How Do You Store Your Rice?

Do I have been wondering with stuff like bus and insects and rats and etc how do you store your rice and sorry if this is stupid question but how long does your rice or had your rice lasted?

Going to bulk order some rice for the year.

Thinking of a few ways to store it so it doesn't spoil or get attacked by pests such as mice and bugs. Looking at storing at least 40-50kegs at a time roughly maybe more.

Thoughts ideas questions comments jokes?


  • +1

    I buy 20kg at a time and store it in a sealed bucket (like a nappy pail) - we blow through it in a few months, so not sure of longevity.

  • we typically buy a 10kg and it lasts a year or so. never thought it was not edible.

    recently having moth issues in the pantry. thankfully none found in the rice which hadn't been opened but had a 'sewn' top. transferred to a trio of plastic containers.

  • +4

    attacked by pests such as mice and bugs

    How do you avoid mice and pests for the other stuff in your pantry?
    Storing rice is normal condition will not spoil it.

  • +2

    Just a plastic container with a sealing lid will be fine. Like a bin.

  • +6

    Ask this guy He should be an expert.

  • +1

    In my stomach.

    Plastic bag, in a cupboard. Make sure it's dry.

  • +1

    Rice bucket. Like, literally, a bucket, made for rice. You could also buy large tupperware containers, like those made for keeping cereal in with a flappy lid that lets you pour stuff out of. However, they are not always airtight…

    Keep away from damp and sunlight. We usually keep the original packaging as well, so instead of pouring the rice into the bucket, we just open the top and put the ricebag into the container.

  • +1

    Purchase a nuke-proof underground bunker and install it in your backyard, thats the most safest way to store your rice.

    Nuke Proof Rice~

    • "What's up wastelanders this is Three Dog bow wow and you are listening to GNR that's Galaxy News Radio in case you forgot and here's…me haha with the news ha ha.. for those of you"

  • +7

    If it gets wet, I put it inside my mobile phone……..

    • after using the rice in your toilet-water soaked phone, do you still eat it afterwards?

      • Ewwwww. No…….


        Ha ha ha

        • guess you'll just be eating brown rice! haha

        • @bobbified: This won't get any better….will it?

        • @doctordv8:
          Are you talking about taste?

          haha - I better stop!

  • Store it in a 20L bucket 0_<

  • +1

    Do I have been wondering with stuff like bus and insects and rats and etc how do you store your rice and sorry if this is stupid question but how long does your rice or had your rice lasted?

    Do you ever read the things you write?

    • I am going to go with.. Yes. Yes I do.

      • +1

        What does "Do I have been wondering " mean?

        • 'Do' is meant to be 'Dude'
          I have been wondering
          'Feelings' 💕

        • ^

  • Best way to stop insects getting into it, store it in the freezer. Doesn't affect quality

  • We store ours in a decor bucket thing:…

    White rice lasts indefinitely, literally years and years if it is kept dry and pest free. I would also suggest out of direct sunlight.

    • Yeh that's a pretty sweet looking container

  • I store bulk in plastic boxes in the pantry but always have a kilo or three in a fancy jar on the kitchen bench, along with jars of various coloured lentils and chickpeas. Great decorative effect and super handy for quick access without having to scrummage through the pantry.

  • I buy biscuits in big tins in Chinese shops. When empty put rice in the tin. Real airtight.
    I don't like plastic no matter how expensive.
    But then again, I suspect rice today has got lots of pesticide. They kept very long in our pantry but when I was young, it seems to go off quicker.
    Hubby said when he was a kid, they had Vermont-proof cabinets….

  • I buy biscuits in big tins in Chinese shops. When empty put rice in the tin. Real airtight.
    I don't like plastic no matter how expensive.
    But then again, I suspect rice today has got lots of pesticide. They kept very long in our pantry but when I was young, it seems to go off quicker.
    Hubby said when he was a kid, they had Vermont-proof cabinets….

  • Seal plastic bag & store in fridge. Keeps everything away. Can't go wrong


  • I just keep it in the bag with a bulldog clip on top. It's fine in my current house, but in my old house we had pantry moths that burrowed into unopened bags. As others have said get a big plastic container that can be sealed.

  • A storage container with a lid that can be sealed is a great way to store rice.

  • I'm starting to wonder if I've been inadvertently eating pantry moth larvae without even realising because i do none of this stuff. We just leave the 5kg rice bag inside a pantry cupboard with the top folded over… And we're not big rice eaters either so we might have the same bag for like a year who knows what's in there now

    • When I found small whitish bugs in mine I started to wonder about this question too.

    • Extra protein. Best of all, it's free. So good for you.
      Don't you ever wash rice before cooking?

  • I buy 5kgs at a time and store in containers with bay leaves.

  • All Sunrice rice (medium, short grains) I bought recently found pantry moth larvae in it within a couple of months, while the package was still sealed. I highly suspect the eggs were in the rice even from the manufacturer. I sent complaints and pictures to Sunrice and they compensated me with supermarkets vouchers.

    Now first thing I take rice home is to store them in freezer for as least 24 hours so that the eggs are all dead.

  • Just in a sealed plastic Tupperware container. Haven't had any problems with insects.

  • Just in a plastic container with a lid with good seal - in it's original bag.

    Surely this isn't too hard to figure out.

    Good luck!

    Ok, you want to store 50kg+ at a time… Why? That's too much to store at a time.

  • Olive container like this. It was free from a deli shop in Petersham. Fills a 20kg bag of rice.

  • This question is as simple as anything. You should simply store it in air-tight cans/buckets so that no pests or bugs can enter into it. As far as mice are concerned, they will never do the hassle to cut the can & eat rice!

  • In a tin, though I buy 1-2kgs at a time, and a cup serves 4.

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