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TPG Mobile NEW Talk & Text Cap Plans - Now with Included Mobile Data - Take 2


Finally and officially released :), the plans came out better than expected since existing adsl customers get a bit of discount.




Rates, T&C's:


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closed Comments

  • Great deal, I wish they had a Pay As You Go Plan for data like Exetel though. TPG's are suited to voice calls.

    • they do have pay as you go data? lol!

      I'm on it

      I pay $1 a month for first 150 meg and each meg after is 0.02 cents =$20 per gig

      best plan eva!!!

      • I pay $20 for 6GB, with Three mobile.

  • hmm, site still haven't updated yet

    • yes it has

      • ok updated now

        • ctrl+F5

        • you need to look at a bit down the page at NEW Talk & Text Cap Plans- now with Included Mobile Data.
          You get 200M/500M or 1.5G depending on the plan

  • Just a note on these plans (as I was about to make the switch):

    The talk and text mobile data comes out of your REAL money (not CAP credit) so I assume after you use the 200/500/1500MB it comes out of your money, not out of your cap.

    Apart from that and the 13/1300/1800/1900 numbers coming directly out of money as well, they are great deals! :)

    • i dont think so, it specifically mentions included mobile data

      • +1

        nickolanda, you need to rephrase what you said above, data is included but once you finish the included data, it then comes from your cash/money/deposit not the CAP.

        • Yeah, that's what I meant ;) ("after you use the 200/500/1500MB it comes out of your money" … but I could see where the confusion would lie)

          Just making it clear as I was always under the impression that when you finish included mobile data it would come out of your cap, but obviously it doesn't.

  • wow really cheap and im with tpg BB as well.

    gonna make the switch i think.

  • Are there any difference with the old Cap Saver Plans? Because they are still there compared to these new plans.

    If they are the same but with better cap value with data. Wouldn't they just delete the old plans? I'm just bit confused. Anyone have any ideas?

    • the old one have 8PM - 12AM 'YES time', new one have not.

      I'll upgrading to the new one since i don't use yes time much hehe

      • Looks like old cap plan includes data:

        Cap included Data (WAP over GPRS and Wireless Internet)
        Premium Plan
        2¢ Per 10KB
        Executive Plan
        2¢ Per 10KB
        Other Cap Saver Plans
        0.2¢ Per 10KB


  • Should be no confusion if you look at the call rates comparison table:

  • $20 for the sim card is a bit much isn't it?

  • +1

    Probably going to port my number from Live Connected for this. LC's Customer service sucks (getting better though) & it's hard to see you usage easily. Is TPG Mobile's usage pages easy to access and up to date?


    • +2

      Nope TPG's usage pages are greatly in delay, sometimes by up to 24hrs, however they are easily accessible if that helps!? I'm not complaining however as I love the PAYG plan with 150Mb free for TPG DSL customers. :)

  • -7

    i'm going to give a negative - the cap doesn't include 13/1300/1800 numbers. if it did, i'd switch

    • Realistically, how often do you dial such numbers on your mobile!? With such fantastic plans paying for such calls every now and then is really neither here nor there!?

      • -3

        well considering what they cost to call on my home phone (i have voip and naked dsl), i use my mobile as those numbers are currently included in the cap. oh and I'd lose yes time - all my family are on optus.

        • I have VoIP and use Pennytel to dial 13/1800 numbers. Sure it is $0.25 for a 13 number (vs $0.08 for an untimed national number) but it still works!

          • @WaywardOne: Wait. Can you not call those numbers at all or does it just deduct credit?

            • @machej: You can call the numbers but it will come out of "real money" (if you want to put it that way) instead of cap credit.

      • +3

        Calls to these numbers do add up especially conserdering how long you have to spend waiting for an operator! No -ve from me though since my telstra plan also don't include them. bummer.

    • +7

      Won't be surprised if your neg vote gets removed, but I agree it's a significant negative. The sort of fine print thing that's there to bite you in the butt and makes 'cap' plans such a pain to comprehend and compare.

    • Thanks jasonc. You saved me.
      I almost switched (and would have regretted).

  • +1

    If i am already on teh 49 Cap Saver plan would it be silly for me not to change over?

    I can make 1300/1800 calls off my home phone if i need too….

  • I'm so friggen pissed, should've put this up 3 days ago, now i have to wait for the cancel to the service and reapply for it again cause of the first stuff up.

  • +1

    i'm on the 49 plan.. would make the switch over but going over data allowance = not included in cap = fail. also, 1300/1800 not included either = fail


  • Do they do separate data packs at all?

    • Nope.

  • What's their reception like for 3G in comparison with Telstra?

    • Uses Optus infrastructure, 'decent' coverage depending where you are. Covers quite a lot of the Aus population but can get congestion in CBDs I hear. I would say Telstra are #1, Optus #2.

  • I'm stuck on the old $9.95 for $49 cap ($300 credit to anyone) when the ADSL+mobile bundle first came out.
    Can't seem to find anything thats worth switching over to, but can't upgrade my net either =\

  • since virgin is within optus infrastructure (i think?) are virgin calls within teh TPG to TPG cap?


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