundreds on to get that longevity, or is it the type of product where the quality realistically plateaus at a certain cost and there's no point buying 'luxury'?
Yes they're worth it, I'm using a doona that's older than me. In summer I use 2-3 cotton hospital blankets, in autumn I sometimes add a light wooden blanket to it and in winter I throw the old doing on top of the cotton blankets and get rid of the wool one. My sister bought a cheap doona that lasted two winters before it went crap.